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Arrgh! What do you think are some of the most annoying things some people do?

Started by ChrissyRyan, December 09, 2018, 06:44:59 PM

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Not giving way at the bridge at the railway crossing. Often cars will push their way over the bridge (just enough room for one car) as they do not want to be caught by a closed crossing. This leaves other cars stranded often on the crossing. The give way is for safety

One of these days I will hit one of these cars!!!
The brand new "A Day in the life of Jessica_k" blog,

**** No act of kindness goes unpunished ****


Arianna Valentine

Quote from: Jessica_K on December 25, 2018, 01:25:09 PM
Not giving way at the bridge at the railway crossing. Often cars will push their way over the bridge (just enough room for one car) as they do not want to be caught by a closed crossing. This leaves other cars stranded often on the crossing. The give way is for safety

One of these days I will hit one of these cars!!!
I don't think anybody would blame you honestly you got to keep yourself alive and if it means pushing some idiot out of the way that's kept you on the train tracks then push sister push

§§§§~~~~If you can't accept yourself, how can you expect others to accept you?~~~~§§§§

If you can't accept yourself,  how can you expect others to accept you?

curious about me:,


For driving:

Not using turn signals for turning, exiting and entering traffic, passing, and lane changing.

Of course when people who play music so loudly or otherwise do not pay attention, causing them to not turn off their turn signals for long stretches, that is bad too.

All well.  Annoying but not the end of the world.

Always stay cheerful, be polite, kind, and understanding. Accepting yourself as the woman you are is very liberating.  Never underestimate the appreciation and respect of authenticity.  Be brave, be strong.  Try a little kindness.  I am a brown eyed brunette. 

Arianna Valentine

Quote from: ChrissyRyan on December 25, 2018, 09:56:23 PM
For driving:

Not using turn signals for turning, exiting and entering traffic, passing, and lane changing.

Of course when people who play music so loudly or otherwise do not pay attention, causing them to not turn off their turn signals for long stretches, that is bad too.

All well.  Annoying but not the end of the world.
Or I would have to say also along these lines people that cut off semis they did not realize that yes semis have a lot of wheels so that does me more break but they're also a lot heavier and harder to stop and the blinker thing definitely the blinker thing and it might not be the end of the world but if they cut you off and you end up in a wreck it could be the end of your world

§§§§~~~~If you can't accept yourself, how can you expect others to accept you?~~~~§§§§

If you can't accept yourself,  how can you expect others to accept you?

curious about me:,


One of my biggest pet peeves is when people waste food.  I HATE when people waste food.  It annoys me to no end.  Usually when I'm with someone else, and they either can't or won't finish their food, I'll offer to eat it.  Especially French fries.

Wait'll they get a load of me!


People who decides to sit next to me on the train, bus or subway.  GAH! Or even worse, when they starts talking and then never ever quits!! Not a fan of that.
La dolce vita


Quote from: MadisonJoan on January 06, 2019, 08:08:02 PM
One of my biggest pet peeves is when people waste food.  I HATE when people waste food.  It annoys me to no end.  Usually when I'm with someone else, and they either can't or won't finish their food, I'll offer to eat it.  Especially French fries.
If I may ask, have you experienced food shortage?
La dolce vita


Quote from: Swedishgirl96 on January 08, 2019, 10:02:57 AM
If I may ask, have you experienced food shortage?

Not in the third-world way but I still find it a pet peeve of mine. 
Wait'll they get a load of me!


Quote from: Swedishgirl96 on January 08, 2019, 10:01:26 AM
People who decides to sit next to me on the train, bus or subway.  GAH! Or even worse, when they starts talking and then never ever quits!! Not a fan of that.
You would be very lucky NOT to have someone sit next to you or even have a seat on the UK train network!!

Love Jessica
The brand new "A Day in the life of Jessica_k" blog,

**** No act of kindness goes unpunished ****



OMG, I don't think this thread is big enough for me to list it all! One huge one is being treated like I'm an idiot by guys and mansplained. Especially if they mansplain something I know more about than they do. Another is idiots in the grocery store who block the whole aisle while standing there looking at something! Even worse when they look right at you. If I don't get any response after 2 "excuse me pleases " I just ram their cart out of the way. Then there are other people who talk on their phones the entire time they are doing their shopping. These idiots are oblivious to everything around them and block aisles, run into people, etc. If they are so "important"  they can't be out of contact with everyone long enough to shop,  they should stay their ass at home and have someone else shop for them.

At work it's beyond annoying when someone tries to talk on their phone while I am trying to cut their hair!! Do you WANT uneven hair?? Also annoying are people who can't measure. I have people come in all the time and say they just want a trim and to cut off about 4-5 inches because they don't want to lose much length. 4-5 inches is a LOT of length. I keep a ruler in my drawer so I can show them how much 4-5 inches actually is. It's always a big shock to them and when they show me on the ruler how much they actually want cut it's almost always an inch or less.

And of course if one looked up "annoying as hell" in an encyclopedia there would be a picture of Tyler in there. I realize that being annoying is just part of being an older brother but mine enjoys being annoying. When its cold outside one of his favorites is when he comes back inside he will sneak up behind me and stick his ice cold hands under my shirt and put them on my back. In summer months he just put ice cubes down my back. He will sneak up behind me when I'm vacuuming and grab my sides and scream. I'm surprised he hasn't given me a massive heart attack. He also hides around corners and likes to jump out and scare me. The annoying stuff he does to me could fill a book! Hiding out of site and spraying me with a squirt gun and finding it hilarious when I start trying to figure it out how I'm getting wet. Putting rubber roaches in the kitchen drawers which scare the hell out of me when I open them. Using a universal remote to change channels and mute the TV from around the corner when I'm trying to watch something . Tickling the crap out of me when I have wet nail polish and I'm trying to be very careful not to mess up my nails. And of course I can't forget one gross and supremely annoying thing he does. He will stick his finger in his mouth and get it wet and then sneak up behind me and stick it in my ear!  Ewww! Just Eww! I'm surprised I don't have ptsd after years of this stuff. And no, Tyler isn't 12 years old. He's almost 22.

Of course he's also annoying without doing it on purpose. He will leave leftover containers in the refrigerator with like one strand of spaghetti, one baked bean, etc so he doesn't have to wash the dish. If he spills something like cereal on the kitchen floor he will kick it all under the stove rather than get the broom. And he's been known to shove dirty plates under the sofa rather than interrupt his TV watching and take them to the kitchen.

Tristan and my dad do annoying stuff too of course but Tyler wins the prize for being annoying. As far as me being annoying to other people, I have no doubt I am. I will admit I can be sarcastic as hell and some people don't understand my sense of humor and find it offensive at times. I've also been told by my dad, Tristan and Tyler that I am an OCD clean freak which they all find very annoying.

Everyone is annoying if you're around them long enough.

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018


Quote from: Jessica_K on January 08, 2019, 11:20:29 AM
You would be very lucky NOT to have someone sit next to you or even have a seat on the UK train network!!

Love Jessica
Haha well if I'm a turist in brittan I think I can manage. I do manage rush hour here as well. But I prefer to sit alone on the train. Especially if its a long journey.

La dolce vita


Quote from: Swedishgirl96 on January 08, 2019, 11:36:36 AM
Haha well if I'm a turist in brittan I think I can manage. I do manage rush hour here as well. But I prefer to sit alone on the train. Especially if its a long journey.


Forgot to add, and invariably it will be a man with BO, oh I cannot stand that, I have sometimes given up my seat and found an area near the doors where some more pleasant smelling people are standing.

Oh just thought.... did the guy not wash so as to get a seat by himself..... shiver

Love Jessica
The brand new "A Day in the life of Jessica_k" blog,

**** No act of kindness goes unpunished ****



Quote from: Jessica_K on January 08, 2019, 11:48:38 AM
Forgot to add, and invariably it will be a man with BO, oh I cannot stand that, I have sometimes given up my seat and found an area near the doors where some more pleasant smelling people are standing.

Oh just thought.... did the guy not wash so as to get a seat by himself..... shiver

Love Jessica
Urk thats nasty! The train attendant should kick them off!
La dolce vita


Oh I know one more thing. People who want to prohibit everything fun or new!

La dolce vita


Wait'll they get a load of me!


Quote from: Julia1996 on January 08, 2019, 11:31:36 AM
... Putting rubber roaches in the kitchen drawers which scare the hell out of me when I open them. ...

In Tyler's favour, it must be very brave of him to do that when, if I recall correctly, he is terrified of spiders.  He must know what you could do to him by way of retaliation.


Quote from: Julia1996 on January 08, 2019, 11:31:36 AM
OMG, I don't think this thread is big enough for me to list it all! One huge one is being treated like I'm an idiot by guys and mansplained. Especially if they mansplain something I know more about than they do. Another is idiots in the grocery store who block the whole aisle while standing there looking at something! Even worse when they look right at you. If I don't get any response after 2 "excuse me pleases " I just ram their cart out of the way. Then there are other people who talk on their phones the entire time they are doing their shopping. These idiots are oblivious to everything around them and block aisles, run into people, etc. If they are so "important"  they can't be out of contact with everyone long enough to shop,  they should stay their ass at home and have someone else shop for them.

At work it's beyond annoying when someone tries to talk on their phone while I am trying to cut their hair!! Do you WANT uneven hair?? Also annoying are people who can't measure. I have people come in all the time and say they just want a trim and to cut off about 4-5 inches because they don't want to lose much length. 4-5 inches is a LOT of length. I keep a ruler in my drawer so I can show them how much 4-5 inches actually is. It's always a big shock to them and when they show me on the ruler how much they actually want cut it's almost always an inch or less.

And of course if one looked up "annoying as hell" in an encyclopedia there would be a picture of Tyler in there. I realize that being annoying is just part of being an older brother but mine enjoys being annoying. When its cold outside one of his favorites is when he comes back inside he will sneak up behind me and stick his ice cold hands under my shirt and put them on my back. In summer months he just put ice cubes down my back. He will sneak up behind me when I'm vacuuming and grab my sides and scream. I'm surprised he hasn't given me a massive heart attack. He also hides around corners and likes to jump out and scare me. The annoying stuff he does to me could fill a book! Hiding out of site and spraying me with a squirt gun and finding it hilarious when I start trying to figure it out how I'm getting wet. Putting rubber roaches in the kitchen drawers which scare the hell out of me when I open them. Using a universal remote to change channels and mute the TV from around the corner when I'm trying to watch something . Tickling the crap out of me when I have wet nail polish and I'm trying to be very careful not to mess up my nails. And of course I can't forget one gross and supremely annoying thing he does. He will stick his finger in his mouth and get it wet and then sneak up behind me and stick it in my ear!  Ewww! Just Eww! I'm surprised I don't have ptsd after years of this stuff. And no, Tyler isn't 12 years old. He's almost 22.

Of course he's also annoying without doing it on purpose. He will leave leftover containers in the refrigerator with like one strand of spaghetti, one baked bean, etc so he doesn't have to wash the dish. If he spills something like cereal on the kitchen floor he will kick it all under the stove rather than get the broom. And he's been known to shove dirty plates under the sofa rather than interrupt his TV watching and take them to the kitchen.

Tristan and my dad do annoying stuff too of course but Tyler wins the prize for being annoying. As far as me being annoying to other people, I have no doubt I am. I will admit I can be sarcastic as hell and some people don't understand my sense of humor and find it offensive at times. I've also been told by my dad, Tristan and Tyler that I am an OCD clean freak which they all find very annoying.

Everyone is annoying if you're around them long enough.

Silly boys will be silly boys.  Even when they get older!

Always stay cheerful, be polite, kind, and understanding. Accepting yourself as the woman you are is very liberating.  Never underestimate the appreciation and respect of authenticity.  Be brave, be strong.  Try a little kindness.  I am a brown eyed brunette. 


Quote from: Swedishgirl96 on January 08, 2019, 10:01:26 AM
People who decides to sit next to me on the train, bus or subway.  GAH! Or even worse, when they starts talking and then never ever quits!! Not a fan of that.

I prefer the freedom to open a magazine or newspaper without jostling people.  The worst, though, is when nearby people start coughing and spreading their germs.  The worst was when an obviously very ill person sat next to me on a long distance bus.  He must have been very bitter because he put his face very close to my ear and coughed into it.  It could only have been deliberate.  I became very ill myself for a long time and my lungs never totally recovered.


Quote from: MadisonJoan on January 06, 2019, 08:08:02 PM
One of my biggest pet peeves is when people waste food.  I HATE when people waste food.  It annoys me to no end.  Usually when I'm with someone else, and they either can't or won't finish their food, I'll offer to eat it.  Especially French fries.

Right on!  Obesity rules OK!

(Not in your case, obviously.  You are clearly slim and attractive.)


Quote from: MaryT on January 08, 2019, 12:40:48 PM
Right on!  Obesity rules OK!

(Not in your case, obviously.  You are clearly slim and attractive.)

I'm a wee bit overweight actually.  But not super obese.  About to walk a mile. 
Wait'll they get a load of me!