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The gym

Started by Prada, March 03, 2019, 10:09:58 AM

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So I want to loose weight and I've never really wanted to go to a gym but I might feel more confident if I go with my friend who's already invited me before. What kind of exercises should I do if I just want to loose fat? I have anxiety about not knowing how to use the machinery


I haven't been lifting weights at all. I do aerobics, yoga, elliptical machines, treadmills and stationary bikes.


The machines in gyms can be daunting to figure out how to use properly.  I took some one on one advice from the staff and it helped in determining which were best for me.  I'm a runner, so the elliptical works best for me and I hate treadmills.  Personal preference is in play here.
The rowing machine is my most useful exercise to lose belly bulge, at least for me.

"If you go out looking for friends, you are going to find they are very scarce.  If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere."



I use the rowing machine to warm up. Atleast 10 minutes. Then I do weights, core exercise and machines. I had help from a PT to find what muscles I wanted to build up and to lose weight. Then I finish with atleast 10 minutes on the rowing machine.

I hate treadmills. I walk outdoors. I use Runkeeper to keep a track of how long my track is. I have found a 5 km long track in my neighborhood. I sometimes walk the track to the other direction so that it won't be boring.

My goal is 7 km around the lake. I've been walking since January. I started out easy with a distance of 3 km.

You can put on weight bracelets to make the walking more effective. I have not come that far yet.

Check if a PT or staff can help you with the machines. There is a big risk of injury if you do it the wrong way.


Northern Star Girl

Quote from: Jessica on March 03, 2019, 10:28:48 AM
The machines in gyms can be daunting to figure out how to use properly.  I took some one on one advice from the staff and it helped in determining which were best for me.  I'm a runner, so the elliptical works best for me and I hate treadmills.  Personal preference is in play here.
The rowing machine is my most useful exercise to lose belly bulge, at least for me.

Dear Jess:
For sure, the machines in the gyms can be quite confusing... however I tend to do a lot of (bike) spin classes and also I use the elliptical as well...   I do some free weights but I am not a big fan that sort of exercise. 

I AGREE  WITH YOU regarding hating TREADMILLS....   very boring unless you have a friends or partners on an adjacent machines to converse with.   I would rather be outside walking, jogging or running ... and enjoying the scenery, fresh air and bumping into friends along the way. 
If I lived in a larger town with an indoor shopping mall I would definitely go there in the cold winter weather to walk laps.

I do not particularly care for going to the gym alone, I do however much enjoy going with my gym-gals group... we have a lot of fun together competing and excising together..., early in my arrival here where I am, I had problems with Creepy-Gym-Guy-Suitor#2  staring, stalking and approaching me all the time... my gym-gals were my body guards and took quick care of that issue.   As is usually the case, safety in numbers (and more fun) !!!

BY THE WAY...  your exercise routine seems to be working for you wonderfully.   Based on your new "full-body" Avatar/profile photo, you look fantastic, great hair, with nice curve and some wonderful boobage!!!! :o :o ;) ;) :icon_chick: :icon_chick:

Hugs, and happy exercising.
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@Alaskan Danielle

Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on March 06, 2019, 01:10:58 PM
Dear Jess:
For sure, the machines in the gyms can be quite confusing... however I tend to do a lot of (bike) spin classes and also I use the elliptical as well...   I do some free weights but I am not a big fan that sort of exercise. 

I AGREE  WITH YOU regarding hating TREADMILLS....   very boring unless you have a friends or partners on an adjacent machines to converse with.   I would rather be outside walking, jogging or running ... and enjoying the scenery, fresh air and bumping into friends along the way. 
If I lived in a larger town with an indoor shopping mall I would definitely go there in the cold winter weather to walk laps.

I do not particularly care for going to the gym alone, I do however much enjoy going with my gym-gals group... we have a lot of fun together competing and excising together..., early in my arrival here where I am, I had problems with Creepy-Gym-Guy-Suitor#2  staring, stalking and approaching me all the time... my gym-gals were my body guards and took quick care of that issue.   As is usually the case, safety in numbers (and more fun) !!!

BY THE WAY...  your exercise routine seems to be working for you wonderfully.   Based on your new "full-body" Avatar/profile photo, you look fantastic, great hair, with nice curve and some wonderful boobage!!!! :o :o ;) ;) :icon_chick: :icon_chick:

Hugs, and happy exercising.

Thank you so much Danielle 💕💕💕
I appreciate your critique of my new avatar, even though I still need to get rid of the extra holiday weight.  Maybe I don't need to after all and those extra pounds went to the right spots.......which in truth I know they have.

Hugs and smiles from a California girl

"If you go out looking for friends, you are going to find they are very scarce.  If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere."



I have just started back to the gym after a multi year long break. I like the treadmill for calorie burning and the weight machines to build/tone muscle.  The treadmills can be boring, but many of them have a TV screen and are online. (my gym is the YMCA) I watch TV or catch up on some of the you tubers I watch. When I started back (actually, last week), I made an appointment with one of the trainers who showed me the machines and set up a workout program. The fitness plan can be accessed online through my phone and I can record my workout. Makes it all real easy. I would prefer to be outside, but we have just had our longest rain free streak since September (4 days), so the weather doesn't cooperate sometimes. In the summer, when it cools down to 90 F everybody goes outside to enjoy the cool day.

Ask your friend to invite you again! I'm sure they would be happy to go. Having a friend will help you push yourself a little more. When your friend can't go, build you self control muscles and push yourself a little. Be open to gym friends (I need to work on this LOL).

Don't let the machines intimidate you. Your friend can show you what to do, or you can make an appointment with a trainer to learn how to use them. Most of them follow the same protocols for use and have diagrams on them to remind you what to do. If a machine gets overlooked during your introduction but you want to use it, watch others or go ask someone using it (when they are done, not during their work out).

The gym I go to is the same gym I went to before my long break, They did a good job keeping the...ummm... less desirable, rude, show off types. See if the gym you're interested in has a free trial period and use it to watch the culture of the gym, but the gym your friend goes to is probably good since, as friends,  you will share certain expectations.

Some people worry they will be judged by others at the gym. No, you won't. Everybody is there to improve their selves and some of us have further to go than others. I am borderline obese and I wear yoga pants and racerback tops and have never been made to feel uncomfortable.

Once you get into the routine of regular trips to the gym, you will find you feel better the rest of the day and the next day. I really don'y know why I got out of the routine, but I regret it now.

So go. It's fun. You can socialize with your friend or meditate on the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. You'll feel better about yourself and everything else.

Sorry this is so long.