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If I'm wrong on HRT will I know it?

Started by MissKatie, December 03, 2018, 03:58:25 PM

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Quote from: Sky1090 on December 04, 2018, 11:05:16 AM
This has been a talking point almost every night. We've decided that before I begin HRT, we will go to couples therapy for a few months. We're not worried about the emotional relationship. The way we view it, it doesn't matter who we are on the outside. Man or woman, I'm still the same person and love and treat her the same. We are still in love just the same as we were on day one.

Our worry is the physical relationship. She wants to sit down with a therapist to understand exactly what this is and exactly why I am taking action to improve my life. She says she loves me unconditionally as I do her. She told me last night that she thinks she would be comfortable with me as her wife just so long as our love and connection to each other never changes.

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That sounds wonderful. I wish you both nothing but the best.

I started transition at your age nine years ago. I was an emotional wreck so in many ways I envy your success.

One thing I would be sure to discuss with her is your plans for SRS/GCS if you have them or at least the eventuality. A physical relationship is still possible but different.


Quote from: NatalieRene on December 04, 2018, 11:20:45 AM
That sounds wonderful. I wish you both nothing but the best.

I started transition at your age nine years ago. I was an emotional wreck so in many ways I envy your success.

One thing I would be sure to discuss with her is your plans for SRS/GCS if you have them or at least the eventuality. A physical relationship is still possible but different.

Oh I'm sure. These are all actually talking points for my individual therapy session Thursday. I haven't seen my therapist in 3 weeks due to holidays so there's a lot to cover this week lol

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Beverly Anne

Always choose the real you at all "costs." You can't live any other way. It's your life and no one else owns it. Be you. Always be you. That's what I learned.
Be authentic and live life unafraid!


Hello Sky1090

I support the comments made by NatalieRene, Dietlind and BeverlyAnne.

Transitioning is a major decision and I believe we should always be true to ourselves. I am delighted to see you fiancé is supporting you and that you both consider a relationship possible during and after your transition.

I deeply regret not transitioning earlier and only took action like Dietlind when "the dam finally burst" at age 62. I am 10 months HRT and will publicly transition in 2019 aged 64.

I wish you every success and happiness.




Alice (nym)

I spent a full week of depression trying to come to terms with my fear... it is not so much about the changes it will do to me but the reaction it will cause in my social sphere. I've finally made progress with my wife and we are becoming closer once more but I am not 100% sure if that is her trying to stop me or she genuinely is becoming more accepting. When she finds out I am starting HRT, that will be a big turning point in our relationship. So I am anxious and worry about it a lot.
It is scary. It is frightening. I think that is normal.

I can imagine if it wasn't right for you, then you would start feeling dysphoria in reverse.

As for the masculine activities... the only thing I do that is male dominated these days is mountain climbing. But I met a young woman in the summer who was amazing... she's bagged a lot more hills than I have and she's half my age. So I figured, if she can do it as a woman, then there is nothing stopping me continuing as a woman. There are plenty of women doing things traditionally considered masculine and they tend to be better at it than most average men. It was one of the biggest sticking points I had when it all exploded inside of me. What will change by transitioning?  And honestly, the only positive I could come up with was I would finally be happy being myself and that is because gender roles are a lot less rigid these days. So I wouldn't worry about what is masculine and what is feminine in terms of the things you like doing. The need to transition is a lot deeper than that. It is something from inside us, not what is on the outside.
Don't hate the hate... Start spreading the love.


Always stay cheerful, be polite, kind, and understanding. Accepting yourself as the woman you are is very liberating.
Never underestimate the appreciation and respect of authenticity.  Be brave, be strong.  Try a little kindness.  I am a brown eyed brunette. 