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Whovian Anticipation

Started by DustKitten, October 04, 2018, 08:04:37 PM

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SPOILER WARNING for this entire thread, I think.

Season 11 starts in 3 days!!! :icon_joy: Anyone else excited for Jodie Whittaker's Doctor?

I suppose I'd like this thread to be a place where Doctor Who fans can hype/review upcoming episodes--assuming we still have any active whovians on here who'd like to participate. We could start by discussing the finale for season 10--who else is secretly hoping Missy might come back?


Oh heck yes! I'm dating myself here, but I've been watching off-and-on since the Tom Baker days on PBS.

I absolutely *loved* the first Amy Pond season. My favorite season ever. I still watch YouTubes of the Van Gogh scene just to make myself sob lol. Brilliant season.

Can't wait to see the first female Doctor :)



Got my t-shirt.

Told my grandson that I re-gender-ated when I was trying to explain transitioning.

Also started watching in college on PBS with the 4th Doctor.  Oldest daughter is named for a companion  of mostly the 5th Doctor.

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Ok, come to think of it my favorite car Would be a Tartis.

Tom Baker.  Oh so many nights trying to get public television to come in on rabbit ears in the middle of nowhere.  No one could Ever replace him.

Until #9. Christopher Eccleston.  Definitive.  The regeneration of the series.  (As a vietnam combat vet, I'm a bit bias. Eccleston's portrayal of a PTSD vet home from the ultimate hopeless war felt very familiar).  And Rose!  Well!!!  Oh My!!!!  As wonderful (albeit "standard Dr. Who from Eaton") David Tennant was, #10 should have been Rose, having looked into the soul of the Tartis, become the Bad Wolf, rid the universe of Daleks and brought Captain Jack back to life.

Anyway, I understand that we've now gone back in time and re-written the time war (wish we could have done that with Nam).  And that the producers are finally ready to have a female Doctor.  (Although I've always somewhat suspected that #7 Sylvester McCoy might have fit in well at Susan's). 

I hope that she does well.



Didnr know you got this shirt....but guess that's normal
Quote from: TonyaW on October 04, 2018, 10:16:43 PM

Got my t-shirt.

Told my grandson that I re-gender-ated when I was trying to explain transitioning.

Also started watching in college on PBS with the 4th Doctor.  Oldest daughter is named for a companion  of mostly the 5th Doctor.

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So everyone see it yet or are some of you disciplined enough to wait for the movie theatre?   I'm working during that so that option wasn't available to me.

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Quote from: Carolina on October 04, 2018, 11:14:57 PM

Tom Baker.  Oh so many nights trying to get public television to come in on rabbit ears in the middle of nowhere.  No one could Ever replace him.


And that the producers are finally ready to have a female Doctor.  (Although I've always somewhat suspected that #7 Sylvester McCoy might have fit in well at Susan's). 

I hope that she does well.


Yup, 4th Doctor is BEST Doctor!

I too remember "playing with rabbit ears, trying to get PBS to come in clearly," but I was in the middle of a large city, so I think it is just how PBS was back in those days. [emoji26]

Bought my ticket online last night and even put my new TARDIS belt buckle on my belt (I had a pokeball belt buckle on it before.)  I'm also making a group event for my anime club, in case I'm not the only Whovian. [emoji4]

From what little I allowed myself to read without getting spoiled, she not only did great, but has the highest ratings of a non-Christmas special debut of any episode in the NuWho era!  You go girl!

It's too bad that my partner finally had his hip replacement surgery yesterday and can't go. [emoji40]


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I've seen it, I just forgot to write about it. :) Jodie Whittaker is VERY charismatic, I think she has a lot of potential as the Doctor. Her new outfit is fun, too. I think I'll wait until everyone else has seen it to say any more--spoilers and all.


Found a ride to Chicago today. 

Ran into an old friend of the 11th Doctor.

Had to crop him and my wife out of picture. Dont think she wants me to put her on her.

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That is a pretty sweet pic, TonyaW!  Were yo at a con?

I have to admit, I LOVED Jodi as 13!  Charismatic, beautiful, intelligent (Of course, she's the Doctor!) and I especially loved how the latest sonic screwdriver came to be!

What a fun movie event that was! <3





Yes, the 13th Doctor has a certain talent for building things. She's got more experience than any of the other Doctors had, of course she's going to be more resourceful!

I really liked the bit where they told her she was a woman and all they got was a casually excited "Am I?! Does it suit me?" I think she would've reacted the same way if she'd regenerated as a ginger-haired man. Also: "I never go anywhere that's just initials" was an awesome line. Is that new, or has one of the other Doctors said that before?

I'm not sure how much she'll be like any other Doctor, but in this episode I got a general Eccleston-Tennant vibe. The bit at the end where she gave the alien (can't remember his name just now) a second chance and tried to talk things out with him, while having a deadly trap set for him in case he wouldn't listen to reason, reminded me of Tennant's first episode-- "No second chances." Not nearly that ruthless, but the scene had that sort of flavor to it. She did give him the thing he needed to get back home, so I wouldn't say she's QUITE as vicious as that.

What does everyone think of the new companions? I haven't formed a full opinion on them just yet, but I'm glad they've got more than one of them again. Assuming they write the characters well, that should give the show room for more depth.


Quote from: Ryuichi13 on October 14, 2018, 01:04:34 AM
That is a pretty sweet pic, TonyaW!  Were yo at a con?

I have to admit, I LOVED Jodi as 13!  Charismatic, beautiful, intelligent (Of course, she's the Doctor!) and I especially loved how the latest sonic screwdriver came to be!

What a fun movie event that was! <3

Yes Ryuichi

It was at at con on Navy Pier in Chicago. 
My kids had been planning to go to see Chris Evans and Tom Hiddleston.  Matt Smith and Karen Gillan were added later so when my wife found that out and that I didn't have to work this weekend it turned into a birthday present for her.

Got up close for Matt's Q&A on stage so that was pretty cool.

I had to work so waiting for the Theater showings wasn't an option for me. Not sure I could have made it without peeking at the DVR.

On to 13.

Thought she was really good.  You knew she was The Doctor.  Great post regeneration quirks and strangeness.

I like the companions so far. Concern is that not enough for 3 companions to do but the 5th Doctor traveled with 3 for a while and that worked. Looks like they were brought along by mistake though so easy enough to write them out if it doesn't work.

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Read at your own risk!






I LOVE that one of the companions has a disability!  Ryan's portrayal is, according to some articles I've found, very accurate.  It seems that Chris Chibnall's nephew has dyspraxia (called dysgraphia here in the US), and the show really did their homework in order to portray it correctly.  BRAVO for the Doctor Who staff for doing their homework!

I also love that they have an older companion and a strong woman of color as well as a man of color as companions.  It seems that many things are represented in these three companions.  I love it!




:D I'm a big fan of a lot of the stuff they're doing this season. And yes, again, SPOILERS AHEAD for anyone not completely caught up with the show. We're on episode 2: The Ghost Monument now.

I love that they had ANOTHER lesbian in this episode! I'm not sure how many that makes now--we've had a couple of lesbian couples already; Jack Harkness was omnisexual; I don't recall any gay characters off the top of my head...anyway, what did everyone think of the new Tardis? I think it looks more alien than previous incarnations. I'm not a big fan of the orange, but the overall design looks awesome!


One more thing I forgot--they mentioned the alien race from the first episode again, I can't remember the name just now. I have a feeling they'll be hanging around in the background for the rest of the season--I smell a story arc ahead!


DustKitten... when I saw the new Tardis last night, all I could think of was David Tennant saying to Matt Smith... "I don't like it..."   lol


Finally able to watch 2nd episode. 

Not a fan of the new tardis inside. Don't dislike it, but cant say I like it. 

I also caught the reference to the alien  from last episode (Stenza, I think they are) so would not be surprised to see them again.

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Quote from: TonyaW on October 18, 2018, 10:30:43 PM
Not a fan of the new tardis inside. Don't dislike it, but cant say I like it.

There are some fan theories that the inside may have been affected by the Stenza.


I've been seeing some hints that something might be up with the TARDIS.

Showed a view like the TARDIS was looking at the companions at the end of last week.

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As a major Whovian (I carry River's sonic with me hahaha), I just have to say how much I looove Jodie and the current series of the show. Always had a feeling that 13 would be a woman and the current Team Tardis is such an amazing combination. I haven't seen the latest episode but I know I'll get to it by tonight... I can not get over how good the current series is. It makes me wish that Capaldi had a run with Chibnal!

Personally, seeing 13 go inspires me as I begin my own transition <3