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If you weren't transgender how would life be different?

Started by CosmicJoke, March 24, 2019, 05:30:20 PM

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I would have not lost the greatest love of my life being in the right body. That's the only thing that destroyed it. Before it ends, it was fulfilling in so many ways, this person changed my life forever and I'm still suffering of this huge loss. And for me it's everything, for the few relations i was able to have in my entire life. Tasted paradise and lost it just because I'm not what I'm supposed to look like, is about how my life is just a big joke. I often thought it would have been better to never happen, but I cannot wish this...If I'm able to find a way to live, it will be because of this person. But I'm still not there.

Otherwise I would clearly have less issues to find someone. And it's not even easier if I endorse my biological body, my needs don't fit with the social programming associated to it. You know, what a gender expect of another, statistically...Things that I need and that I'm supposed to offer on my side... It would need someone really special to workaround this, so I'm stuck. I would also have the same anxiety and depression issues probably, but I'm sure that overall everything would be better.


Quote from: Purplewisp on March 27, 2019, 07:10:04 PM
I would have not lost the greatest love of my life being in the right body. That's the only thing that destroyed it. Before it ends, it was fulfilling in so many ways, this person changed my life forever and I'm still suffering of this huge loss. And for me it's everything, for the few relations i was able to have in my entire life. Tasted paradise and lost it just because I'm not what I'm supposed to look like, is about how my life is just a big joke. I often thought it would have been better to never happen, but I cannot wish this...If I'm able to find a way to live, it will be because of this person. But I'm still not there.

Otherwise I would clearly have less issues to find someone. And it's not even easier if I endorse my biological body, my needs don't fit with the social programming associated to it. You know, what a gender expect of another, statistically...Things that I need and that I'm supposed to offer on my side... It would need someone really special to workaround this, so I'm stuck. I would also have the same anxiety and depression issues probably, but I'm sure that overall everything would be better.
I feel for you, Purplewisp. Wishing you a great big hug.

As to the question at hand, I honestly don't know how I would be different. I spent most of my life putting up mental barriers against my female identify so that I behaved as I perceived a male should, and I'm only now recognizing and undoing them. But I guess the reality is, as much as I want my body to match the real me, I wouldn't change it if I could. I would have never married my best friend, and I wouldn't have two beautiful children.


I probably wouldn't have been hospitalized three times.

I wouldn't have had the experiences I've had.

I, perhaps, wouldn't have the strength, empathy, and resilience I do today--at least, not the same amount.

I would be a woman. I'm not a man with gender dysphoria; I'm a woman. So if I wasn't trans, then I would have been born a cis-female.

While it would have been easier, I will not forsake my trials and tribulations for the easy route out.

I'm an Amazon woman for a reason.

Victoria L.

I've dreamed of it for as long as I can remember. However, I can't sit here and pretend like I know what it would have been like. I think a given is that I would have been at least half as melodramatic and depressed in my teenage years. I still remember several years back when I found my diaries from way back when, I noticed that instantly after I recognized once and for all that I am transgender, I instantly became super melodramatic. Lol. It's funny now, but I actually hate myself for that, because being transgender was really my only life problem back then.

That's all I can really come up with. It's just not possible to know.


To be honest, a lot of my life experiences haven't been gendered. However, were I born male a few things would be very different.

firstly, i'd have been far more likely to have actually been diagnosed autistic as a child instead of being punished constantly for things I couldn't help and made to feel stupid and defective for the way my brain was wired.

I would have likely had far healthier relationships with people and my first female crush might maybe have actually reciprocated, but at the same time it's unlikely i'd have been such close friends with her (ALAS!) so maybe not.

I'd have gotten into more fights, but given the boys used to huck rocks at me anyway, not much really changes there. I'd have just been in more physical altercations because the only thing that stopped them physically hitting me was being I was "a girl".

I most probably would NOT have done ballet (I hated ballet though hah) but id' have still done drama and pottery.

My upbringing is unlikely to have been any different, I was raised extremely gender neutral anyway.

I might have worked out my sexuality earlier (I'm bi you see) or just surpressed my attraction to the same sex out of shame or fear. Hard to say.

I wouldn't have dated the same people I did date. I might have still been friends with them, but we wouldn't be a couple. So I wouldn't have the nearly 3 years with my first boyfriend who was so sweet and kind and good. I probably would have still ended up having a fling with Marc the sociopath though. Ahem.

My mental health would be better because I wouldn't have hit horrible precotious puberty at 10 and spent years feeling ashamed and dirty and wrong for it. I wouldn't have had to hide my breasts or had to endure YEARS of heavy excessive bleeding and cramps and agony, constant doctor appointments to find out WHY. It's very likely I also wouldn't have endured years of horribly painful UTIS and my poor innocent father wouldn't have been interrogated by social services the fourth time we ended up in A&E because I was peeing blood (my poor dad)
Utis are waaaaay more common in female anatomy.

i wouldn't have spent years on painkillers just to function because of the period pain and as a result I wouldn't have dropped out of my first year at university due to hormone related illness and the depression that came with it.

With that autism diagnosis and no hormonal health issues, I may very well have actually finished that degree.
I do regret dropping out but my body was just not letting me function at all. I was VERY sick.

I would likely have had the same friends, the same flatmates BUT C and I wouldn't have dated and he wouldn't have come to live with us. I don't know who we'd have lived with instead. Hmm. I might have been able to Woo J who I had an INSANE crush on but was rebuffed because she was straight lol. Oh dear beautiful J... *swoons* What can I say, I still think she's hot all these years later. *sigh*

I wouldn't have started dating my now husband (well it's unlikely anyway. We might still have flirted like crazy. He DOES like small furry men hahahah)

And because i'd be a guy, I wouldn't have my children which imo is the BIGGEST loss. One I couldn't handle. I won't live in a world without my crazy little babies. They're nuts but I love them and they were, when I really think about it, worth the years of awful just so they could exist.

An awful lot about what makes me ME wouldn't have changed, but my life would have taken a different path. I'd have different friends or be closer to some than others because of my gender. I might have ended up actually dating several of my female friends, or at least attempting to lol. Oh man, my childhood BFF would likely have never been my BFF and worse, as a result wouldn't have met one of her ex boyfriends who sent her life off in a certain direction either!

Some people wouldn't exist! and that's sad.

Conversely, had I been born a cisgender girl, a lot would have changed too. It's likely I wouldn't have been quite the same personality as I am as a result, and i'd have probably graduated and been very different but I find that honestly harder to imagine.
I suppose because the idea of me being a cisgender women is just SO wrong to my mind. I can't picture that person or what she might be like.
Would she have had the same interests? The same friends? Would she have been so awkward and had such trouble in female interactions? Would she have struggled with the hormonal disorder even worse because of the andrognising effects? How girly would she be? How much of my personality is shaped by my gender identity?

THAT I find a far larger challenge as a thought experiement. Who would I be if I were Cisgendered? I don't KNOW! Maybe I wouldn't even recognise her.
