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My FFS results / Did he go far enough?

Started by Clefairy, December 19, 2017, 02:41:16 PM

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All I can say is wow, you look amazing I wish I could have half of you beauty


Quote from: Clefairy on December 22, 2017, 03:54:26 PM

I honestly can't wait for all the swelling to go down so I can see my new look. I have a strong feeling I'm going to want revisions though :c

There are some wounds surgery can't fix.  Looking to have more cosmetic surgery before you can even see the results of the last is concerning.  I hope you are getting good counseling.

Allison S

You're very pretty! I think you have a unique look and I'm sure you're a great person too. As trans girls we tend to be hard on ourselves because we feel we need to be..

Go to your partner girl! Stop denying yourself, live life and if something gets you down- and has been consistently for a while- then counseling is a good idea !

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Quote from: Clefairy on December 22, 2017, 03:54:26 PM
I have really bad dysmorphia too Markie. For what it's worth, you look gorgeous to me!

Thanks for the elf comment <33333 I really wish I were an elf honestly. I'm certainly tall enough x_x

Thx for that Clefairy that was a makeover i had done to make me feel better , lots of foundationmakeup etc,
Dysmorphia is a awful thing , one has to be careful  for myself i use the input of others opinions  as a sounding board to base my own perceptions on , sometimes i think that perhaps having a good artist doing  a blacka nd white sketch might be the way to go ...mirriors and cameras can be distortive whereupon the view point of another human being would at least give the real perception of another
Well you could get your ears pointed ....i am i'll see if Dr c is up for it ...another wise i'll use the same body modification artist who tinted my eyes
You do look ethereal dear 😊
Oh that diiscription  of the jaw pain spins me ....yikes i wanted to have full dental caps b4 the ffs maybe amonth after i hope
Speedy healing😊



Looking stunning.....oh boy are they going to get a surprise when i rock up ....theyre be like ...the ..boxing ring is that way sir 😂😂😂


You are so beautiful. You ARE a woman. You need to stop with the self-doubt. I think you keep seeing ghosts. He is gone, let him go.
Out of the closet to family 4-2019


OMG girl you were amazingly beautiful before ffs! When I started looking at your first pic I thought maybe you were the guy friend half covering your face! Really. ;)

I bet he did type 1 brow because from what I can see in your before pics I don't think you had enough of a frontal sinus bulge to require cutting and resetting the bone.

If it's not intruding too much, would you share how much your surgery cost you?
04/26/2018 bi-lateral orchiectomy

A lifetime of depression and repressed emotions is nothing more than existence. I for one want to live now not just exist!



I am the same way. Never enough really. I have had two body shaping surgeries and my therapist was worried I would go overboard.
You will get over it in time. I have to look in the mirror to realize how much I changed after FFS.
Men melt around me and I still have issues with worry about how I look.
You are prettier than 90 percent of CIS women.
Funny but being really pretty is great but it does not make us happy.
These days I go out without makeup.  I even saw a customer the other day.. no makeup and it was so empowering.
I am beautiful and I am jealous of you girl..


Quote from: Charlie Nicki on December 20, 2017, 04:21:19 AM
That's insane sweetie. When I first glanced through the first pictures I actually thought your before pics were after FFS lol. Then I read the captions and saw the ones recovering and after. You are a beautiful woman, end of story.

SAME! I thought the before pic was the after pic! You look amazing. Can't wait to see more once the swelling has gone down.


You look really cute and girlish!   For our community maybe the surgeries are addictive.  If you want to do your nose later, you can go to someone local who does good noses.   I got about 20k of work done by Dr. Z and decided i needed a lower eyelid job.  Our best local plastic surgeon did a wonderful job on my eye lids and it only cost my husband a day off of work.   Everyone else is right-it does take time to get the swelling down.


You are a really lucky lady!   Do not over do this really great result with too much!


Quote from: Clefairy on December 19, 2017, 07:17:42 PM
I guess its just permenantly stuck in my head that I look like a really feminine man  :embarrassed:

I have like the worst self image in the world. I am trying to work on it, but dysphoria is hard for me q.q

Thanks for all the kind words by the way <3 <3 <3 <3 c: If anyone has any questions about my experience with Cardenas I would be happy to share anything.

Girl, I thought your first photo was after FFS.

You look 100% cis.


I thought she was a cis trolling the forums at first.  :-\


