Quote from: steph2.0 on April 19, 2019, 08:25:07 PM
You do need to be careful when changing dosing methods. The amount of E absorbed directly into the bloodstream sublingually is not just higher overall but may spike. When I tried it that way my emotional swings were extreme. I attributed some pretty bad meltdowns to that, and stopped doing it. I seriously suggest you talk to your doctor before trying it.
Yes I agree, I have just been reading all about the "SPIKE" and increase regarding the bypass of the liver, interesting.
Thank you Ladies for your feedback.
22 days on HRT and the area sound the areola is starting to get quite sensitive. I've started to put weight back on, my outlook feels much better so hopefully the E is filling the void that was left from using the blocker.
Steph2.0, regarding your mood swings did they make you feel as if you were being critical on yourself (judgemental)?
Ever since I have started the blockers and HRT I find at times, a wave of despair at the reflection of myself, how I look and what I am wearing. My Dysphoria is pretty much nonexistent now and the way I feel regarding how I look is much less gratifying than before. I wonder if this is me getting more used to living as a women or the changes that the medication is making to my body and brain (puberty as a women). Could this be the adaption that goes with such a change? Is this the maleness evaporating and the feminine starting to take hold? I think this is something that I will be talking to my Psychologist about.
As we transition MTF and FTM, is this something wholly exclusive to our psyche that we can start to identify with both sides of the coin? Does this experience make us more level in our outlook whereas before we overcompensated in some way due to the Dysphoria? Does this make us special (Profound)? That through our commitment we have truly got to understand the sexes or is the complete gender (final), artificially been created by drugs and not a true reflection of the two genders?
Or is the Dysphoria before transition, an individual's gateway to both sides of gender, our brains allowing fleeting glimpses into the other side? If so this gives us the ability to surely understand the world in a much broader canvas.
Does this give us the edge?
Is this part of our evolution, in a million years from now where we are born gender neutral (no genitals). As we mature and grow to the teenage period of our lives, our brains can switch on sex-changing whose hermaphrodotism will develop into the gender we feel that we are supposed to be and make us completely gender fluid, physically. This already happens in the animal kingdom, so could the human body go through the same changes?
Is this the start? the Dysphoria, we feel the beginning?
Are there more people transitioning in the 21st Century? Is the data there that show us more cases than ever for the mental need to transition, or do we have a better understanding to the Dysphoria and the figures reflect what we never new 100, 200 years ago?...