OK, as you can see from my ticker, I am now a seasoned progesterone taker (I take the stuff sublingual), but I cannot detect any difference for my development since I am on it.
Or am I wrong?
Could it be that progesterone is reactivating my libido?
Yesterday and today I had the thoughts that it would not be bad to get the feeling of an orgasm again. I have not had any thoughts like this for years now! All of a sudden I start to think about, which pleasures genitals can bring. To bad that I hardly have anything to manipulate, and a vibrator of some sorts would be required to get some fun with.
I also tested if porn videos could get me excited again, but that did not work, however very erotic stories did definitely increase my desire for some kind of manipulation.
My question is, is it the progesterone, or is estrogen finally willing to make my feelings whole again?
What is your ladies experience with it?