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3D nipple tattooing

Started by blackcat, June 24, 2018, 03:31:49 PM

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Has anyone done this instead of nipple grafts?

I started researching after seeing some AMAZING photographs and this hands-down seems like the best idea to me (because I am a surgery wuss).

Most of my anxiety around top surgery concerns the whole process of healing grafts and grafts failing. Not having to worry about that at all sounds fantastic. My biggest aesthetic concern with top surgery is also the placement of the nipples... they don't always turn out perfectly. I'd rather not deal with revisions (I'd rather not have to deal with any surgery, or doctors, or blood, or needles, but hey).

And what if one falls off?

Finally, my nipples don't exactly *match* as they are now. I might as well upgrade.

I know lots of people are fine after top surgery, but I have a weak stomach for these things. Removing the stress of fretting over healing, and knowing I'm guaranteed an aesthetic result is a double win. I already have tattoos and they are no big deal.

Nipple stimulation always made me dysphoric, anyway.

92% of my distress about top surgery has just disappeared.


This made me think. I really think that on a picture a tattoo of a nipple may look great but in reality I don't think it will look realistic. Even though this is a well established procedure after breast reconstruction surgery in women after breast amputation. They basically reconstruct the nipple from the skin and with tattoo they get the color. I agree that the results look amazing in pictures. But in your case you will not have the nipple. I think that the best approach would be if you get a nipple graft and a subsequent tattoo to improve the appearance. I have had tattoos over surgical scars and it looks great.


it was suggested to me by my surgeon as something that I could do IF the grafts failed but the chance of that was so slim he said it was hardly worth thinking about unless I wanted to go for that option first which I didn't. So you might as well go for the real grafts because tattoos can be the go-to second option.

You will have to go through the exact same process of healing up the rest of the area just the same so it's not much of a loss. In my case the nipples were already fully healed by the time I was even allowed any of the bandages off at 2 weeks post. I had more issues with my scar stitches than I did with the nips. Mine are still pretty numb though after 3 months. I'm not sure I'm gonna get most of the feeling back in them, even if they do look great. Not really bothered about that though.

If you do do it I suppose one problem is that you then have to organize a tattoo session separately after healing up and then wait for the tattoos to heal up and keep them away from water for however long as well.

The other is that if you get the grafts and something happens you have the tats as an option. If you never do the grafts at the time you can never have that option again.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

smithers 70

I decided against nipple grafts and went the tattoo route. I'm super happy I did. The first one is an old pic but shows them well.

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Quote from: smithers 70 on November 17, 2018, 05:46:27 PM
I decided against nipple grafts and went the tattoo route. I'm super happy I did. The first one is an old pic but shows them well.

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This is the first time that I have accidentally clicked my way here, yep, it is possible. Wish that I would not have, oh my god! You look amazing! I feel so stupid not really thinking about how the other half lives. Maybe it is my age but I don't think that I will ever look so natural. My body is okay, face okay but wow, I don't think I could ever have results like that.

Okay, I could wear makeup but surgery, other than bottom, scares the crap out of me. This is it, as good as it gets.

I know that there are pluses and minuses to both sides, I just never thought about it.
Please don't be offended, but I think that I will make sure to steer clear from now on. I feel so inadequate.

Keep up the good work though. Sheesh! Sorry just processing.


smithers 70

I'm not sure I follow exactly so I dont want to respond inappropriately but I will say, re: age,   I had my chest surgery in 2009, 3 days before my 39th don't let age deter you!
Quote from: IAmM on December 15, 2018, 12:00:30 AM

This is the first time that I have accidentally clicked my way here, yep, it is possible. Wish that I would not have, oh my god! You look amazing! I feel so stupid not really thinking about how the other half lives. Maybe it is my age but I don't think that I will ever look so natural. My body is okay, face okay but wow, I don't think I could ever have results like that.

Okay, I could wear makeup but surgery, other than bottom, scares the crap out of me. This is it, as good as it gets.

I know that there are pluses and minuses to both sides, I just never thought about it.
Please don't be offended, but I think that I will make sure to steer clear from now on. I feel so inadequate.

Keep up the good work though. Sheesh! Sorry just processing.

Sent from my LM-X210VPP using Tapatalk



Um, yeah sorry.
After a few glasses of wine and absently tapping my screen to keep my iPad from going dark for about twenty minutes I shook myself out of zoning and got back to Susan's. Here I am on this post and these before pics but I can't find the after pics. Maybe they are in a previous post, let's go back and see. Hmmmm, the posts are in English but the meanings are in Sanskrit. What the?! Then it finally hits me that I am in the guy's forum. Oops.

Hey, no judging!  :)  I realize this does not make me look like a Mensa candidate.

It just really blew me away, you look like any other guy. Well maybe more fit than most guys the same age but I didn't know your age at the time, you definitely don't look your age. About the same age as me, maybe a little younger than me but if you tell anyone I will deny it.

I am mtf and have been on E for four years. I don't know why but seeing you photos I had an overwhelming feeling that I could never be as thoroughly female as you are male. I have trouble expressing what I want to say most of the time. Sorry for any misunderstandings, I certainly didn't mean anything negative. I even posted a photo! I don't often, I am not very photogenic.

I hope that I have cleared everything up and that I haven't offended you, or anyone here.

I removed all of that, embarrassed of my pics and felt really bad for hijacking the thread.
Please forgive me. Going away now.
