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Trapped in a Twisted Cyle

Started by FaithlessTheologian, September 17, 2018, 08:13:32 PM

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Good evening folks,
I am...well I'm not exactly who or what I am. For the past seven years now I have spent a great deal of time pondering my own identity, not just in terms of gender but in character. I am all too familiar with mental illness, having combatted anxiety and depression most of my life and have recently taken it under control. In fact, I have been taking control of every aspect of my life as of late, approaching each new challenge with new ambition and renewed vigor, just recently I finally slipped out of my awful retail job for something that I actually want to do. addressing these issues with continuing success I have uncovered old wounds.

Now, I was born a genetic male, yet from a young age, I have always been perplexed by the intricacies of gender. I remember days as early as when I was four being fascinated by my older sister's dresses and the principle of men in women's clothing all through grade school. By the time puberty came around, a hurricane of emotions pummeled me, but something morose stuck with me. I remember for Halloween one year, one of my classmates came into school dressed as a cheerleader and in doing so highlighted certain insecurities of mine, which would only intensify through high school. That was the time I became obsessed with the concept of breasts...which at the time I figured was a normal, hormonal teenager thing. Yet my curiosity was not steeped in my sexuality, it was far more intimate than that. You see, what triggered this initial flare-up was the fact that the classmate in question wore a bra stuffed with socks...which held a certain allure. I began to wonder what it felt like to wear the garment, what it would feel like to have breasts of my own, and that's when my descent into uncertainty truly began.

My body began to feel...underdeveloped if that makes sense. There was a looming sense of wrong which accompanied my actions, and I began to become afflicted by very dubious dreams. These dreams ran the gambit of myself crossdressing or turning into a woman, often paired with an intense rush of euphoria followed by crushing disappointment upon awakening. My heart will race, and my forethought would be crippled for days and even weeks with this terrible dread as I pined for this strange reality.

It was in my junior year of High School I finally began to research gender dysphoria. I had been taking psychology at the time and did an entire project on the subject in a quest to sate my curiosity. Later that year, a close personal friend came out as transgender, and I took my opportunity to share these feelings which I had suffered with in silence. From there I began to reach out to many of my friends, who of which were and still are supportive. Eventually, I came out to my parents with the same result.

As college rolled around I began to see a therapist for my dysphoria and it was during this time that I began to cross-dress for the first time. I felt a great amount of both shame and excitement doing so and carried on with this habit until this very moment. I love wearing dresses, skirts, blouses and the like. Wearing breast forms just looks right and overall aside from that persistent shame it seems like a clear solution to the enigma.

Since then I pursued solutions to this issue with...mixed results.

Twice now I have set appointments to start HRT, as twice I concluded it to be the next logical step in my search for answers. Twice, I canceled.

What complicates matters is an intrinsic lack of confidence I have in myself to make decisions mixed with periods of doubt. What seems to occur are periods, lasting days, weeks or even months of intense dysphoria followed by similar periods of apathy where doubt is able to accumulate. These periods are not exactly euphoric, but I am able to dismiss the notion in a self-debasing manner such as accepting it as a fetish, a phase or some sort of fluke. Yet it always comes back, as if it were some sort of curse.

I'm not particularly masculine or feminine as far as personalities go, but this incurring wrongness seems to continue unregulated and remains as the sole obstacle in my life presently. I have explored the possibility of being non-binary or genderfluid in some way, yet I always seem to come back to the desire to change my body, because during those intense periods it is what feels right.

I have a hard time accepting this as just some sort of sexual fantasy as I'm personally not invested in sex. I consider myself asexual and do not actively pursue arousal of any type.

Yet i feel lost, and I hope that you good folks could help provide me with some insight going forward.

Thank you for taking the time to read this rather lengthy post,


Hi Faith  :icon_wave:

Welcome to Susan's Place  :)  Glad to have you here, join on in the fun

Here are some links to the site rules and stuff that we offer to all new members to help them along

Things that you should read


The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


 Hi Faith,

  I'm Laurie the wandering waif of Susan's Place. Welcome to Susan's Place. Come on in the water is fine.

  Your story will closely relate to many of us here. To me it is completely understandable.  My history is much like your own. Wishing I could just be one of the girls. Not quite fitting in with the boys. Then came the desires to wear my sister's and girl cousin's clothes and being thrilled in doing so yet it was at a time when you didn't have to be told it was wrong. That was made plain all around me. It was drilled into our heads that boys did not do or like girl's things much less enjoying wearing their clothes. But I did and there is came the shame of knowing there was something wrong with me. What I didn't know was this knowing it was wrong and the shame of it would build into self loathing. I tried to stop and learned that I could not. The self hate went into hiding but it reared it's ugly head throughout my life. There wasn't anything I loved that it couldn't ruin. Alcohol and drugs didn't help. I lost all that was important to me. My wife, my children and eventually my grandchildren. I brought me close to suicide several times. The last time was just this year. I'm doing better now thanks to an antidepressant and finding a girlfriend.
  I used to think I was a crossdresser and at the age of 64 I found out that I was actually trans and I started mt transition. I wish I could tell you that everything got better after starting hormones but that was not the case. I still had yet to lose my daughter due to her not accepting that I am trans and throught her non acceptance I've lost my 5 grandkids. It was this last loss that had me no longer wanting to live and it was only by telling my therapist and getting on an antidepressant that I am still here. It was finding my girlfriend Michelle that made me want to live again.
  This is not an easy road we travel. It is damn hard at times. If you are trans like myself getting on hormones can help along with therapy to help you through the hard places. And have friends of like mind helps a lot too. That is why we are here at Susan's Place. It's to help other with our own experiences and show newer folk that it can be done. Of course you have to want it and if you do we are her to help you.
  Hello Faith. I'm Laurie and I am a male to female transgender-woman.

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone


Northern Star Girl

Dear Faith:
I see that you were officially welcomed to Susan's Place yesterday by our lovely member @V M

Please allow me to also give your a warm Welcome to Susan's Place.
I am thinking that you may have lots more questions and concerns, this is the right place for you to be to find out what others have done that may have been in your circumstances.
Be aware that there are a lot of members here that can identify with your situation..
You will find this a safe and friendly place to share with others  and to read about others similar trials, tribulations, and successes.  When frustrated or if you have successes you can share it here on the Forums if you wish and receive support from others and offer support to others. ....

***It's a very good chance that you might find that you will make some new friends here. 
Please come in and continue to be involved at your own pace. 

In her Welcome Message  V M  included Important LINKS that will tell you about Susan's Place.  Included there is information about the site that will help you navigate around and best utilize the features here.   
Please look closely at the LINKS in RED, answers are there to many questions that new members ask.   

Please don't be a stranger, we want to share postings and thoughts with you.

Again, Welcome to Susan's Place.

****Help support this website by:
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Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Quote from: FaithlessTheologian on September 17, 2018, 08:13:32 PM
Good evening folks,
I am...well I'm not exactly who or what I am. For the past seven years now I have spent a great deal of time pondering my own identity, not just in terms of gender but in character. I am all too familiar with mental illness, having combatted anxiety and depression most of my life and have recently taken it under control. In fact, I have been taking control of every aspect of my life as of late, approaching each new challenge with new ambition and renewed vigor, just recently I finally slipped out of my awful retail job for something that I actually want to do. addressing these issues with continuing success I have uncovered old wounds.

Now, I was born a genetic male, yet from a young age, I have always been perplexed by the intricacies of gender. I remember days as early as when I was four being fascinated by my older sister's dresses and the principle of men in women's clothing all through grade school. By the time puberty came around, a hurricane of emotions pummeled me, but something morose stuck with me. I remember for Halloween one year, one of my classmates came into school dressed as a cheerleader and in doing so highlighted certain insecurities of mine, which would only intensify through high school. That was the time I became obsessed with the concept of breasts...which at the time I figured was a normal, hormonal teenager thing. Yet my curiosity was not steeped in my sexuality, it was far more intimate than that. You see, what triggered this initial flare-up was the fact that the classmate in question wore a bra stuffed with socks...which held a certain allure. I began to wonder what it felt like to wear the garment, what it would feel like to have breasts of my own, and that's when my descent into uncertainty truly began.

My body began to feel...underdeveloped if that makes sense. There was a looming sense of wrong which accompanied my actions, and I began to become afflicted by very dubious dreams. These dreams ran the gambit of myself crossdressing or turning into a woman, often paired with an intense rush of euphoria followed by crushing disappointment upon awakening. My heart will race, and my forethought would be crippled for days and even weeks with this terrible dread as I pined for this strange reality.

It was in my junior year of High School I finally began to research gender dysphoria. I had been taking psychology at the time and did an entire project on the subject in a quest to sate my curiosity. Later that year, a close personal friend came out as transgender, and I took my opportunity to share these feelings which I had suffered with in silence. From there I began to reach out to many of my friends, who of which were and still are supportive. Eventually, I came out to my parents with the same result.

As college rolled around I began to see a therapist for my dysphoria and it was during this time that I began to cross-dress for the first time. I felt a great amount of both shame and excitement doing so and carried on with this habit until this very moment. I love wearing dresses, skirts, blouses and the like. Wearing breast forms just looks right and overall aside from that persistent shame it seems like a clear solution to the enigma.

Since then I pursued solutions to this issue with...mixed results.

Twice now I have set appointments to start HRT, as twice I concluded it to be the next logical step in my search for answers. Twice, I canceled.

What complicates matters is an intrinsic lack of confidence I have in myself to make decisions mixed with periods of doubt. What seems to occur are periods, lasting days, weeks or even months of intense dysphoria followed by similar periods of apathy where doubt is able to accumulate. These periods are not exactly euphoric, but I am able to dismiss the notion in a self-debasing manner such as accepting it as a fetish, a phase or some sort of fluke. Yet it always comes back, as if it were some sort of curse.

I'm not particularly masculine or feminine as far as personalities go, but this incurring wrongness seems to continue unregulated and remains as the sole obstacle in my life presently. I have explored the possibility of being non-binary or genderfluid in some way, yet I always seem to come back to the desire to change my body, because during those intense periods it is what feels right.

I have a hard time accepting this as just some sort of sexual fantasy as I'm personally not invested in sex. I consider myself asexual and do not actively pursue arousal of any type.

Yet i feel lost, and I hope that you good folks could help provide me with some insight going forward.

Thank you for taking the time to read this rather lengthy post,

This sounds a lot like me, however there are some key differences.

Firstly, the exactly same thing happened to me, one time, when I was 15, and in boyscouts, the brother of the boyscout next door knocked on my door as a woman. When he came to the door I smiled but felt nervous. And I automatically felt shame and wanted to hide how happy he made me feel. And kept fantasizing about it for the next year, about how glamorous he was and I just fell in love with the idea of obsessing with the idea of crossdressing. I can't remember if I ever actually masturbated to him or not, I probably did though. I do, however, remember masturbating frequently to his brother, but imagining that his brother was a boyish lesbian with a vagina. It's like, during that time I was attracted to women's bodies, but masculine personalities. And I was a shy and feminine person, always brooding and secretly crying all the time and feeling like I was worthless. And I wanted nothing more than for someone to approach me and tell me I was loved. Girls approached me for sex, but it didn't make me feel safe or comfortable, in addition to me feeling like I was ugly and unworthy because I was a man. But knowing then what I know now, I wish I could have gone back and time and just got the sex, it's better than the fate of loneliness and celibacy I had to (and still have to) endure.

But I had this split mind thing going on too. Like when I was alone I would fantasize about being a girl. But in public I would not even remember fantasizing about it, like my memories were compartmentalized similar to DID. But even in male mode I was shy and feminine and frequently bullied. Even though I had tons of violent fantasies about what I wanted to do to the bullies, I always turtled up in real life and was afraid to do them. On the spectrum between asexual and nympho, I would say I am more nypho than asex, but me being asex makes me feel brooding and powerful, like people have no control over me, can't manipulate me, because during those times I feel no love, which makes me feel powerful, hateful, and brutal, like a dark lord.

Also, I'm on HRT right now, haven't taken the pills, I have psychological problems and feel ill lately, I know testosterone has healing effects on my body, so I feel its risky and unwise to risk estrogen when I'm feeling so down in the dumps all the time. Mainly, I've been feeling really physically weak, before I was on HRT, so I'm worried if HRT will make my body even weaker.

Intolerables, everywhere...cannot escape them.


I appreciate the warm welcome,

It is rather refreshing to hear these things from folks who have endured these trials rather than from my therapist who, despite her specialties I fear has some degree of removal from the circumstances.

Here's to a new stage of positivity and personal growth.


Oh come on Laurie. That's not water, it's pee. Everyone's on Spiro. ???
Dawn Oday

It just feels right   :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss:

If you have a a business or service that supports our community please submit for our Links Page.

First indication I was different- 1956 kindergarten
First crossdress - Asked mother to dress me in sisters costumes  Age 7
First revelation - 1982 to my present wife
First time telling the truth in therapy June 15, 2016
Start HRT Aug 2016
First public appearance 5/15/17



Quote from: FaithlessTheologian on September 18, 2018, 03:27:54 PM
I appreciate the warm welcome,

It is rather refreshing to hear these things from folks who have endured these trials rather than from my therapist who, despite her specialties I fear has some degree of removal from the circumstances.

Here's to a new stage of positivity and personal growth.

Yes. I also remember my best friend, who'd bully me all the time, show me a magizine of some blond chicks. I was either 8 or 6, or 11, can't remember. But then he told me these blond chicks were dudes, and I felt this amazing extacsy of magic in my heart. And I tried to look away to pretend I wasn't into it. Because I was afraid he'd bully me. And then I heard David Bowie on a cassette tape. Seeing him wear dresses. And I had these magical feelings like I needed to wear dresses and wanting to be like those guys in that magazine and be pretty blonde girls. And then I remember hearing Queen. And not wanting to be Queen because I didn't want to be gay. I wanted to be a lesbian.

I'm not particularly masculine or feminine as far as personalities go, but this incurring wrongness seems to continue unregulated and remains as the sole obstacle in my life presently. I have explored the possibility of being non-binary or genderfluid in some way, yet I always seem to come back to the desire to change my body, because during those intense periods it is what feels right.

Yes I know how you feel. Like I can act like a dude sometimes. But its usually when I'm either irritated or angry or in some kind of combative situation. I never have this feeling of feeling "right" as a dude. Always this feeling of wanting to get away and escape. And when I feel like a female I feel right. As a female I can be intimate with people without feeling afraid. But as a dude I clam up. Like this feeling that something is not right and that I must get away.

Here's what I mean here's a way to explain it. Like imagine a hot girl walks up to me. Says she wants to pull down my pants and play with me. And I'm a dude. I will feel my legs go stiff and my feet go cold. But since I am attracted to women, the voices in my head will tell me I must be strong and do it, and not to wuss out, and if I wuss out it means I'm a homosexual. So I will have to coach myself into it.
But lets say I had a female body, and a hot girl started playing with my boobs. There would be no coaching I would have to do. I would just automatically be into it and it would be soothing. Like a natural response.
Intolerables, everywhere...cannot escape them.