Quote from: Cindy on February 04, 2016, 12:05:56 AM
Dr Patrick Tansley who works in Melbourne and Brisbane
Had a consult with Dr Tansley and Dr Seneviratne yesterday regarding FFS. Really looked forward to it after seeing Dr Sadeghi a few weeks ago.
The consult yesterday left me feeling a little empty and feeling that I had to justify my transitioning, they were very thorough and seemed pleasant. I had a referral from my Endo and they had full access to my Drs and new prior that I was a Transgender Women.
I'm not too sure I feel confident in their approach to MTF, especially to how many procedures they had already carried out on Trans ladies regarding facial feminisation. It almost felt that I was their homework but again they were very thorough.
Regards top work they have a very good reputation regarding this but again not sure with the transgender community, you will have to do some research. Consult fee is not cheap but not as expensive as Dr Ingram.
My consult with Dr Sadeghi was the complete opposite, very warm and realistic with what can and can't be achieved, regarding my expectations. Very thorough, very exact in his costings. Infact I have seen him a second time and he did not charge for the consult! If I want to move forward he explained that he will expect a third and final consultation where he will confirm exactly how he believes the procedures will be carried out and fine details.
I really connected with him. I think this is one of the most important aspects; is this person someone that you trust?
Not too sure if this is who I will go with as I am seeking a third Dr, this will give me a good idea to my final decision regarding FFS.
Non of the above Dr's do bone work. This is something I am not interested in.