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GLAD Resolves Case Involving Transgender Woman's Firing

Started by Kate Thomas, February 11, 2006, 05:14:30 PM

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Kate Thomas

"But who is that on the other side of you?"
T.S. Eliot


I may take one law suite at a time but eventually they will realize that will will not go away, and we WILL win.



I think my middle school's motto is appropriate for this vistory.

"Success is the only option."



Sadly though, this is a settlement, not a court rendered decision. The blurb does not say if she got her job back or if she was awarded signifcant damage or if her legal fees were covered. Not really much here to discourage other employers from firing TG people.

When fired, and in the absence of a contract (union) the burden is on the fired employee (you) to prove that the company acted illegally and that will cost you BIG BUCKS in attorney and legal fees with no guarantee of success. There is NO federal or state agency that is gonna help you here.

With this anti-employee and anti-TG adminstration in power, expect no civil rights gains anytime soon. They''re in take-away mode.

We've a LONG way to go.




Why was it GLAD that had to do this?  Where are the vaunted tg/ts groups?

If it wasn't for primarily G&L organizations there would little or no legal help or legislation.


Quote from: Leigh on February 12, 2006, 02:59:47 PM
Why was it GLAD that had to do this?  Where are the vaunted tg/ts groups?

I don't know where they were, BUT I can tell you what part of the problem is -- US!!  Not you and I or most of us in this forum in particular, but rather, the mind set of many of us under the TG umbrella (in particular, crossdressers). At one fairly popular CD/TG website I was blown away with the realization that many CDrs are NOT alarmed at what is happening to our civil rights. Indeed, some argue we need to be patient and others even argue that the Bush adminstration is a GOOD THING for us!!!!   I was stunned when many other members in that forum did not take a vocal stand opposing those arguments.

Further, in the same forum there was proposals that CDrs need to DISTANCE themselves from gay people because, well, they (we) are not one of them! No wonder we're not getting anywhere!! How much longer do you think we can ride the gay rights activists coattails before they realize many of us are not helping ourselves and they decide to chuck us FIRST???

Anyway, I was hoping that forum was an artifical little make believe world where a group of mostly closeted CDers that sat around and boasted about how everything is peachy and NOT GAY in this conservative tide. Ugh!

I hope I'm wrong and that there are a lot more of us willing to take a stand and point exactly at the source of our current plight! :(


If general society will ignore us, the GLBT people, one of two things would happen.

#1 We would assimilate (borg style) to the point that we were one with the whole or:

#2 We would self destruct from the infighting.  2 is the most likely scenario.

I am not intending this to start a flame war with the other initials under the tg umbrella but when you have an alternate ID to retreat to, its much easier to seperate yourself from the fight for civil rights as a woman or man. 

I have heard the litany of "I'm not gay, why should I care what they want or do"  Well suprise peeps, to society is just don't matter one damn bit.  You are gay/lesbian/queer by their definition and they are the ones making the rules.

