So I was supposed to have this done in November but a few things happened that delayed it and I was put on a waiting list as my Dr was pretty booked up. I wasn't expecting this to happen until later in the spring at the earliest but less than 2 weeks ago I get a call, and a few appointments and days later voila, they are gone!
I decided on having the scrotectomy at the same time as the skin repulses me especially on some of the ' after' pictures I have seen, and I have decided that when/if the time comes for GRS that I will be perfectly happy with the low depth option as this will meet my needs/wants. I understand everyone is completely different in their thoughts on this and that is perfectly ok!
Friday was fine, I had a general anesthetic so no pain or memory of it. I spent some extra time in recovery as I couldn't pee but with some walking and time things started to flow. Saturday was mostly OK, I took my painkillers as I did need them, and Sunday the same. Today things are still very tender and maybe a bit more painful than yesterday, I guess I won't be one of the lucky girls who had little pain and short recovery time. But all in all I am dealing with everything just fine and am very happy to get rid of the T in my body and stop taking Spiro which had produced some challenges for me.
I have done a lot of research here, and soul searching, and just wanted to provide another data point for people who are searching for information trying to figure out their path. Any questions I would be glad to help. I am in Alberta and luckily AB Health covered the surgery.