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Started HRT Today

Started by Jennifer300, February 12, 2019, 12:12:30 PM

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Quote from: Jennifer300 on February 28, 2019, 05:49:58 PM
Nothing erotic, just odd.  I haven't dreamed for a long time, now it seems every time I fall asleep I have a dream.  My brain does feel more at ease since I started HRT.  Who knows, maybe the HRT has taken the stress away and now the happy thoughts can happen while I sleep.   :)

That's really interesting!  I used to have many more bad dreams before coming out.  I was always getting chased or hunted with adrenaline rushing.  Still happens once in a while if I am angry at someone and holding it in, but a fraction of what it was.

I am sleeping more easily since starting HRT, but I think it is a combo of the Spiro making me fatigued and a calmer nervous system.  I need about two hours more sleep a night, or a power nap,  otherwise I getreally  sleepy when driving by the afternoon.
Trans-cendental Musings Blog and Art:



   1 Month today on HRT.  I felt relieved since day I decided to go on HRT.  I believe it is mostly psychological.  I do feel lower stress levels, but some stress in my life ended so that may be it too.   I do seem to be more driven to get things done rather than put them off.  I am sleeping much better and actually feel more rested during the days. 

   Physical changes are slight.  Libido was down the first week which was good.  It lets me concentrate on things I need to focus on.  I believe my body hair is growing slower.  My nipples were sticking out off and on, but now they are there most of the time.  Nipples also feel bruised if I touch them every time now.  It is hard to tell if any growth, I had large pectoral muscles for years, and when they softened before HRT they would fill out a swim suite bikini top.  I tried a sports bra before HRT and they actually looked like breasts, so it is hard to tell how much muscle is going away and how much breast is taking it's place.  I had a 43 in under bust and a 46 in over the nipple area.  From what I read the breast buds come first so any growth in the outer areas are likely my imagination.   I am still patient, and I am still really wanting to evaluate if I will transition or not.  My main goal for HRT at the moment is to see if the brain being exposed to the hormones will make me feel more normal and at peace with myself.  For me it really isn't as much about the physical changes at the moment, and I have read the mental changes happen before permanent physical changes so I am kind of on a trial run.  I am just trying to get to know my inner person over a 3 month HRT trial run.  It is hard to be honest with myself when I know much bigger issues will happen if I decided to actually transition.  I suppose I must be considering it if I have already researched how to do legal name changes in my state on all my documents.  My insurance covers any surgeries so I am lucky there if I decide to have any surgeries done.  I think I have found a therapist I want to try.  My luck, the one I would have loved to use is moving out of state and not taking patients. 

   I guess that is it for my 1 month update.  I am optimistic more changes will come.  Either way I have no expectations, I am just trying to take an honest look at my inner self without judging myself and worrying about the consequences if I decide to be who I find I am in the end.  If I decide it is not the right direction for me, at least I gave it an honest try.  If I decide I am going to transition, well, I guess I will have 3 months under  my belt, and I suppose under my bra too.   :D


Jennifer, great post, this is why SP exists, to explore yourself and see if this is right for you! Bravo on your introspection, shows you are taking responsibility for your self and pointing your life in the right direction. I recently started HRT and have similar feelings too. I agree the mental considerations have deeper meaning for us. Congratulations on one month, I'm right behind you.

1968 Born male but actually girl
1978 Played in girl clothes
1988 Dressed in girl clothes
1998 Wanted to be a girl socially
2008 Trying lying to myself
2018 Dreamed of becoming a girl
12-8-2018 Knew I was a woman
2-22-2019 Started HRT


I guess it is time to go shirt shopping, for some reason my old ones don't fit anymore.  Spring has sprung, and so have my breasts.  I always try to get a base tan before summer arrives to avoid getting too much sun in one day and getting a burn.  I had a nice sunny day here, and decided to go in the back yard and try to get a little tan.  I removed my shirt and realized I have breasts now, and it is going to be harder to hide them.  If I put my arms over my head and stretch them they are barely noticeable, but if I don't they are definitely there.  I use to wear thin T shirts in the summer for comfort and convenience, but they are definitely showing some breasts that are not only sticking out, but rounding on the sides.  My goal was really about the mental effects of HRT but much like girls find out when growing up, we have to deal with what mother nature gives us.  I was kind of hoping I might get little growth and be able to enjoy the mental benefits and maybe not have to come out at all.  Welcome to Womanhood.  I guess I will go shirt shopping now to try to hide them a bit longer.  I am really not ready to come out yet, but I guess the girls are.   I suppose sports bra shopping will be sooner than later too.   ;D   I have been on HRT 1 month and 20 days today, I plan on going the full 90 days to evaluate how HRT can improve my life and if I wan to continue with it.  With the speed the girls are growing, they seem to like the E and will likely be staying even if I decide do discontinue at the end of the 90 days. 

Julie -2010


  Evaluate where you are before going off.  When I first started HRT I thought how am I going to hide them.  But being on HRT for a little over 2 years my girls are not very big.  Yes there is growth and I did go up a size in my male shirts.  I do have to watch the t-shirts they really show off the girls.  I still think I'm AA or A in size.  I'm hoping for continue growth but...

I'm glad it helped the mental state.  That was nice to not have the cloud in my brain after HRT.  There are other benefits that I have also discovered.

Take Care,

"me to be my true and authentic self, my own person, one who belonged to the infinitely loving Creator, with all the inherent flaws that come with it."  - Jonathan S. Williams


I recall growing up with little money starting out in an older car.  I never noticed it rattled and didn't block out road noise, etc. until I was doing better financially and purchased a newer car.  The newer car seemed like it was a little nicer, until I went back and drove an older car.  Then I noticed every single negative fault of the old car and how much nicer it was to drive the newer one.  I guess I am trying to say it may be easier to recognize how much HRT is really doing for me by getting off it for a while than I did going onto it.  I am going to stay on it the full 90 days to evaluate it, and maybe longer.  Before I noticed I had no refills on my HRT meds, but now I have a few refills showing on my account.  I guess the doctor decided to go ahead and approve refills on it before seeing me again.  I imagine he will want to blood test me to check T and E levels at some point around 90 days.  I have noticed some other positive changes as well.  It is hard to explain, but my way of thinking has gotten a bit better than it was.  I have also started noticing small changes to my face in a feminine way.  My overall goal is mental health improvement, but if I look better too I will take it.  If my breasts remain pretty small it may be a small price to pay to gain better mental health.  I have always had large pectoral muscles, so large that after I no longer worked out as a younger person, they looked like breasts anyway.  Many around me may not notice them as long as they don't completely round out or get too large.  Mother nature is in control so I am just trying to get a better understanding of who I really am in case I find the need to transition and own it all. 


No one here warned me about refrigerator doors, I was only watching out for the entry doors.  I guess I can say my breasts are definitely growing, and a little painful when bumped.  I feel like a have half a golf ball under my nipple areola area, so I guess the HRT does a bit more than mental changes.  Still enjoying the more restful nights, urinating is easier, the calmer less stressed feeling in general. 


I guess I'll also have to watch out for refrigerator doors.  What about other doors?   ;)
I'm a 65 year old male who has been thinking about SRS for many years.  I also was a  full cross dresser for a few years.  I wear a bra, pantyhose and nail polish daily because it just feels right.

Started HRT April 17, 2019.