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FTM: Hair loss/gain?

Started by Viktor_01, November 01, 2018, 06:18:24 PM

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Hi everyone,

I'm just going to get straight to the point here: I'm very curious as to how your hair growth (body and head) was affected when you started HRT (FTM).


Arianna Valentine

Quote from: Viktor_01 on November 01, 2018, 06:18:24 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm just going to get straight to the point here: I'm very curious as to how your hair growth (body and head) was affected when you started HRT (FTM).

Well I am not female to male transgender my ex-boyfriend was female to male transgender and he ended up like a bear body hair like crazy facial hair with super thick actually extremely course so yeah but that being said he was also on testosterone for 15 years I do not know when the hair growth started for him

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If you can't accept yourself,  how can you expect others to accept you?

curious about me:,


Thanks for your reply.
If I may ask... do you know how and if the hair on his head was affected in any way?

Arianna Valentine

Quote from: Viktor_01 on November 01, 2018, 07:27:39 PM
Thanks for your reply.
If I may ask... do you know how and if the hair on his head was affected in any way?
Not that I'm aware of he usually kept his head shaved really short or bald

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If you can't accept yourself,  how can you expect others to accept you?

curious about me:,


I am 1 week shy of 6 months on testosterone. I have experienced a significant increase on the length and density of the hair on my arms. I'd say that was the first sign for me, about 2 months in (on a very low dose).

The hair on my legs has always been sparse and light, it is also coming in much better now. I'm no bear by any means though! Lately I have noticed a few strays on my belly and chest, mostly since my dose was increased.

Recently I've been thinking that my head hair is thinning at the front and retreating just a bit. Of course, it could be my imagination, I'm not overly observant of these kinds of things.

For reference, I am 62 years old and my "T" levels are still below average for a cis guy my age.   
Integrity has no need of rules.  -Albert Camus



I've been 9 weeks on T. Arm and leg hair has thickened a bit, as well as eyebrows. So far I only have to thickened whiskers on my chin, but a lot more peach fuzz. I haven't noticed any balding yet...I'm hoping I won't but I know it's a possibility

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Arianna Valentine

Quote from: Viktor_01 on November 01, 2018, 06:18:24 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm just going to get straight to the point here: I'm very curious as to how your hair growth (body and head) was affected when you started HRT (FTM).

If you want I can private message you and share a pic of my ex with you so you can see how it turned out for him

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If you can't accept yourself,  how can you expect others to accept you?

curious about me:,


i've been on T for about 6 years now. i was already pretty hairy but i ended up getting hair on my chest and thicker/denser hair on my legs. i have a beard as well. my hair on my head is still all there, but i think that's more genetics then anything. my hair became more coarse though. my hairline changed to a male pattern but not where my hair is receding.


A great big thank you to all of you who have responded to my questions.
I've been very curious as to how hair growth may be affected if I were to start HRT. I have a lot of body hair as it is, but the hair on my head is a bit on the thin side. The rest of my family has fairly thick hair, especially the male family members. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens if I start HRT. :)

@Arianna - I don't think a picture will be necessary, but thank you anyway!


Quote from: Viktor_01 on November 02, 2018, 04:16:55 PM
A great big thank you to all of you who have responded to my questions.
I've been very curious as to how hair growth may be affected if I were to start HRT. I have a lot of body hair as it is, but the hair on my head is a bit on the thin side. The rest of my family has fairly thick hair, especially the male family members. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens if I start HRT. :)

@Arianna - I don't think a picture will be necessary, but thank you anyway!

going bald wouldn't be the worst thing but if your male family members have a full head of hair, you should be alright. my hair isn't as thick as it used to be but i'm not balding. if you see signs of balding, there is definitely things you can do to help if you catch it early.

Arianna Valentine

Quote from: invisiblemonsters on November 03, 2018, 08:36:06 PM
going bald wouldn't be the worst thing but if your male family members have a full head of hair, you should be alright. my hair isn't as thick as it used to be but i'm not balding. if you see signs of balding, there is definitely things you can do to help if you catch it early.
Actually as odd as it sounds the bald Gene comes from the women in your family at least I read that somewhere I don't know where though

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If you can't accept yourself,  how can you expect others to accept you?

curious about me:,


Body hair is darker, longer, grows quicker. You might as well expect your entire crotch to grow in as well as a trail. I also have chest hair now, which I didn't have 1 year ago. It's taking longer to appear and fill in but it's there all right.

Ya get more nose hairs as well. I don't have more of them noticeable to anyone else but I noticed them. Eyebrows maybe a little bit heavier but nothing obvious to anyone but me.

On the head, male pattern on the temples appeared pretty quick and I assumed it might spread and become actual balding. So far it hasn't, just made the "V" shape hair line. The thickness of each hair up there is thinner, so it feels softer. I think this is because DHT sensitivity affects hair production and this also depends on blood circulation in the area - which is why those hair loss creams work since they dilate the blood vessels where the follicles are. This also means that if the follicles don't get a great blood supply then the hair they create is thinner in width. And also each follicle seems to produce less hairs on the head - I can see the difference at the hairline, before each one used to sprout 3 or maybe 4 hairs and now it's two or one. Whether that's a natural balding process or just the effects of the T I don't know. I'll find out, I guess.

I noticed losing weight improved my beard growth so maybe that too is something to do with improving circulation to the skin where the follicles are. Excess fat reduces circulation capacity so probably inhibits good hair growth in some people. It's why exercise is good too, keep the blood going to these areas so your hairs don't fall out.

I buzzed my hair off a few months back and I didn't see any signs of any hair loss (on the back of the head) from almost 2 years on the hormone. It's grown out since then and still feels full all the same, albeit that the hair itself feels different (lighter?) because the strands are thinner. But it doesn't look like I've lost any.

Frankly if I go bald I'm not bothered. It's a look I could make work, plenty of guys do. It's definitely preferable to trying to hide it badly, lol.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."


Quote from: Viktor_01 on November 01, 2018, 06:18:24 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm just going to get straight to the point here: I'm very curious as to how your hair growth (body and head) was affected when you started HRT (FTM).


Hi, Ive been on T roughly over 2 years now. I'd say there is a difference from when I started to now. Starting with my hair on my head, its actually hasn't changed to much I do have a bit of the V shape going on for my hair line other then that same as before. Regarding facial hair I am able to grow a full beard, usually within a day of shaving stubble starts to show. In the start I'd shave my face often keeping it cleaned shaved to help it grow in so it wasn't so patchy. I have quit a bit of hair on my chest now including a trail, neither of which I had before. I do need to keep up with trimming now, even more hair on my back. My legs had a good amount of hair on them before. Since being on T it's grown thicker and more has come in I guess they are very hairy now? Lol. I have to add all males on both sides of my family are very hairy, I thick that might of helped a bit? Not sure on that but no signs of any loss at this moment. Even if there was wouldn't be much of a bother a lot of positives make it worth it! Got a quick questions are you guys using the gel or injections?

Hoped it helped some and Thank you!


Quote from: Arianna Valentine on November 03, 2018, 08:49:05 PM
Actually as odd as it sounds the bald Gene comes from the women in your family at least I read that somewhere I don't know where though

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oh yeah, i know that. i meant because he said his male family members (assuming both sides) have full head of thick hair, he should be alright.


Quote from: AceNash98 on November 06, 2018, 02:42:19 AMare you guys using the gel or injections?


I find it preferable to be able to control the amount of hormone I give myself daily. That way I can easily control stuff like water retention and any other issues if they arise without having to consult a GP. Not that I had water retention, but it's not pleasant if you do get it.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

Arianna Valentine

Quote from: AceNash98 on November 06, 2018, 02:42:19 AM
are you guys using the gel or injections?

Hoped it helped some and Thank you!

Now I know I am male to female but it's still relatively the same idea with the medications for both genders for me I prefer the pills the patches are okay but I had an allergic reaction to them the shots my insurance wouldn't cover until I tried the pills and the patches artist I would prefer the shots because simple easier you take unless times you know one shot every week or two something like that but I'm actually really enjoying the pills I take it once a day I'm good also if it helps my ex-boyfriend took the pills as well. And just to give some idea of what is possible to expect when transitioning I will go ahead and post a picture of him...

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If you can't accept yourself,  how can you expect others to accept you?

curious about me:,


I don't know if you're still soliciting answers but heyyyyyyy I know a thing here!

I've been on t since somewhere around 2011/2012 (I'm not very sentimental about dates) and I'm 31. I do shots and I've been on the same dose since I started.

Body hair-wise the first year was just a kind of general hair migration, everything that was already there started spreading around. I feel like it started ramping up in the last two years, going from "treasure trail" to "check-the-furry-box-on-grindr" territory, and my moustache bits have finally made contact with my chin-beardy bits.

Also toe hair. For some reason.

I'd say a good 1/3 of my head hair fell out out in the first year or so, it's just started falling out again this year which is WEIRD (hashtag still worth it) but because it's a relatively slow process I'm kind of acclimatizing. Funnily enough I worry more about the size of my skull and whether or not I'll look like a baby bird when I shave my head.


I took T for 6 years until 2 months ago. I'm not FtM but thought I was... for quite a while. I'm a detransitioning woman but have reconciled with my changes from T.

I was on gel for the first year, then switched to shots for the next 5 years.

Body hair wise I was a little bit hairier than what might be considered average for a woman, as I had a little bit of a happy trail on my stomach and quite hefty, dark peach fuzz as sideburns. Also I'm a naturally dark brunette with very light skintone, so my hairs show very well on me.

During the first 2 years or so on T my legs got a lot hairier and my happy trail got very thick and dark. I still had very little facial hair except from darker peach fuzz sideburns and a few hairs under my chin, at that point. My hairiness seemed to increase upwards, from feet to head. I noticed my first few chest hairs. My already very thick eyebrows thickened even more. And keeping them separated at my nose bridge became part of my grooming routine. I'm not a fan of a monobrow, but apparently my genes + T are.

At around 3 years my pubes had connected to an equal amount of hair on my stomach, which was no more just a trail. I still can't quite tell where my stomach hairs end and where my pubes begin. At that point I could grow a quite decent, styled beard. My goatee, jawline and sideburns grew in thick and dark, as well as the beard area under my chin. Cheeks and mustache were still pretty much hairless though.

At 4 years my legs were very hairy but not extreme, and my stomach carpet had connected to my chest hair which almost connected to my beard. Chest hair never got to a very wild point and the hairs there remained softer and thinner. I'd say the hair amount there is "light to moderate" if going by male standards/averages. Most of it's at the centre, a few strands around my nipples and some odd tufts right above my top surgery scars (where my nipples used to be). It looks a little disorderly on the lower half of my chest.

I could finally grow a decent full beard. Shaving started getting difficult in some areas where the hair was very thick, combined with the annoyance of acne. So I saved out a beard, cut it in a ducktail style, dyed it black and damn, it looked good. It was fully connected everywhere except front of my chin, it wasn't patchy but faded thinner upwards on my cheeks. These days I usually keep it in a stubble or shaven. Pondering on trying out a van dyke style though. I dunno I just miss having something to stroke.

At 5 years on T not much had changed. My beard had filled in ever so slightly on the thinner areas, my chest got a few more extra hairs, and I got a few single strands here and there on my back and shoulders. Changes in general came in very slowly and barely at all after 4 years. At 6 years I've more occasional hairs on my back, but as I've gone off T now and am also taking T-blockers, I've instead been starting to notice a reduction in my hairiness, starting on my legs.

My arm hairs never got very intense, but my lower arms do have a thin and fine coat of very dark brown, kinda long hairs. Their thinness makes them not very apparent. They trail down on my hands and I've quite some fluff on the knuckles of my fingers as well, which is much more apparent, however I had that before I started hrt but it got a little more of it. I've a brown dot on my left wrist with 2 barely thicker hairs growing from it, but before I started T those 2 hairs were noticably thicker and darker in comparison to the surrounding ones. So that's how I know there's been some change in my arm/hand/finger hair, but not a lot.

As for my head hair what I know for sure that the T caused was my very obvious change in hairline. I've seen on my relatives (especially my uncles) that high temples but otherwise full head of hair, appeared to be what was in store for me. Fair enough, I guess. My temples receeded a couple of inches, then stopped.

However my hair also started getting very thinned out and brittle, at around 2 years on T. Like it got evenly thinner and more brittle all over, and not in a male pattern baldness kind of way. If anything, my googling tells me that might be a sign of female pattern baldness, which honestly just confuses me even more. 4 years later my hair was barely a quarter of what it once used to be, cause it had broken off a lot, but my hairline was the same. Past tense on that cause I got it shaved off couple of weeks ago, so I don't need to worry about it for now. I'll likely try to grow it out again at some point and see what comes out of it, but for now I actually really like the bald look. I think it looks good on both men and women. On myself, I prefer the look with lots of makeup, sometimes a bit of stubble, lots of jewellery and fem goth clothes. I'm also meaning to experiment with scarves, transparent veils and head jewellery. I was worried about that I would regret getting my head shaved, but it sparked my creativity instead!

But anyhow, I think there's at least a chance my head hair can come back to life again by me just giving it time whenever I'll grow it out again, also considering I stopped taking T, my hairline won't be going anywhere it hasn't already. But I also don't actually know if it was the hormones that caused the issues with my head hair, it's just one of many theories I have. But as I said I have reconciled with my changes and yeah, I'm one hairy girl now. But my worst issue with that is... all the damn itchiness! I trim down my leg hairs and shave my stomach for that reason, cause if there's anything I can say I hate with passion, it's itchiness. I even seem to prefer pain over it. So I need to deal with that by keeping those particular areas trimmed down and apply lots and lots of moisturisers. I know for me it is the hairiness combined with dry skin and sensitivity towards stretchy fabrics (as in waist band on underwear, elastic leggings/pants and the elastics in socks) that causes the itching, so that's why I thought I'd mention it. But now I've ranted enough and I'm finally tired enough to sleep, at 5:40am. So, bedtime.

@cattywumpus I also got toe hair. I think they're kinda cute and matching my finger hairs, but maybe that's just me? Also I worried more about the shape of my head when I was about to get mine shaved. Turned out I had no reasons to worry at all cause my head is like a perfect shape! But I have a mysterious thing, something like a C-shaped narrow dent on just one side of my head. I can't stop poking it, just wondering what it is! Is it a scar? Did my parents drop me on my head as a baby? Who knows ;)
Mar. 2009 - came out as ftm
Nov. 2009 - changed my name to John
Mar. 2010 - diagnosed with GID
Aug. 2010 - started T, then stopped after 1 year
Aug. 2013 - started T again, kept taking it since
Mar. 2014 - top surgery
Dec. 2014 - legal gender marker changed to male
Jul. 2018 - came out as cis woman and began detransition
Sep. 2018 - stopped taking T and changed my name to Laura
Oct. 2018 - got new ID-card

Medical Detransition plans: breast reconstruction surgery, change legal gender back to female.

smithers 70

So I'm coming up om 10 years on T. As far as head hair goes, my hairline has receeded a bit (just to a more make pattern) but I still have a good head of hair.

Body hair: same as other male family members...a few chest hairs, a small amount of hair on my upper back. My lega were always hairy but there's more now. I've got dark hair on my wrists and outside edge of my hand.

Oh also I'm lucky to have grown what I think is a fantastic beard lol

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Quote from: SeptagonScars on November 16, 2018, 10:51:50 PM
I took T for 6 years until 2 months ago. I'm not FtM but thought I was... for quite a while. I'm a detransitioning woman but have reconciled with my changes from T.

I was on gel for the first year, then switched to shots for the next 5 years.

Body hair wise I was a little bit hairier than what might be considered average for a woman, as I had a little bit of a happy trail on my stomach and quite hefty, dark peach fuzz as sideburns. Also I'm a naturally dark brunette with very light skintone, so my hairs show very well on me.

During the first 2 years or so on T my legs got a lot hairier and my happy trail got very thick and dark. I still had very little facial hair except from darker peach fuzz sideburns and a few hairs under my chin, at that point. My hairiness seemed to increase upwards, from feet to head. I noticed my first few chest hairs. My already very thick eyebrows thickened even more. And keeping them separated at my nose bridge became part of my grooming routine. I'm not a fan of a monobrow, but apparently my genes + T are.

At around 3 years my pubes had connected to an equal amount of hair on my stomach, which was no more just a trail. I still can't quite tell where my stomach hairs end and where my pubes begin. At that point I could grow a quite decent, styled beard. My goatee, jawline and sideburns grew in thick and dark, as well as the beard area under my chin. Cheeks and mustache were still pretty much hairless though.

At 4 years my legs were very hairy but not extreme, and my stomach carpet had connected to my chest hair which almost connected to my beard. Chest hair never got to a very wild point and the hairs there remained softer and thinner. I'd say the hair amount there is "light to moderate" if going by male standards/averages. Most of it's at the centre, a few strands around my nipples and some odd tufts right above my top surgery scars (where my nipples used to be). It looks a little disorderly on the lower half of my chest.

I could finally grow a decent full beard. Shaving started getting difficult in some areas where the hair was very thick, combined with the annoyance of acne. So I saved out a beard, cut it in a ducktail style, dyed it black and damn, it looked good. It was fully connected everywhere except front of my chin, it wasn't patchy but faded thinner upwards on my cheeks. These days I usually keep it in a stubble or shaven. Pondering on trying out a van dyke style though. I dunno I just miss having something to stroke.

At 5 years on T not much had changed. My beard had filled in ever so slightly on the thinner areas, my chest got a few more extra hairs, and I got a few single strands here and there on my back and shoulders. Changes in general came in very slowly and barely at all after 4 years. At 6 years I've more occasional hairs on my back, but as I've gone off T now and am also taking T-blockers, I've instead been starting to notice a reduction in my hairiness, starting on my legs.

My arm hairs never got very intense, but my lower arms do have a thin and fine coat of very dark brown, kinda long hairs. Their thinness makes them not very apparent. They trail down on my hands and I've quite some fluff on the knuckles of my fingers as well, which is much more apparent, however I had that before I started hrt but it got a little more of it. I've a brown dot on my left wrist with 2 barely thicker hairs growing from it, but before I started T those 2 hairs were noticably thicker and darker in comparison to the surrounding ones. So that's how I know there's been some change in my arm/hand/finger hair, but not a lot.

As for my head hair what I know for sure that the T caused was my very obvious change in hairline. I've seen on my relatives (especially my uncles) that high temples but otherwise full head of hair, appeared to be what was in store for me. Fair enough, I guess. My temples receeded a couple of inches, then stopped.

However my hair also started getting very thinned out and brittle, at around 2 years on T. Like it got evenly thinner and more brittle all over, and not in a male pattern baldness kind of way. If anything, my googling tells me that might be a sign of female pattern baldness, which honestly just confuses me even more. 4 years later my hair was barely a quarter of what it once used to be, cause it had broken off a lot, but my hairline was the same. Past tense on that cause I got it shaved off couple of weeks ago, so I don't need to worry about it for now. I'll likely try to grow it out again at some point and see what comes out of it, but for now I actually really like the bald look. I think it looks good on both men and women. On myself, I prefer the look with lots of makeup, sometimes a bit of stubble, lots of jewellery and fem goth clothes. I'm also meaning to experiment with scarves, transparent veils and head jewellery. I was worried about that I would regret getting my head shaved, but it sparked my creativity instead!

But anyhow, I think there's at least a chance my head hair can come back to life again by me just giving it time whenever I'll grow it out again, also considering I stopped taking T, my hairline won't be going anywhere it hasn't already. But I also don't actually know if it was the hormones that caused the issues with my head hair, it's just one of many theories I have. But as I said I have reconciled with my changes and yeah, I'm one hairy girl now. But my worst issue with that is... all the damn itchiness! I trim down my leg hairs and shave my stomach for that reason, cause if there's anything I can say I hate with passion, it's itchiness. I even seem to prefer pain over it. So I need to deal with that by keeping those particular areas trimmed down and apply lots and lots of moisturisers. I know for me it is the hairiness combined with dry skin and sensitivity towards stretchy fabrics (as in waist band on underwear, elastic leggings/pants and the elastics in socks) that causes the itching, so that's why I thought I'd mention it. But now I've ranted enough and I'm finally tired enough to sleep, at 5:40am. So, bedtime.

@cattywumpus I also got toe hair. I think they're kinda cute and matching my finger hairs, but maybe that's just me? Also I worried more about the shape of my head when I was about to get mine shaved. Turned out I had no reasons to worry at all cause my head is like a perfect shape! But I have a mysterious thing, something like a C-shaped narrow dent on just one side of my head. I can't stop poking it, just wondering what it is! Is it a scar? Did my parents drop me on my head as a baby? Who knows ;)
I always love reading your posts. I think your story is a good read for anyone who is trans or considering transition(like me).
I find the ftm scenario fascinating as certain aspects resonate with me - at the same time I find someone actually chosing to take on a masculine appearance hard to fathom when my world is all about trying to trade my masculine appearance for a feminine one.
Do you think your journey travelling full circle has been highly valuable in the end as you now really value being a woman but also have an understanding of how the other half lives/exists.

  Also from a platonic perspective I think you are a very beautiful woman.

Wishing you a continuing positive & strengthening journey,  Kirsten[emoji258]

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As a child prayed to be a girl- now the prayer is being answered - 40 years later !