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Started by MeTony, April 10, 2019, 10:53:13 AM

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I got the flu. I'm in my bed coughing and in pain, feeling sorry for myself. I've been sick for 6 days now. So much pain in my muscles. I had a hurry to get back to work. Thought I would manage that yesterday. I crashed completely before lunch and had to go home.

Painkillers don't do much.

I hate not being able to do all things I want to do. So much to do. No energy for anything. Forced to rest. Maybe that's a good thing though.  Resting is not my middle name.



I also get depressed whenever I get ill.


Maybe your body is just saying "enough!"for now.
Darn flu, trying to show you that "rest" and "Tony" can exist in the same sentence.

Hope somebody brings you tea or soup.
I would, but i haven't figured out how to send soup via email ;)

Feel better soon guys!
Crossdressed as small child. Told parents, then hid it.
1980s-2010s Alternately "out" to varying degrees and/or outright denial and man-faking
2015 Surrendered/allowed my she-self to show more outwardly. Changes begin.
Currently working with counselor. No HRT or surgeries yet.


It's the worst when the flu finds you, Take care Tony, it's nasty business....


Cynthia -



Ugh, I just got over this, and it in turn became a nasty respiratory infection, lungs got really bad, full of congestion. I honestly think it might've been a touch of bronchitis.  The puke-y part ended after just like 3 days, but I'm still dealing with the last dregs of the infection, 3 weeks later.
"Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armour and it can never be used to hurt you."


Quote from: LaRae on April 13, 2019, 11:06:59 PM
Ugh, I just got over this, and it in turn became a nasty respiratory infection, lungs got really bad, full of congestion. I honestly think it might've been a touch of bronchitis.  The puke-y part ended after just like 3 days, but I'm still dealing with the last dregs of the infection, 3 weeks later.

Be well soon.

I hope my flu is gone soon. I have no pain anymore. Working this weekend. I was vaccinated. Maybe that's why it did not hit me as hard as for the rest. It took a week for me.



Flu is no joke. I had it in 2001, first and only time so far. Felt like it was a 50/50 chance of waking up or someone finding me dead in my attic room next day.

I wanted to wrap my fingers around the neck of whoever gave me it. 

I just chugged a couple of bottles of Benylin Flu which knocks you out and hoped for the best. It was better to be mostly unconscious through the whole thing.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."


Quote from: Kirsteneklund7 on April 16, 2019, 10:56:48 AM
I think we have all heard of regular influenza and then there is the MAN FLU.
Cases described here definately sound like the dreaded MAN FLU.

As a child prayed to be a girl- now the prayer is being answered - 40 years later !


It's been suggested males have poorer immunocompetence in general, so there's an excuse for the man flu if so. Jury's still out on some of those studies, though. 
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."