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Is this where I belong?

Started by RyleyGrey, May 08, 2019, 04:00:26 PM

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I have spent the last couple of weeks perusing around this forum, and seeing if I might or might not fit in. I have looked at the resources, I have read many threads - though I am sure I am missing some good ones. I have also joined some transgender support communities on Facebook and have found them to be quite unwelcoming.

I guess I am wondering, before I get myself heavily invested in a new community, if this Trans community views gender on the binary. It appears in the Trans places I have so far frequented - because I do not want to fully transition to a man or live fully as a woman that I can not be considered transgendered because there is no transition. However, because I do not want to be androgynous, because I do embrace some aspects of gender and want to celebrate them - I often find I am misunderstood in agender or non binary forums.

My unpopular opinion, so it seems, on gender, is that the physical aspects of "male" and "female" aside, nearly everything to do with gender is a societal construct. We decide this was how men and woman acted and behaved so if you felt one way or the other (dysmorphia and body issues aside), then you were the gender associated with those traits. I tend to think most internal things are just that - internal, and that they dont really matter all that much as it pertains to our gender. In short - I don't really think gender - in the way we talk about it in western cultures - exists.

But the physical parts do. I was assigned female at birth. I have breasts and a vagina. I love my breasts - my cleavage is great, and they have nursed many babies! The fact that I love my breasts has many times made me unsuitable for agender communities where breasts are only mentioned when we talk about binding them. And if I want breasts, then I must certainly want my vulva/vagina/uterus etc etc etc. And I dont. I am fairly certain I would prefer a penis. The fact that I am attracted to both male and female physical characteristics has gotten me some nasty words where trans individuals have told me I am not welcome because I will never be a real male or female.

I guess after all of that, I am just wondering if this space is a good space for me, or if I would be better suited somewhere else. I am looking to find a group of people to talk about not having a penis when you really want one and what that looks like in terms of sex and relationships, about the logisitics of wearing a packer, about how to get other people comfortable with interchanging between she and he pronouns, how to find clothing that can show off my cleavage, but is also long enough to cover the parts of my boxers that stick above my jeans.

I hope everyone's day is exactly the kind of day you needed :)


Hi RyleyGrey!  Welcome to Susan's Place!  I'm Jessica.
All aspects of transgender are welcome here.  Binary, Non-Binary, gender fluid and however you define yourself are covered under the transgender umbrella. 

I see you're new here, so I'll post some links that may help you get better acquainted with the site. Pay attention to the site rules they can be of great help and don't forget the link highlighted red.  It has answers to questions that are commonly asked.  Then join in on a topic you find interesting and learn and share.

Please feel free to stop by the Introductions Forum to tell the members about yourself!

Things that you should read

"If you go out looking for friends, you are going to find they are very scarce.  If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere."


Alice V

Yeah, we here don't judge anyone and trying to understand everyone. Actually, though I consider myself female I like to think that in core we are just humans and don't belong to any genders - we're just minds in flesh units :D It just the way we're feel. If you feel you don't fit any common cats, it's okay, just let us know how to speak with you or about you if neccessary, because, you know, our languages was born in binary world and just starting to evolve to fulfill non-binary needs.
"Don't try and blame me for your sins,
For the sun has burn me black.
Your hollow lives, this world in which we live -
I hurl it back."©Bruce Dickinson

My place


Hi Riley, welcome to Susan's Place. I'm non-binary, I've been here almost ten years, and I have been a member of the staff here. I have more posts than anyone here. I'd say we're good and welcome here, and well represented. :)

See you around the site!

Hugs, Devlyn

Northern Star Girl

Dear Ryley:
    I am happy to see that you signed up as a member of Susan's Place and that you have now posted in the Forums.   

    As you post here you will be able to exchange thoughts and comments with others that are experiencing many of the same things that you mentioned in your Introduction.

    This is the right place for you to be to find out what others may have to say that may have been in your circumstances and with your questions and concerns.

    I see that our lovely member and California Girl  @Jessica  has already Officially Welcomed you,
but please allow me to also warmly WELCOME you to Susan's Place
You will find this a safe and friendly place to share with others and to read about others similar trials, tribulations, and successes.

    As you should be aware you can share with others and involve yourself with some give and take with other like-minded members.  When frustrated or if you have successes you can share it here if you wish and receive support from others and offer support to others. ....
     ***There is a very good chance that you might find that you will make some new like-minded friends here. 

    Please come in and continue to be involved at your own pace.
    There is information and important LINKS that  Jessica   included below her Welcome Message to you.   You will find information about the site that will help you navigate around and best utilize the features here.   
Please look closely at the LINKS in RED, answers are there to many questions that new members ask.

Again, Welcome to Susan's Place.
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Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single

Northern Star Girl

Oh, and another thing Ryley...
As our lovely member @Jessica suggested in her Welcome Message, please plan to write a post and tell us briefly tell us about yourself in the Introductions Forum so that other members will be aware of your arrival... therefore you will be able to share your thoughts with more members here.
Thank you again for joining Susan's Place and being involved in the Forums here.
Best wishes to you,

NOTE: Now after all of this Greeting Stuff I will let everyone have their thread back so that the conversation can continue.
Other members here will certainly be along to give you their comments and suggestions that you may be seeking
****Help support this website by:
Subscribing !     and/or by    Donating !

Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Welcome to Susan's Place. The best answer is from our TOS. Simply put you fit in here and if you have any problems with a member, click the report to moderator button on the right side of the post at issue. We will either correct or remove the post and take any action that is required to prevent it from happening again.

9. If you disapprove of people who are Transgender, Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual; or activities which, or individuals who cross gender boundaries; take your arguments to a more appropriate website.

10. Bashing or flaming of an individual or group is not acceptable behavior on this website and will not be tolerated in the slightest for any reason.  This includes but is not limited to:

  • Advocating the separation or exclusion of one or more group from under the Transgender umbrella term. The same restriction applies to advocating the removal of the T from GLBT.
  • Suggesting or claiming that one segment or sub-segment of our community is more or less legitimate, deserving, or real than any others.
  • Posting any topic or making any post that suggests that Trans people are not really men (FTM) or women (MTF), even if done for the purposes of criticism or discussion.
  • Posting any messages that engages in personal attacks and/or is actively or passively aggressive no matter the provocation.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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Maid Marion

Hi Riley,


I routinely male fail so I don't see the need to do HRT or surgery.
There are plenty of girls who need surgery more than I do.



I have an... odd relationship with gender tbh. most of my life i've been fairly apathetic to social gender roles because my tendency to ignore them and do whatever I want has never been a problem. I suppose it's way easier to be gender non conforming when you present as female in western society, heck it's even encouraged.
As a result my tomboyish ways were never a problem, I was never teased for my interests, never told I couldn't do something "because you're a girl", seldom excluded due to my sex.
I also grew up in a culture that did NOT divide the genders much in school, we played all sports co-ed for example, which I always thought was a really important thing to do.

It wasn't till I hit puberty that my biological sex became an issue. I didn't like how my body was changing, I felt like a freak, I was uncomfortable and I was in horribly horrible pain.
My body doesn't really understand HOW to function correctly when it comes to hormones and as a result from the point puberty hit I was miserable and SICK.

But despite that, I still just kinda plodded on. I still thought gender was "a load of nonsense" and honestly I kinda still DO.
Least, i think gender presentation and social gender is a load of crock.

But dysphoria is, for many people, not relieved simply by "cross dressing" or "passing". I know that for me, transition is less about how others see me and more about me actually being able to stand myself. To feel well (biochemical dysphoria suuuucks) and to not see bits i'd like to change when I look in a mirror (boobs, I hate boobs. They're great on other people, they look wierd and wrong on me okay!)

For me, I see transition as not really any different to taking medicine for a medical condition, like say, betablockers for hypertension and the physical aspects as no different than getting your nose done or your teeth whitened and straightened.
A lot of CIS people hate certain aspects of their body and nobody questions them when they get cosmetic procedures done, so why can't we trans and non binary folk do similar?
Just because we're changing sex characteristics doesn't make any difference surely?

I would LOVE a penis but alas, technology isn't enough there yet for me to be happy with it, so I intend to remain as I am down below, at least till we get some super awesome bionics or something going hah.

But interestingly, because all my life i've had a degree of detatchment from social gender, I find people misgendering me only slightly disappointing more than it is upsetting. In many cases I flat out don't care and then I feel like I SHOULD care because other trans people do and I think maybe i'm wrong or something.

I also get peeved when people tell me how a guy SHOULD act and SHOULD present because I think it's stupid. There's this assumption I suppose that all trans people want to pass completely and utterly and be almost... the "best" man/woman possible and unfortunately that means a lot of people fall into the trap of gender stereotypes.
"guys should like sport and cars!" "guys shouldn't wear floral patterns" "guys can't have earrings" "guys can't wear purple" "your mannerisms are too effeminate!" and so on.
frankly, bite me.
I'm flamboyant, loud and OTT and i'm not gonna change my fundamental personality just because i'm dropping the S from my pronoun.
Because ultimately, from my perspective, that sounds an awful lot like swapping one mask (the girl one) for another (the manly man mask) and i'm neither of those things.
The whole point is being the me I feel I was always meant to be, to have my biochemistry match with what my brain has been saying for decades. Adopting interests or fashion styles that are fake to further a macho persona is counterproductive and exactly what a lot of us have been doing for years as we tried to make do with our birth gender!

Your attitude toward sex and gender reminds me a lot of myself actually. Falling somewhere in between the binary.
I feel that in me, personally, because I want T and I want the masectomy I fall far more toward "transmale" than i do "non binary" but I sort of straddle that gap and i'm AOK with that.
I fully intend to be a guy who gives no hoots about gender roles or gender conformity, just as i was always a girl who did the same.

gender roles are dumb, the narrow blue and pink boxes are damaging and limiting. I have zero interest in having anything to do with either.

I'm a boy, but i'm still gonna sit here and play with dolls hah!


The answer you seek is yes. We have given it.

Now, come play in the forest, you beautiful creature. Of course you're welcome.

If you wanted to take some time, and read my background, you'll start to understand. No, we've never been staff, or moderators, we've not transitioned, and live with the daily struggle x




Quote from: F_P_M on May 11, 2019, 03:22:33 PM
I have an... odd relationship with gender tbh. most of my life i've been fairly apathetic to social gender roles because my tendency to ignore them and do whatever I want has never been a problem. I suppose it's way easier to be gender non conforming when you present as female in western society, heck it's even encouraged.
As a result my tomboyish ways were never a problem, I was never teased for my interests, never told I couldn't do something "because you're a girl", seldom excluded due to my sex.
I also grew up in a culture that did NOT divide the genders much in school, we played all sports co-ed for example, which I always thought was a really important thing to do.

It wasn't till I hit puberty that my biological sex became an issue. I didn't like how my body was changing, I felt like a freak, I was uncomfortable and I was in horribly horrible pain.
My body doesn't really understand HOW to function correctly when it comes to hormones and as a result from the point puberty hit I was miserable and SICK.

But despite that, I still just kinda plodded on. I still thought gender was "a load of nonsense" and honestly I kinda still DO.
Least, i think gender presentation and social gender is a load of crock.

But dysphoria is, for many people, not relieved simply by "cross dressing" or "passing". I know that for me, transition is less about how others see me and more about me actually being able to stand myself. To feel well (biochemical dysphoria suuuucks) and to not see bits i'd like to change when I look in a mirror (boobs, I hate boobs. They're great on other people, they look wierd and wrong on me okay!)

For me, I see transition as not really any different to taking medicine for a medical condition, like say, betablockers for hypertension and the physical aspects as no different than getting your nose done or your teeth whitened and straightened.
A lot of CIS people hate certain aspects of their body and nobody questions them when they get cosmetic procedures done, so why can't we trans and non binary folk do similar?
Just because we're changing sex characteristics doesn't make any difference surely?

I would LOVE a penis but alas, technology isn't enough there yet for me to be happy with it, so I intend to remain as I am down below, at least till we get some super awesome bionics or something going hah.

But interestingly, because all my life i've had a degree of detatchment from social gender, I find people misgendering me only slightly disappointing more than it is upsetting. In many cases I flat out don't care and then I feel like I SHOULD care because other trans people do and I think maybe i'm wrong or something.

I also get peeved when people tell me how a guy SHOULD act and SHOULD present because I think it's stupid. There's this assumption I suppose that all trans people want to pass completely and utterly and be almost... the "best" man/woman possible and unfortunately that means a lot of people fall into the trap of gender stereotypes.
"guys should like sport and cars!" "guys shouldn't wear floral patterns" "guys can't have earrings" "guys can't wear purple" "your mannerisms are too effeminate!" and so on.
frankly, bite me.
I'm flamboyant, loud and OTT and i'm not gonna change my fundamental personality just because i'm dropping the S from my pronoun.
Because ultimately, from my perspective, that sounds an awful lot like swapping one mask (the girl one) for another (the manly man mask) and i'm neither of those things.
The whole point is being the me I feel I was always meant to be, to have my biochemistry match with what my brain has been saying for decades. Adopting interests or fashion styles that are fake to further a macho persona is counterproductive and exactly what a lot of us have been doing for years as we tried to make do with our birth gender!

Your attitude toward sex and gender reminds me a lot of myself actually. Falling somewhere in between the binary.
I feel that in me, personally, because I want T and I want the masectomy I fall far more toward "transmale" than i do "non binary" but I sort of straddle that gap and i'm AOK with that.
I fully intend to be a guy who gives no hoots about gender roles or gender conformity, just as i was always a girl who did the same.

gender roles are dumb, the narrow blue and pink boxes are damaging and limiting. I have zero interest in having anything to do with either.

I'm a boy, but i'm still gonna sit here and play with dolls hah!

Yay! This is good ! ^ ^ much of it also for me but i don't like floral patterns though ;)
Mostly human