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Coming out letter - Jessica Rose

Started by Jessica_Rose, October 30, 2018, 08:08:17 PM

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Although I am out to almost everyone, there is one more group of people who do not know about my transition -- the friends and relatives we exchange Christmas cards with. Instead of waiting for the inevitable dead-naming, I have decided to perform a pre-emptive strike. Within the next few days this letter, along with photos of my wife and I, will be on the way to the folks we exchange holiday cards with. I must give credit to Steph2.0, most of the final paragraph was shamelessly copied from one of her letters! This may be TMI for some of the recipients, but maybe it will help a few of them understand.

Susan and I are still happily married after over 34 years, and both of our daughters are doing well. We have some important information we needed to share before the holidays to avoid an uncomfortable situation. Here is the short version -- on February 5, 2018 I changed my legal name and gender. I am now Jessica Rose.

For most of my life I have known I was different, but it was a feeling I could not easily describe. In my early teens social and family pressures forced me to suppress who I am. This led to stress, confusion, frustration and anger that increased throughout the years. Although my life seemed normal on the outside, there was always a darkness hiding below the surface. My family suffered through increasing levels of anger for decades. I can't remember how many walls I patched or how many things I destroyed out of anger. Trivial issues could trigger fits of rage. Few people ever saw my dark side, but those who did were concerned.

In December 2016 I found a site where others like me shared their personal journeys. I was fascinated because I saw my life mirrored in so many of their stories: the pressure to conform, the growing frustration and anger. As I continued reading I had an epiphany -- I had found the source of my darkness. I cried for the first time in years. I finally understood. All my life I had been trying to live by a set of rules which were not designed for me. I discussed my revelation with a doctor and a therapist and they both agreed -- I have gender dysphoria. I am, and always have been, transgender.

I had a choice between growing angrier and more miserable every year, or allowing myself to find peace by letting the person I have always been come out of the darkness. It was a simple, yet terrifying choice. By choosing this path I knew I could lose everyone that I held most dear -- my wife, my daughters, my family, and my friends. Try to imagine how much pain someone must be experiencing to make this choice, knowing what could be lost.

I started this chapter of my life in March 2017. Since then my cloud of darkness has dissipated, along with my anger. I know in my heart that I have found my path to peace and happiness. On February 16, 2018, I said 'goodbye' to my former self and 'hello' to a world where I live openly as the woman I have always been. I spent over forty years of my life hiding the most beautiful part of myself because I was afraid of rejection. Now I have released my soul from darkness and allowed her into the light, and she will never go into hiding again.

Not many things can change someone's life more than switching genders, and I realize this is hard to understand -- it took me over 40 years to figure out. This has been a difficult and painful process, but I know I am on the right path. The changes I experienced have gone far beyond my expectations. My constant anger and frustration are gone as I had hoped, but I now see the world differently. I'm not the same person that I used to be.

As far as my name goes there are several options - 'Jessica', 'Jessie', or 'Jess'. I realize it may take a while to get used to using my new name, I am still getting used to it myself. The most hurtful thing you can do when someone transitions is to use their old 'dead' name. It is an exceptionally painful reminder of the tortured shell we left behind. Please note, any correspondence with my 'dead' name will be destroyed upon receipt.

I know there will be questions, so here are a few answers...

- Susan and I are staying together, we are still in love.
- We have the support of our entire family, including my parents.
- My legal name is Jessica Rose, our daughters helped choose it.
- My driver's license indicates my gender as 'Female'.
- All of my friends and co-workers accept me as a woman.
- This is a gender issue, it has nothing to do with sex or lifestyle.

When some people learn about my transition they assume that I am attracted to men. This is not the case. I played that role for over 50 years and didn't like it, so why would I want to date one? The love Susan and I share transcends gender.

With all the good friends I have and after decades of chaos, there is no reason for me to tolerate any negativity. I will no longer allow society and closed-minded people to dictate the way I live my life. I will exercise the right I have earned as a human being who has tried to live a good life, who has always tried to treat other people with dignity and respect, who knows without question that this is the right thing to do, to live a complete, authentic life. I refuse to leave this world before I have fully lived. I will reject those from my life who do not accept me. I will embrace and love with all my heart those who do, I hope you are among them.

Journal thread - Jessica's Rose Garden
National Coming Out Day video - Coming Out
GCS - GCS and BA w/Dr. Ley
GCS II - GCS II and FFS w/Dr. Ley
FFS II - Jaw and chin surgery w/Dr. Ley
Hair - Hair Restoration
23Mar2017 - HRT / 16Feb2018 - Full Time! / 21Feb2019 - GCS / 26July2019 - GCS II / 13Oct2020 - FFS II
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot
  • skype:Jessica_Rose?call


That was an amazingly written letter. I have been keeping copies of letters and Facebook posts you ladies have been posting. I know the time will come when I will have to do the same.

I applaud your courage and your preemptive strike against being dead named. I hope you receive positive responses from your friends and family who will be receiving this letter.

You are blessed to have the support of your wife and children! Way to go!

Keep up your courageous self discovery!


She believed she could so she did!

The continuing story of my new life!


Another Nikki

It is definitely one of the best coming out letters I have read, nice work.
"What you know, you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life—that there is something wrong. You don't know what it is, but it's there like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me."


You are so lucky that your marriage is still great.  My rage and anger destroyed mine, and I wish I could turn back the time and try to save it!

Good luck for you and your family, and I hope you will always love each other!
02/22/2019 bi-lateral orchiectomy



It is a great letter. And it does explain much about you.

I don't know your Christmas card list, but for most of my Christmas card list, that level of detail would be excessive. Perhaps you could have two versions of that letter: One for the closer friends, and a shorter, less intimate, less detailed version for the rest?



Quote from: Dietlind on October 31, 2018, 06:55:59 AM
You are so lucky that your marriage is still great.  My rage and anger destroyed mine, and I wish I could turn back the time and try to save it!

Good luck for you and your family, and I hope you will always love each other!

My rage and anger nearly caused me to destroy my family, and I don't mean via divorce. I honestly don't know what stopped me. Most people can't understand how deep into darkness you can fall when society forces you to hide your soul behind a façade for decades. Cold, dark thoughts that should never pass through your mind suddenly seem reasonable. No one should ever have to experience that much darkness. Although my journey has brought me back into the light, I may never forget those few moments of total darkness.

Those of us who are able to escape the darkness are truly special. We have found the strength to pull ourselves out of that cold, dark place where no one should ever go. We need to help society understand us, to help light the path out of darkness so others like us can find their way. Maybe that is why I am still alive.
Journal thread - Jessica's Rose Garden
National Coming Out Day video - Coming Out
GCS - GCS and BA w/Dr. Ley
GCS II - GCS II and FFS w/Dr. Ley
FFS II - Jaw and chin surgery w/Dr. Ley
Hair - Hair Restoration
23Mar2017 - HRT / 16Feb2018 - Full Time! / 21Feb2019 - GCS / 26July2019 - GCS II / 13Oct2020 - FFS II
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot
  • skype:Jessica_Rose?call


Quote from: Jessica_Rose on October 31, 2018, 10:34:11 PM

Those of us who are able to escape the darkness are truly special. We have found the strength to pull ourselves out of that cold, dark place where no one should ever go. We need to help society understand us, to help light the path out of darkness so others like us can find their way. Maybe that is why I am still alive.
I ,too found peace and calmness.  I am now friends with my ex, and have an outstanding relation with our son.

I was able to leave the anger behind, and am a friendly and nice person again.  People hated to be near me, now people like to be with me.
I just wish I would have found the way out of the anger and rage earlier and not after it was to late to safe my marriage!
02/22/2019 bi-lateral orchiectomy



Quote from: Dietlind on October 31, 2018, 11:25:34 PM
I ,too found peace and calmness.  I am now friends with my ex, and have an outstanding relation with our son.

I was able to leave the anger behind, and am a friendly and nice person again.  People hated to be near me, now people like to be with me.
I just wish I would have found the way out of the anger and rage earlier and not after it was to late to safe my marriage!

I am so glad you were able to retain a relationship with your family! Very few people outside of my family ever saw my anger, so my friends and co-workers thought I was overall a nice person and easy to get along with. I am still surprised that my wife stayed with me. I have asked her why, she said she stayed because she loves me.

I recently told my story at a company event. If you are interested, the thread and a link to the video are here:,241752.msg2186579.html#msg2186579
Journal thread - Jessica's Rose Garden
National Coming Out Day video - Coming Out
GCS - GCS and BA w/Dr. Ley
GCS II - GCS II and FFS w/Dr. Ley
FFS II - Jaw and chin surgery w/Dr. Ley
Hair - Hair Restoration
23Mar2017 - HRT / 16Feb2018 - Full Time! / 21Feb2019 - GCS / 26July2019 - GCS II / 13Oct2020 - FFS II
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot
  • skype:Jessica_Rose?call


Quote from: KatieP on October 31, 2018, 09:48:52 AM
It is a great letter. And it does explain much about you.

I don't know your Christmas card list, but for most of my Christmas card list, that level of detail would be excessive. Perhaps you could have two versions of that letter: One for the closer friends, and a shorter, less intimate, less detailed version for the rest?


Thanks Kate! I had considered cutting out some of the information, and I probably would have done so earlier in my transition. I am much more confident now, and I am not in any way ashamed or embarrassed about who I am. I would rather provide too much information than not enough. I am not trying to scare people away, but just maybe one or two of them will learn something. If our list gets a bit shorter after this year I won't be upset. 
Journal thread - Jessica's Rose Garden
National Coming Out Day video - Coming Out
GCS - GCS and BA w/Dr. Ley
GCS II - GCS II and FFS w/Dr. Ley
FFS II - Jaw and chin surgery w/Dr. Ley
Hair - Hair Restoration
23Mar2017 - HRT / 16Feb2018 - Full Time! / 21Feb2019 - GCS / 26July2019 - GCS II / 13Oct2020 - FFS II
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot
  • skype:Jessica_Rose?call