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VFS stitches

Started by Gamergirl, February 16, 2019, 11:59:37 AM

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I'm curious if anybody knows how easy or hard it is to accidentally undo the stitches in my throat after voice feminization surgery ? I have coughed lightly only a couple times.

The doctor tells me not to worry about it because there is no way to tell without his probe.   I'm curious what others may know about it.  Is it easy to mess results up ? I had the procedure last wednesday


Jill E

I imagine it would depend on the type of stitches. Who was your surgeon? I went to Yeson and accidentally made some noise. I ended getting a granuloma bc of it and had to take meds via inhaler to get rid of it. My voice ended up being a little lower than they estimated, but speech therapy has helped make up for it.

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Dr. Haben says control what you can and don't worry about what you can't. I have heard stories about people waking up from surgery with a serious coughing fit and they didn't damage the surgery. It seems that a light cough or saying a few words by mistake won't hurt the surgery. I have only heard of a few cases where the surgery failed and there tends to be other issues like the cords not fusing properly that caused most of the problems.

Just do the best you can and don't worry about it because the odds are your not going to have any problems.
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Thank you.

I feel better now! Dr Haben did the procedure.  It hurt a lot the first couple days, but today there is almost no pain.  I was worried I messed something up.  Haha


Your surgeon will try to make things people proof to achieve the best results. I didn't go to Dr. Haben myself, I went with Dr. Spiegel, but they cinch those stitches in pretty good. Well enough to withstand some light coughing for sure. For the record, I coughed a lot when my dissolvable stitches poked into my throat during recovery. I emailed my surgeon and he said to not worry about it, and that the stitches he put in there won't break.  He also said that he expects these things to happen, and that he makes sure they will hold up. Don't worry about a little coughing. Dr. Spiegel also mentioned that you will know if your stitches pop because it will be very noticeable. I hope this helps put your mind at ease during your recovery!  For the record, my voice turned out beautifully. All the best during your healing. It is totally worth the wait!!! ☺


Thanks Hollykay.

The pain went away suddenly in half a day.  I was paranoid the stitches were no longer stressing everything together, for lack of a better description.  Thanks for the encouraging words!  At the very least, I hope I no longer laugh like a pirate that smokes.  My voice was sort of skewed by my previous neck shave, and Dr Haben took it into consideration when he did the procedure.  He made an extra stitch along the upper portion of the surgery area.

Have a good day !