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Hi everyone

Started by Loopyem, October 23, 2018, 08:59:44 AM

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Hi everyone as you know my husband has come out and told me in January but I just don't think I can take much more I have server depression anyway but I'm still not allowed to tell anyone I can only talk to my doctor which is once in a blue moon and my partner she told her parents and sister and her partner but there is me screaming out constantly crying putting on a brave face I just feel like walking if I had somewhere me and the kids which are 5 n 7 I would go now my partner hasnt even told the kids but I think my youngest knows something wrong I've just had enough now I feel it's wrong not being able to tell anyone I feel so alone not even my parents know and having to lie to them as I see them everyday is so hard and having to put brave face on at skool with some of my best friends saying everything is normal when I just want to scream and say nothing is normal about my life. As I'm sitting outside school in the car I'm crying writting this I'm so down am I wrong to be feeling so pee'd off I just don't yink it's right I'm not allowed to tell anyone please help loopyemma


Hey Loopyemma,

I wish I could give you a hug. Take a deep breath. There are many of us here that are going what you are going through, and likely many would agree that the secrecy part is one of the hardest things. I just talked to my therapist about this yesterday. I told her that I was feeling more distant from some of my family and friends because I am afraid to talk to them too much or I might slip and tell them something because I am not used to keeping my problems quiet. She asked if there was a way to let them know I needed support without telling them why. I understood what she was getting at, and that might work for some people, but it would feel too dangerous to me. I would be so paranoid about what I say, it would end up making me more anxious instead of making me feel better. I told her the people I have met online have been helpful, and she agreed that all of you are a huge help, but that I might benefit from some face to face time and suggested a PFLAG meeting. The next one is in a couple of weeks and I will post back here if I have the guts to go.

So what I don't understand is why you can't tell anyone if your spouse is telling their family? Did your spouse ask you not to tell anyone? Are you at all close to your spouse's family? Have the two of you discussed you possibly telling someone? Or is it that you don't want to tell anyone close to you? (I can understand that too.)

I think I good deal of my depression can be traced back to holding all of this in and not living as openly as I am used to. Right now I am attacking the depression medically and also trying to find solutions to the things that are causing it. I haven't gotten very far yet,  but maybe we can hang in there together. You are not alone.



Thank u hunny do u have Facebook messenger



   Please consider getting a therapist,  I have found them very helpful surviving 3 years of depression.  I would also recommend meditation


Visiting a gender therapist is a must as it allows you to clear your mind of all the harmful feelings you may be harboring. Also a local support group is a good place to find medical, therapy, and significant other support. Hugs.
Dawn Oday

It just feels right   :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss:

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First indication I was different- 1956 kindergarten
First crossdress - Asked mother to dress me in sisters costumes  Age 7
First revelation - 1982 to my present wife
First time telling the truth in therapy June 15, 2016
Start HRT Aug 2016
First public appearance 5/15/17



Gallinarosa ive added myself on the other one like you said


Hi Loopyem,
                 I'm sending you a Hug "Big HUG" Hope that helps. You need to find a therapist or someone to confide in. Take care of yourself and relax for a little while. You need support too. Wishing you well. Susan_Rose.