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Bern sexual identity test

Started by JanePlain, December 29, 2018, 10:51:44 AM

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I was curious so I found it...

Your score for masculinity was 100.
Your score for femininity was 101.

My score makes a lot of sense to me, because when I'm neither a girly girl or a manly I've never been good at typical girl stuff or typical guy stuff, and I get that gender norms are like a thing of the past, and like they suck, but being raised in the Bible belt where everything is very much "Yes sir / yes ma'am" and boys will boys, and everyone aligns so properly to their assigned gender roles from birth, it's just a hard thing to get out of you once it's ingrained in there from a young age.  :eusa_doh:


Quote from: JanePlain on January 19, 2019, 08:18:46 PM
I find it reassuring that I scored the way I did on two different tests. 

Sadly I do a lot of second guessing hand wringing.   Some of the tests I've seen are so NOT subtle I think what results they pronounce are just echoing what we might want to hear.  Anyway if the MMPI and the Bern are not well done tests does anyone have suggestions on what would be better?

I don't have any off the top of my head but do we really need a test like this? I find it more entertaining to think about the quizzes I read in seventeen way back when.


Quote from: JanePlain on January 19, 2019, 08:18:46 PM
I find it reassuring that I scored the way I did on two different tests. 

Sadly I do a lot of second guessing hand wringing.   Some of the tests I've seen are so NOT subtle I think what results they pronounce are just echoing what we might want to hear.  Anyway if the MMPI and the Bern are not well done tests does anyone have suggestions on what would be better?

I think they should be on a spectrum with intersections like the managerial traits tests they have. It shouldn't be associate with what's in my pants at all.

These are human behavioral characteristics - not genitalia dependant

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Quote from: Chloe on January 19, 2019, 08:15:10 AM
         Wendi,I now see two tests too and took the wrong one not discussed here. First one says "an interactive version of the Open Sex Role Inventory, a measure of masculinity and femininity modeled on the Bem Sex Role Inventory" and the scoring is different but liked the result, disagree with KathyLauren think how we feel about ourselves is much more important than "about how other people perceive us".
Suppose it depends on how one wants to interpret the results I got high marks in both gender categories which means I'm "psychologically healthy"? (overall averages being 100)

  • Your score for masculinity was 92.
  • Your score for femininity was 97.

         What more could one ask? If "androgyny" is a perfect blending of male & female then that describes me pretty well but that doesn't mean I subscribe to "non-binary" quite the opposite! I come to realize I've been resisting transition for the last 40yrs because I subscribe to "very binary" (very 60's Old Fashioned?) and simply have a thousand reasons for not doing so? Having achieved "acceptance" of myself and by others "passing" has only gained in importance lately I may just social transition yet . . . lol call me a coward yes but refuse to "give up" anything and am definately not a "come lately" to the transition game!

Yes there is some truth to my liking the result.  All I can say is that I'm older and balding and there are so many things buzzing around in my head.  And if I'm honest I buried all this stuff pretty deep and when I was a kid having these "odd" things going on their just wasn't mainstream information that I found *outside of a Time magazine article.  And the thing then was the level of phobic, violent people was pretty huge.  When I did the MMPI the male Therapist told me this "your very in touch with your feminine side" comment was said like... an accusation or maybe he just had that Mr Yuck look on his face.  Going off topic I think if had known then what I know about men in medical positions I would have had someone female who might possibly have been a little less negative.  I agree with the points about it being easy to screw with the results but I think you need to give honest answers to any type of test like this to obtain a valid response.  And unless I was transphobic myself why would I (or anyone else) try to fake out the test? Anyway I don't think anyone should take a test like this and use it to base a serious decision on transition.  I think you know yourself and talking to someone who works in this field would be 100x better.


Quote from: NatalieRene on March 18, 2019, 11:27:09 PM
I don't have any off the top of my head but do we really need a test like this? I find it more entertaining to think about the quizzes I read in seventeen way back when.

Ha!  And probably as useful   Was 17 a magazine like Teen Beat?  "How dreamy are the Backstreet boys" or Hanson??? and that type of thing?  Other then MAD magazine and the comic books I missed out on that. 


Quote from: JanePlain on March 19, 2019, 01:59:43 AM. . . a kid having these "odd" things going on their just wasn't mainstream information that I found *outside of a Time magazine article.

;D ;D ;) I remember finding Nacy Hunt's "Mirror Image" in local library . . . and the rest has been history. Although lived close to nearby NYC also recall stressing over ever finding someone who could help until I actually found an ad for Premarin in the back of "The Village Voice" newspaper whatever it takes fries are still not done!

Have you seen the new Netflix "Girl"?
"But it's no use now," thought poor Alice, "to pretend be two people!
"Why, there's hardly enough of me left to make one respectable person!"


Quote from: JanePlain on March 19, 2019, 02:02:48 AM
Ha!  And probably as useful   Was 17 a magazine like Teen Beat?  "How dreamy are the Backstreet boys" or Hanson??? and that type of thing?  Other then MAD magazine and the comic books I missed out on that.

That's pretty much what it was. I have two sisters so I was able to occasionally intercept them and read them or snag them afterwards and look at them in secret.


Quote from: Chloe on March 19, 2019, 05:12:27 AM
;D ;D ;) I remember finding Nacy Hunt's "Mirror Image" in local library . . . and the rest has been history. Although lived close to nearby NYC also recall stressing over ever finding someone who could help until I actually found an ad for Premarin in the back of "The Village Voice" newspaper whatever it takes fries are still not done!

Have you seen the new Netflix "Girl"?

Someone else mentioned "Girl" and I watched it.  It was very hard to watch.  Very sad parts and the end was quite shocking.


Quote from: NatalieRene on March 19, 2019, 07:05:48 AM
That's pretty much what it was. I have two sisters so I was able to occasionally intercept them and read them or snag them afterwards and look at them in secret.

I (cough) flipped through a few of those.  Is it just me or is Cosmo slanted to a weird "How to please your man" angle? Wouldn't a woman's magazine be more about how to get your man to please you? It just confuses me.


Quote from: JanePlain on March 21, 2019, 02:31:41 AM
I (cough) flipped through a few of those.  Is it just me or is Cosmo slanted to a weird "How to please your man" angle? Wouldn't a woman's magazine be more about how to get your man to please you? It just confuses me.

It's a two way street. Having had to act like I was into whatever that men's magazine at college I can tell you actually reading the thing that some of it was how to drive your woman crazy in bed or how to please your woman. I'm not sure if the men are actually reading those magazines though.

Plus not all woman had to emulate men growing up so they don't understand how they think. I grew up assigned male at birth and I still cannot understand the bull headed macho behavior like the get in a fight and now they are best friends. Sometimes we simply need advice.


I would probably be considered the kid who got into lots of fights.  Probably partly due to that male hormone limiting binary range of emotion.  Angry or not currently angry.   I was a crusader against people mistreating animals or picking on someone because they were femy/gayetc  or told they were  ugly or weird etc.  I just hate bullies and injustice.  I wasn't that they were stupid because you can be pretty stupid and not be a jerk.  I think some people are just goons.

Speaking of which I've got to go find my estrogen.  I'm feeling "Binary"  >:(  thinking of those former classmates.