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Started by CindyLouCovington, October 07, 2018, 09:50:34 PM

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Transitioning turned out to be the worst mistake I ever made.As a result I was hit and run in front of my own home I am sure deliberately by a transphobe, while in a coma my sadistic sister siezed control of my property deliberately ruining the home that I had lived in since childhood,throwing out or allowing to be stolen by jackleg stumblebum "workmen called in supposedly to make "repairs" many treasured possessions,and generally destroying beyond recall my life.I hope to sue the pants off of her not because this will repair my life but solely out of REVENGE.I want to destroy her as she did to me.Had I known what transition would cost I would have abstained,it was unpleasant but I had managed to bear up.My only real hope is a nuclear war to destroy everything and put me out of my misery.To hell with the world!


I love you CindyLou.  All of us here at Susan's love you.

  You have been treated horribly and I wish I was able to do something about it.  Or even know what could be done about it.

     At times I have been filled with the righteous fury and have lashed out.  It never worked well for me, But I have done it.  And would again!

        But a few times, I have enjoyed my revenge much later.  "A dish best served cold", as the saying goes.

   And a few times -- very few -- I have let it go.  And experienced awe and wonder when the universe dealt the Karma Hand on my behalf.

So CindyLou, I love you.  And remember that you are loved by all of us here at Susan's.



Veronica J

Quote from: CindyLouCovington on October 07, 2018, 09:50:34 PM
Transitioning turned out to be the worst mistake I ever made.As a result I was hit and run in front of my own home I am sure deliberately by a transphobe, while in a coma my sadistic sister siezed control of my property deliberately ruining the home that I had lived in since childhood,throwing out or allowing to be stolen by jackleg stumblebum "workmen called in supposedly to make "repairs" many treasured possessions,and generally destroying beyond recall my life.I hope to sue the pants off of her not because this will repair my life but solely out of REVENGE.I want to destroy her as she did to me.Had I known what transition would cost I would have abstained,it was unpleasant but I had managed to bear up.My only real hope is a nuclear war to destroy everything and put me out of my misery.To hell with the world!

holly crap, cindylou we love you and it feels that way now. time will heal all wounds, stand up be proud of who you are and show them.. i always says "frack them" and prove them wrong! keep transitioning, pull yourself from the ashes and dust. rebuild, change your will and who you appoint as legal guardian if you ever become incapacitated.

as for the legal stuff against your sister, hell yes i would too with as much weight as i can bear.

We are strong, after all we made it this far and will make it further. you are strong, prove them wrong, rise from the ashes phoenix and show them your wonder and awe at your strength.

i fear what my parents will do, but blow all to hell its time to be the real me.


I am not sure what state you are in and how your sister grabbed control, but it sounds like she greatly breached her fiduciary duty very likely intentionally and that you should go after her for these disgusting abuses for many times your actual damages if you can show intent; you might want to save any nasty texts or voicemails she may have left criticising your transition. That said, do you have insurance? Have you filed a police report (these sound like criminal acts of vandalism, which may even be covered). I am not saying you will get back to where you should be, but perhaps there is help out there?

Also, I know it does absolutely nothing for you, but this is why having someone you trust appointed as a trustee and to manage your medical affairs. I do not know if there are cheap or scale resources for transpeople for this type of thing, but this is why there sure should be.

Problem would still be ensuring that medical professionals are aware of the trust, and so it might be necessary to actually record it so its on title to the property--usually this is not done, but if was done in this case this could not have happened.

But yes, fight back! Family is not chosen by us and they can be the most brutal people on earth. I am deeply saddened by your situation and wish you the best.

Not legal advice, but I am a lawyer--I just cannot help but analyze it.


The state I am in is Louisiana.There is a barbaric thing called interdiction that allows someone to get total control of a person and their assets.The person under control is not even able to ask a finantial institution about the state of their assets!Civilized states like Alabama appoint a lawyer to monitor the "guardian" to make sure they aren't abusing their power and periodically check to see if the disabled person still needs to be under a guardian.In Louisiana THERE IS NO SUPERVISION the "guardian" can run amok unchecked.Of course the victim(ME) in this case has NO access to their own funds and cannot hire a lawyer.The organizations that SUPPOSEDLY represent indigents in New Orleans are sick jokes,FARCES,That give you nothing but excuses why they "can't" help you.I have been trying to get the Loyola law school "clinic" to help me since early summer  of last year,their website SAYS that they represent interdicts , but so far nothing but the old run a round!

Veronica J

wait so she is still your gaurdian?



I hope that there is an attorney that will take the case upfront without payment as long as they get a percentage of what you win back. I don't know and I wish you the best.

In Nebraska, the only time I've heard of something like this is when someone is on a 'board of mental health' referral through the state.

IDK if this applies, but a recommendation from a Psychiatrist could be the ticket if you have not done so.


Dearest CindyLou,

  Ah, Louisiana.  A nearby state that is a world away.  I have some familiarity with "law" and in the rest of the United States  "law" grew out of the English commonlaw tradition.  But in Louisiana, "law" grew out of the French judicial tradition.  So very different.

  But Louisiana is also a state within the Union, and as such it has federal programs which are similar to those in other states.  Therefore -- somewhere -- there are lawyers hired by the federal government to assist people in need who do not have the financial resources to hire their own lawyers.  These agencies should be able to be found fairly easily. 

  In addition, lawyers are encouraged by their licensing authority to provide a certain amount of "pro bono" (read free or reduced rate) assistance to those in need.  Admittedly it is somewhat difficult to find such lawyers and the Bar Association may or may not be helpful.  Probably more often not helpful. 

  And law schools often operate "pro bono" legal clinic whereby their lawyers in training assist people in need under supervision so that they can gain experience.  Inquiry can be made at the various law schools.

  I hope that things go well.

      Love,  Carolina



THEORETICALLY! there are "legal aid" groups in New Orleans that SUPPOSEDLY help indigents,but all that I have gotten from them are excuses and the old run a round.The Loyola Law school on its website claims that they represent people in my situation under interdict.I have been TRYING to get their help since early summer of last year but keep getting put off with excuses!The social worker here has said that she will take me to loyola for a personal interview since they will not answer emails.I am afraid all that we will get is more alibis for not doing anything.


  Yes, It can be extremely difficult to find a lawyer willing to help.  (And I understand that the trouble with being a lawyer who is willing to help is that there are so many in need and how does one say no to those in need?) 

  Sometimes younger lawyers are not yet "burnt out", nor have the financial obligations that consume those in the middle of their professional life.  A lawyer who has been practicing 1 to 3 years is sometimes someone who is still trying to establish themselves and may find an unusual case interesting.  Also an older lawyer may be someone who feels more of a need to accomplish something "worthwild" instead of merely "profitable".   

  So I encourage you to keep trying.  It sounds like your social worker is trying to help and I hope that she (he?) can.

  One other thought.  In my part of the world there is an agency on "adults in need" who are suppose to step in to protect adults who are unable to protect themselves.  They often become involved in hospitalization issues, mistreatment issues, and the like and I suspect they are (matching funds) paid for by the federal government so I would expect that there would be such an agency in Louisiana.  Your social worker would know.  I DONT KNOW if they would do you any good or not, but you're at the point that you're willing to consider long shots if nothing else works.

    Love, Carolina



I definitely am not giving up.Thanks for your concern.I would not comit suicide no matter what as it would make that sadist too happy.I am sure that she is trying to make me so miserable that I kill myself.In fact she called the nursing home and claimed that I was suicidal figuring that I would be put away at state expense and she would cash in.But it turned out that in that case the state would seize all my assets to pay for my hospitalization,so she miscalculated.I pointed out to the staff that I had not tried to hurt myself and hated my sister too much to let her have my money, so they didn't send me to a hospital.Remember in "Ben Hur" when the Roman commander strikes Ben Hur with a flail and he glares at the Roman but holds his temper?The Roman says "your eyes are full of HATE,that's good hate keeps aman alive" Hate is keeping me alive and determined! Even though I am dead inside!

Veronica J

Quote from: CindyLouCovington on October 17, 2018, 10:16:52 PM
I definitely am not giving up.Thanks for your concern.I would not comit suicide no matter what as it would make that sadist too happy.I am sure that she is trying to make me so miserable that I kill myself.In fact she called the nursing home and claimed that I was suicidal figuring that I would be put away at state expense and she would cash in.But it turned out that in that case the state would seize all my assets to pay for my hospitalization,so she miscalculated.I pointed out to the staff that I had not tried to hurt myself and hated my sister too much to let her have my money, so they didn't send me to a hospital.Remember in "Ben Hur" when the Roman commander strikes Ben Hur with a flail and he glares at the Roman but holds his temper?The Roman says "your eyes are full of HATE,that's good hate keeps aman alive" Hate is keeping me alive and determined! Even though I am dead inside!

oh dam, well dont let her kill you inside. say frack the world and prove her and everyone wrong.