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A call for moderation

Started by HappyMoni, October 23, 2018, 09:27:39 PM

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It is important to keep to the facts and not to attack people personally.


Quote from: Lucca on October 24, 2018, 02:54:15 PM
If we can't direct our efforts towards the people responsible, we're not going to get anywhere. If we have to avoid talking about who's responsible, we're not going to get anywhere, either. Susan's made a judgement call about who's responsible, and it's her call to make considering how much she sacrifices each month to keep this site running. This is a private site where free speech does not truly exist, there are and always will be a series of banned topics of discussion that are in place to make sure that this remains a safe place with a positive message for LGBT folk. If the new rule is so bad, I don't know why you were all fine with the other banned topics, some of which I do think are a little absurd or harmful but which I put up with out of respect for the staff.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but the new rule does not ban all conservative members of this forum, or ban support for all conservative ideas. It bans support for politicians who have transphobic policies. I keep seeing people act like there's an all-out war on conservatism here, when there simply isn't.

Lucca,  You are correct, in everything you said. And I think you said your piece in a very fair and balanced manner.

Stay strong!



The problem that some have with the new policy is that this site was thought to be all inclusive. Like Mills, the father of American liberalism said, that everyone will have a seat at the table, and a voice. Perhaps it's our own fault, we shouldn't have assumed such.

I suggest that the policies be updated to state that this is a liberal-democratic board and that by signing on here you promise not to post ideas that are opposed to those politics. Then, any potential conservative or semi-conservative new members can decide if they can participate on this board.

Out of the closet to family 4-2019


I would like to have a person come to the board and explain the rational behind transgendered discrimination.


Quote from: amandam on October 25, 2018, 12:12:23 AM
The problem that some have with the new policy is that this site was thought to be all inclusive. Like Mills, the father of American liberalism said, that everyone will have a seat at the table, and a voice. Perhaps it's our own fault, we shouldn't have assumed such.

I suggest that the policies be updated to state that this is a liberal-democratic board and that by signing on here you promise not to post ideas that are opposed to those politics. Then, any potential conservative or semi-conservative new members can decide if they can participate on this board.

This really isn't a liberal-only board, though. Conservative ideas that aren't transphobic have always been acceptable to support here. Also, supporting transphobic policies has always been banned here.

The only thing that's changed is that support of politicians who have transphobic policies are banned now, and Susan has officially endorsed the Democratic party.


I am transgender. I am proud that after so many years, I can declare that. I am also human. With human rights. I am Christian in that I love the Lord with all my heart and soul and I love my neighbor as thyself. After all, these are the two most important commandments of all. I don't mind discussion to find a solution but your rights end, when it comes to preventing rights that were hard fought by many. Jesus promoted love and understanding. A far cry from many of today's "Christians"  Not all Christians want to take away rights. Many, believe all humans, are created equal. But science has disproved many Christian concepts and I'll take science over prophecy every time. Facts are facts and beliefs are fuzzy logic. Science supports our reason for being. Not the idea we woke up one day yearning to be the opposite sex. I believe there is enough scientific evidence or at least their would be if  1/10 as much money was spent on research as there is spent on political elections. Instead of giving the military an extra $15 billion take one half of one billion to fund research. To once and for all prove we are not a threat to society. To prove we are just as worthy of human rights as the most strident of Right Wing pseudo Christians, transphobes, and just the plain uneducated.
   I will continue to pray as I believe it helps relieve our conscience, that we are not doing enough to understand. Listen to each other and try to teach each other to meet a consensus. I have worked with many female supervisors and that is a trait that I admire. Ego's hardly ever enters into it. Not that they aren't capable of making decisions they just usually think before they act. That's why I believe we would be much better off with female leaders.
Dawn Oday

It just feels right   :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss:

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First indication I was different- 1956 kindergarten
First crossdress - Asked mother to dress me in sisters costumes  Age 7
First revelation - 1982 to my present wife
First time telling the truth in therapy June 15, 2016
Start HRT Aug 2016
First public appearance 5/15/17


Janes Groove

Quote from: amandam on October 25, 2018, 12:12:23 AM
The problem that some have with the new policy is that this site was thought to be all inclusive. Like Mills, the father of American liberalism said, that everyone will have a seat at the table, and a voice. Perhaps it's our own fault, we shouldn't have assumed such.

I suggest that the policies be updated to state that this is a liberal-democratic board and that by signing on here you promise not to post ideas that are opposed to those politics. Then, any potential conservative or semi-conservative new members can decide if they can participate on this board.

This is a transgender support forum.

What part of this (Susan's post) don't you get?

"political parties and politicians and their policies that have a history of targeting the transgender and LGBTQIA community for hate, bigotry, discrimination.  If you wish to express your support for those policies, parties and politicians take it to another web site. It is not welcome here."


Please don't bring us right down this path again.