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How did you all come out?

Started by greg-unknown, August 23, 2007, 06:31:56 PM

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Quote from: greg-unknown on September 13, 2007, 02:49:40 PM
...i told my mom. she says she was waiting for it to happen. and she isnt upset about it.

The question is, will she let you do anything about it? My dad did a circle and said last night he thinks I need more 'life experience' before I make such a 'life changing decision'. I'm not really sure how I feel about that yet.


I haven't come out yet, but I have bought magazines with articles on gender (NewsWeek and CosmoGirl, neither of which I read regularly lol), and left them lying around the house, and I've been hanging out with an FTM friend of mine who I've known since elementary school. Even went with him to the place he goes to get his T shot. I'm not expecting my parents to figure it out on their own, but I want to at least get them used to the idea of transgenderism so it's not something that comes out of the blue. I have no idea if it's working or not, but I like to think positive lol.


My parents didn't do too well with the "i like girls" thing four or five years ago, so I know they won't be okay with the transgender thing.  I'm working on getting my own place, and could be moving in soon, so when I do that, I'll be able to come out to them without fear of getting kicked out and having nowhere to go.

I told my sister, but I don't think she took it seriously.  I've been out for a little over a year with my friends (and even they are having a tough time getting used to my new name)


i havent talked to her about it since then, im kinda nervous to.


I only told my parents a few months ago. It was kinda strangely told. Here's the story (I'll try to make it short):

I wanted to buy Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition as my first Wii game, but my dad wouldn't let me get it because it was rated M. I was really upset. But anyway, that night, I started crying, and to dad and my step-mom, it seemed as though I was upset about the game, but I'd never cry over something that insignificant. I was crying because of the fact that video games are the only thing I can do that make sense to boys and girls. (Not as much to girls, but my friend plays video games too.) I just couldn't take the fact between the unfairness that my dad wouldn't let me get an M rated game because I was too young, and because I was cursed with being a girl. I really am responsible and Mature, which the game is rated for. Anyway, my dad finally took a hint and asked whether it had anything to do with the game. I shook my head no, and the conversation went on for a while until I couldn't take it anymore and just blurted out, "Because I hate being a girl!" You could just feel the air become stiff all of a sudden, but after we talked for a while, they were cool with it. I told my dad all the details later, and he told my mom for me. She was cool with it too.

Sorry for the long story (again). I just can't help it, I have to tell the whole story.

But anyway, good luck to coming out to your parents, and if you're still a teen, good luck with the waiting period to transition.

Posted on: October 11, 2007, 03:57:44 PM
Sorry to double post, but I have a question too.

I've told my family, and they're ok with it, but I want to talk to them some more. I can't really seem to talk to any of them alone though, because my sister is always with me, and my parents are always taking care of her cause she's depressed for no reason. Does anyone know how I can get them alone long enough to talk to them?



It was hard at first because at first I wasn't the one who wasn't accepting, even though I wanted to get rid of this body. But after I told my parents; more and more as the time went by, I told the rest of my family a little easier.  Almost none of them accept, but I dont care anymore.  Noone is going to stop from achieving my biggest dream. 


I told everyone when I was 14, if people asked (and they do,), I told them I was male.  I go to the most alternative school in the country, and pretty much everyone who knows I exist knows that I used to be a girl.  It's like, 'oh yeah and by the way' or if they don't know I'm male, and then they use the wrong pronoun, and I correct them, sometimes I have to explain it.  Or in drama class, it's like, 'I can't do the breathing thing with my chest bound' 'well, why do you have your chest bound' ''cause I have breasts and I'm not supposed to' 'oh, ok, well, try to do it anyway'.  There are 2 or three other trans kids at my school, so it's not a big deal. 


Quote from: Tink on August 23, 2007, 09:51:41 PM
  After a few months on HRT, the physcial changes were pretty obvious so they stopped calling and I never heard from them again.  With the exception of two people, my new circle of friends (which isn't that big, probably five or six people) don't know I wasn't born female.  If they ever ask, I will tell them, but so far that hasn't happened.

tink :icon_chick:

It was for the best if they left...Move on and find a new place because the old place wasn't for you. That's part of life, if people don't accept you and be friends- it's for a reason and it's a blessing in disguise.