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How FINGER LENGTH could reveal your sexuality

Started by AnneK, October 17, 2018, 08:16:03 AM

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You're right handed?


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Quote from: CatHawk1453 on March 12, 2019, 03:55:50 PM
wtf my finger lengths are different on each hand  >:( my left hand the ring and pointer finger are the same (slightly taller ring finger but not by much) while my right hand my ring finger is noticeably longer. what does it mean??
You are bisexual?
02/22/2019 bi-lateral orchiectomy



Same length, MTF and bi but mostly lesbian leanings...
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On my left hand my index finger (so 2nd finger) is substantially longer than the ring finger 7.5 vs 6.5cm approx. (uh... that's a BIIIIG ratio)
Right hand however?
6.5 and 6.2

My hands don't match at all lol. My left pinkie is like a good cm or 2 shorter than my right for example. But both hands my index finger is longer, uh.. what does that mean? (am I an alien? yes!)

I am bi/pansexual or more accurately i'm demisexual and panromantic.
I'm potentially FTM or at the very least masculine leaning fluid.

I'm also ambidexterous. right dominant but that could be socialisation/habit as I can write with both hands just fine and play most sport left handed, eat left handed etc.


Haley Conner

My index finger is considerably longer than my ring finger.  2-4 digit ratio is a good indicator of prenatal androgen exposure, or lack thereof. 

There are a number of other indicators as well, such as the rate at which one builds muscle mass, a certain face shape, being able to cross your legs twice, overall flexibility, penis size at birth, and a few more things. 

Genetic females with the opposite issue tend to be stronger and more aggressive.

Either way there is a very high rate of transexuality.  I don't recall the exact figure.