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Becca's HRT Journey

Started by Becca Kay, October 05, 2017, 06:48:14 PM

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That's great news Becca! It seems like it would be much better having GCS before summer begins. Hopefully you can get through the rough stuff before it starts get hot.
Rebirth 06/09/2017. HRT 08/22/2017. RLE 07/14/2018. Name and Gender change 10/19/2018. FFS 09/06/2019. GCS 05/26/2021.

Becca Kay

I decided to pop in and provide a little update.  I am a year and a half on HRT.  And it feels like sooooo much longer.  So much has happened. 

My T levels are zero.  My E levels are 190. I am taking almost no Spiro.   Despite my T being so low for the past year I feel really good.  There have been increasingly noticeable physical changes to my body.  I am a 36 B now.  I was going to have BA this year bud decided not to because they've slowly continued to grow.  My body hair seems to be getting thinner and thinner. 

I am having GCS with Mcginn in less than 6 weeks.  I'm very excited. 

My personal life has been going well too.  I have two partners that I see regularly (I am poly).  Since moving a year ago I have a great group of close friends.  My job continues to go well.  And I'm supported completely at work.

I just finished a second semester of voice therapy at The George Washington University.  My voice sounds pretty good now.  I get only ma'am on the phone.

Since my FFS surgery last Sept i have not been misgendered even once in public.  I think my voice work also helps a LOT. 



Congratulations on you GCS in 6 weeks Becca. Wow, so exciting. It's been awhile since your last posted in your thread. Your FFS went so well and you are looking fabulous girl. Both of us have been progressing well on HRT. My E and T levels are the same as yours. I'll just say I'm filling out a large 40A. Isn't it great? Are you planning to start a new GCS thread?

Rebirth 06/09/2017. HRT 08/22/2017. RLE 07/14/2018. Name and Gender change 10/19/2018. FFS 09/06/2019. GCS 05/26/2021.

Becca Kay

i will probably not do a GCS thread.  I'm keeping that for myself.  Plus there are plenty of such threads in here


Hello again Becca

Your update is a wonderful uplifting summary. I am so happy for you that things are progressing so well on so many fronts.

Hope everything goes to plan with GCS in late May. A very exciting time as you say.




Becca Kay

My GCS with McGinn is 11 days from now.  I have been off Estrodiol for 3 days.  I am still on Spiro, though.  I started getting a headache this morning, which has continued all day.  A dull all over headache  Similar to last year when I went off HRT for FFS.  I expect I'll have a headache for most of the next 11 days.

I will be off work for 13 weeks.  I am incredibly lucky that my employer is paying my full salary while I am on "short term medical disability". 

I won't start taking E again until the second week in June.  Along with the use of a prescription testosterone cream.  McGinn want's her patients to maintain a T level that is in the normal range of a cis female. 
