Hello again all,
First off thank you Shelley for your most uplifting comments. I did not know when I posted this that people would find such personal strength in my actions. It is truly wonderful to me that my experience could be such an inspiration. I was moved to tears. What a wonderful place Susan's is.
Now, good news and Susan, sorry hon looks like your going to have to eat your words.
Now I know some of you will be skeptical, and I don't blame you so lets let this play out and see were it goes.
I received a reply from Kerry Jackson what follows is his reply and my response. From his tone I believe him to be sincere, but you will see from my reply that I have put that sincerity to the test. We shall see.
From: Kerry Jackson
cassandra@artstruck.net Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 8:36 PM
Subject: My sincere apology
I am very troubled that I offended you. It was never my intent to disrespect you or cause you any pain. For this I humbly apologize and ask for your forgiveness. I realize now that there was not a good reason to include my personal thoughts regarding you in my recent DTTR Update. I know I have much to learn on relating to my peers who have a different lifestyle from my own. Your comments make me realize how much further I need to go in exhibiting true Christ-like love.
Please permit me to address a couple of your concerns. First, my DTTR Update address list includes only people who have financially contributed to my ministry or have specifically asked to receive it so that they can pray for the ministry. There is no one on the list from any church in B......... I placed C....... on the list because she seemed so interested in my ministry.
I admit that my first priority is to initiate spiritual conversations with my art. Selling my work is secondary to me. However, I'm not opposed to selling my art. I would have welcomed the sale of my work in your gallery if someone had been interested. However, if you feel I misrepresented myself, I again apologize and ask for forgiveness.
As you have requested, I will send out another email and apologize for this offense.
Again, I regret this experience and pray that I will learn and take to heart what God has taught me through you and your comments.
Kerry Jackson
Dear Kerry,
I believe you are sincere in your apology and I do forgive you. It was forgiven after I had said my piece, for Christ charged us to love those who hate us and to forgive those who despise us for his sake. After all he has done for us I could not do otherwise.
I found my spirit uplifted by your confession that you have much to learn and that my admonitions to you were responsible. I feel that I have served God's purpose and am both thankful and humbled by his wisdom in bringing us together in this instance.
I would ask a favor of you regarding your apology in your email to your newsletter subscribers. If you could find it in your heart to urge love and understanding for the transgendered community in general I believe it would go a long way to bringing more people together in God's love, by doing so.
I have given you a start with the document on "How to Respect a Transgendered Person". You may be able to draw from that. This would be a bold undertaking and I will understand if you do not feel that you would be up to such a task or that your ministry would suffer as a result. I would remind you though that when Christ's disciples admonished him for associating with tax collectors and whores Christ told them that he had not come to save the righteous.
Christ's purpose along with bridging the gap between man and god was also to bring all peoples together in love and understanding. A calling from God is not to be taken lightly nor should it be expected that the road should be easy.
Perhaps there is yet another greater purpose in our crossing swords today. I will pray on this and trust that you will also.
I would be happy to answer any questions you might have on the subject if you wish to know. I am actually quite open about it but like to do so on my own terms and to people of my own choosing.
Peace and Love to you,
Cassandra H....
So there it is for what it's worth. A better end to an otherwise rather c.....y day.
Thank you all again for your wonderful support.
Love to you all,
ooo & xxx all around,