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Hairloss and seeking advice from people who have come off T

Started by deepsixed, December 02, 2018, 06:38:11 PM

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Hey folks,

I would have been 4 years on testosterone in October, but I decided to put a pause on things for a while.

My reasoning was twofold:
I noticed that the hair on my head was shedding in a way I found really distressing, and my brand (Primoteston) frequently goes through shortages from the supplier, and it can be incredibly difficult to get my script filled. The current shortage has meant I haven't been able to get my script filled for months, and this an is expected to last into next year. I went to the doctor and got a script for the gel for if/when I'm ready to start taking testosterone again, but I've decided to treat this shortage as a little nudge from the universe that maybe it's time to trial a period off testosterone to reevaluate and see how I go managing dysphoria without it.

My plan was to wait until my hair stopped shedding, and to start gel on a lower dose. I figure that the daily application/shorter life in the body means that I'll have more control my dose should I decide that I need to pump the brakes.
I have also done about 4 months of finasteride and suspect that I'm a non-responder. Also, I've had a bunch of tests and we've eliminated the other usual medical issues as been the cause.

It's been 2 1/2 months off testosterone now. I'm actually doing okay! I had a pretty intense crash about 1 month off, where I experienced approximately 2 weeks of intense fatigue/weakness, but I seem to have levelled out. I've made sure that I'm continuing to smash my workouts and eat well and take care of myself in all the other ways. I'm passing fine, I appear to be maintaining my build, although I know these are likely to shift at some point. I even really like my clearer, glow-ier skin!

Shark week resumed at a month and a half on the dot. After my period, my hair loss just STOPPED! I was so relieved I wept. Unfortunately, it stopped for about a week and then resumed. Some days it seems less than usual. Other days it seems fairly alarming. I feel like my hair loss at this stage is probably ebbing and flowing with the natural fluctuations of the estrogen/testosterone my body makes.

I'm worried that this is something that just isn't going to stop. I had my levels tested last week and my hormones are back at pre-T levels. Does it just take a while for hair to catch up or what?

I guess I'm just hoping folks who have come off T might be able to share their experiences/offer some reassurances? There's a tonne out there for what to expect going on testosterone, but not a lot for coming off that isn't alarmist TERF-y >-bleeped-<. I'm not even sure what hair loss stopping is supposed to look like - when did it happen for you? And did it go back and forth for a bit before it completely stopped? If you have made the decision to manage your dysphoria without T after having been on it, how is that working out for you?

Obviously there are a tonne of hot bald dudes out there, but I'm 100 per cent not ready to be one yet.

Thanks everyone



Consider minoxidil - it works for some people. Biotin & fish oil can boost hair, skin and nails.

As you know the endocrine system takes over 6 months to stabilze into female mode or vice versa into male mode.

Good excercise, diet and rest are probably your biggest allies.

Kind regards, Kirsten.

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As a child prayed to be a girl- now the prayer is being answered - 40 years later !


I would try minoxidil too, if you can use it without any headaches being a problem. It's difficult to get into the hair roots though anywhere other than the edge of the hairline if you use foam.

Do you actually have any bald patches or visible thin patches? Because it's fairly normal for each hair follicle to shed a couple of hairs out of it on T than on E.

My hair has "thinned" in the sense there's 3 or 4 hairs growing out of the roots instead of there used to being a few more out of each one and the hairs are thinner in width making them softer and 'floppier'. On estrogen I swear I had hairs like a razorback in comparison, really thick ones that were hard to control. It feels thinner now but it isn't in terms of coverage.   
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."


From the other point of view, lost hair will regrow if the loss was recent. The hitch is it could take months to a couple of years to see all the regrowth. Two months isn't really long sought to determine what will happen to your hair.
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hi all, thanks for your responses.

I've tried both foam and liquid rogaine and had terrible side effects from it. Even at once a day and a lower dose, it made me dizzy and nauseous and have me a tightness in the chest that was unbearable with binding. even if it hadve worked for me, it was totally unsustainable to keep up. I'm taking biotin, fish oil and staying active and eating well. I'm making sure I'm staying on top of stress and anxiety and actually even moved house just in case my home life stress was a contributing factor.

I think I've done everything that I can do and I'm less looking for advice on how to manage hair loss and more looking for anyone's experiences with stopping T and how it's working for you, with regards to your hair and how you're managing with dysphoria since coming off T?


I'm MTF but I have had experience with Testosterone gel & high T levels and also androgen blockers and female level E. I have travelled both ways on the hormone spectrum and the transition either way can be a bit unstable.

I personally found the months of changeover can create varying levels dysphoria - ever changing dysphoria that is. Also I think this goes hand in hand with feeling quite different from day to day and even hour to hour.

The proverbial roller coaster is ever present during the transition  back into a stable endocrine system. Ever changing mood can be a thing- so can swings from anxiety through to complete calm.

But dont let me >-bleeped-<splain! I want to hear the FTM back to natural E experience first hand as well.

Kindest regards, Kirsten.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

As a child prayed to be a girl- now the prayer is being answered - 40 years later !


Your levels may show as back to pre-T state but that's just what's in your blood. Your body's fat cells, and especially hair follicles will hold on to higher levels of T much longer. And that T could still be making DHT. I think that might be the explanation why you're still experiencing hair loss.

How much longer it's gonna stay in your hair, I don't know. But I think I've heard that substances like drugs and nicotine can stay in hair follicles for up to about a year after stopped intake, and my wild guesses tell me T might stay in them for about as long, but yeah it's just a wild guess. An endocrinologist might know this.

Why your hairloss stopped temporarily around your period might be cause of that being a very rapid change in hormone levels which could have temporarily lessened production of more DHT, but not have stopped it permanently.

I'm not sure if my hair loss was due to me taking T or something else, cause it doesn't fit the MPB pattern but I can't think of what else could be causing it, cause I've ruled out all else that I can possibly think of. It started getting very frail and thinned out evenly everywhere, at around 3 years on T. I kept taking it for 3 more years before I quit it cause of wanting to detransition. I've been off it for 3 months now.

I know that detransition is just ONE of many reasons you can choose to stop taking hrt. Health concerns (of various kinds) is probably a much more common reason. However, you're right that it's poorly documented. I've seen a few vids on youtube of trans men and detrans women and nb afabs going off T, and I follow a few blogs of other detrans women who sometimes report about their going off T experiences, but I can't recall any of them mentioning hair loss or re-gain.

Ending up in radfem territory is probably unavoidable when detransitioning from ftm, cause that's literally the only community that openly accepts and supports detrans. They're the only ones who are not afraid of or trying to use people like me. Although I'm personally not too offended by the shudders coming from the trans community upon my ghastly entrence in their spaces... So, most detrans women are radfem ("terfy") and are probably the category of people most likely to document a going off T journey, cause we tend to be excited about it. So they're probably your best source, even if you don't like them. Although, their "X time off T" vids/blog posts don't tend to be very political. If I stumble across a balding one who blogs/vlogs about it, I'll nudge you.

About dysphoria I won't be of any help for you, cause the longer I'm off T, the less dysphoric I get. Cause I'm dysphoric about my male traits from transitioning, not my female traits from mother nature. Used to be the other way around when I first started taking it. So now I'm excited to see my hrt changes reverse back again, even so much that I begged my endo for androgen-blockers which speed up the reversing by really a lot. So... that I've lost the majority of my body hair, smell nice again, have super soft skin, and am starting to see my curves getting curvier already... is mostly due to the blockers. Fascinating those work on afabs!

But as just a general suggestion, maybe if you focus on mentally holding onto the T traits that are permanent (such as voice and beard, for example) and the positive things about being off T (like the glowy skin) that might be helpful for you. Cause I do that in reverse.

However, as for my hair. It was (shoulder length at that time) in such a bad state that I decided to just get it all shaved off, about 2 months ago. I barely had a quarter left of my hair by the time I got it shaved, and it kept breaking off into a more and more unsightly mullet, despite me taking very good care of it. Eventually it was so thin I could see my scalp right through it. So you've heard of hot bald dudes, get ready for hot bald chicks! But I understand you not being ready for that kind of leap regardless of who else looks good with it. It certainly took a lot of guts for me to do it. And I still cried at the hair salon.

But as I kept shaving it since, cause it turned out I actually like being bald and it's so easy to maintain, I can't quite keep track of if it's gotten any better in quality/thickness or not. Only that the stubble that grows out between shavings still appears to be very sparse and thin and I don't think it would look good grown out yet. I think I might try to grow it out again by spring or summer if I'd feel like it, but we'll see. I don't take any sort of meds for it. Mostly cause I'm not actually too bothered, and probably wouldn't mind staying bald.

I might wanna try some very short hairstyles at some point just to check the hair situation though, but I wanna give it more time off T first. Also I'm not looking forward to having my damn hairline showing again as it grows out. Cause it got very masculine with a very distinct "M" shape from my time on T and thanks, I hate it. Doesn't go with my femme spirit.
Mar. 2009 - came out as ftm
Nov. 2009 - changed my name to John
Mar. 2010 - diagnosed with GID
Aug. 2010 - started T, then stopped after 1 year
Aug. 2013 - started T again, kept taking it since
Mar. 2014 - top surgery
Dec. 2014 - legal gender marker changed to male
Jul. 2018 - came out as cis woman and began detransition
Sep. 2018 - stopped taking T and changed my name to Laura
Oct. 2018 - got new ID-card

Medical Detransition plans: breast reconstruction surgery, change legal gender back to female.