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Transgender athletes

Started by Alice (nym), April 28, 2019, 06:48:54 AM

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Alice (nym)

A very good article disputing the arguments about transgender people in sports.

Alan Dawson Apr. 17, 2019, 4:13 AM

If anyone finds themselves having to defend transwomen in sports... it is worth being aware of the following counter arguments:

Fallon Fox, is often used as an example for breaking a woman's skull in a fight. Fox lost her following fight and fracturing the skull can mean anything... a common injury in women's fighting sports is to fracture the eye socket which can be interpreted by a sensationalist media as fracturing the skull.... which is the exact same injury that Fallon Fox inflicted; for example Miesha Tate received the exact same injury in her fight with Sara Mcmann but the press didn't make a big thing about it because it is a common injury in women fighters. Not to mention that Sumya Anani inflicted brain damage on Katie Dallam.

Sharon Davies is guilty of making a lot of noise about transgender athletes competing in swimming. According to her argument women have an average size 6 feet while men have an average size 10 feet giving them an advantage in the pool. However, Sharon Davies has size 10.5 feet giving her an advantage over the average male... so why should she be allowed to compete against women?  The truth of the matter is that almost all women competing at a professional level have physical attributes which are greater than the average cis woman. When a cis woman has attributes that are greater than the average male, then their arguments against transwomen competing apply to themselves too.
Don't hate the hate... Start spreading the love.


Hi Alice, I would like to agree with you as we face so many hurtles and gains that occurred inin the last decade for the benefit of our community  have been life changing for many of us. That said, I have many concerns about the equality. There are biological differences between genders that can't simply be erased with HRT. I read about Laurel Hubbard at 40 years  taking first place at a national woman's weightlifting event. She never competed at a national level pre transition. Come to think of it, many if not all MTF  trans athletes were unknowns before transition provided this avenue to fame. It irks me that they don't understand the damage they are doing to our community in the eyes of many who at ones core , strives for fairness in life. They also give the other side fuel to say that we are actually men physically. There are inborn physical differences between born male and female.  We don't need this paraded for all haters to see and use as they se fit.


Hopefully, someday there will be thrid gender specific sports brackets. :)


Quote from: GingerVicki on May 13, 2019, 05:16:19 AM
Hopefully, someday there will be thrid gender specific sports brackets. :)

I look at it from the other angle, and I hope not. I think that would be used for the purposes of exclusion rather than inclusion.

I know Alice and I have disagreed about the issue of where a line is to be drawn so I won't comment further on that it here, but I wait with baited breath to see what CAS say in the Semenya case and how it will inevitably be analogous to trans athletes. Sharron Davies has been speaking her usual nonsense citing this as a victory for the XX-woman over trans and DSD athletes, whereas I suspect it won't be that clear cut, and if anything could help trans athletes.


I will be open and honest. I started HRT and my performance tanked. I am not a professional athlete but still. Obviously could not match most men. Not even close.


I have been talking about this in other groups but I still feel the same way. I really dont think they should be competing in the womens division. The later you start HRT in life the more of the male physiology is set in place. I also believe more research needs to be done first about the effects of hrt when it is started later in life. I also think it is a different story if one starts from a very early age, say between 13-18. as more of the "male" development will not happen. We really do not know what the lasting effects of T have on us the later we start HRT in life.