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Third Year Of HRT Changes

Started by NancyDrew1930, April 05, 2024, 01:32:15 PM

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Gina P

When I started HRT, I was 5'10". Now 5'8" I have heard its due to the pelvic tilt, others say its just aging(61) anyway I take it as a win/win. My shoe size has dropped a half size as well.


Quote from: Robbyv213 on June 04, 2024, 01:58:29 PMI am not on HRT I can not comment on this topic. But I have a few questions, and I am prob a bit uneducated. My questions would be for those individuals who have been on hormones for a long time. Prob 5+ years.

I know bone and skeleton does not change, but I know soft tissue and cartilage does. Has anyone noticed that their height has changed, or hands have gotten smaller, maybe even dropped a half and shoe size or so.

Also has anyone noticed their eye color change. Maybe more vibrant or completely changed color while on HRT.

Just wondering.
Just recently I've found that my fingers have shifted towards a feminine appearance, so while the bones haven't changed, I would say that the fat has moved around and I have also allowed my nails to grow out and I have been putting clear nail polish on them.

With my eyes, my color has gotten lighter on the inside but I have developed a deeper colored blue limbal ring that also seems to be a little thicker. Also my irises used to be, in my left eye, a greenish-brown, and in my right eye a more bluish green.  Now they still have some brown, but they are more green and lighter.

So far I haven't noticed anything with my feet, they are still pretty big.  And my height has decreased.  But my skin is paler, and when I put the sunscreen on before my makeup, I notice that the sunscreen gives, not just a white pale to my skin (I have had people ask me if I was feeling alright, because to them the sunscreen makes me look like "death warmed over".  And since Covid I have found that if you even have a slight hint of a cold or the flu, people recoil and do not want to be around you out of fear.  So I tell people that I need to wear make-up in order to give me some color, because I was getting tired of, with just the sunscreen, people constantly telling me that I looked like death---also lately the sunscreen has been giving me a bluish cast as well as the white paleness.) 

But I am also finding that, even though I am a bigger person, I am getting that hourglass shape between my breasts and stomach, and my breasts are becoming more rounded, so tighter shirts are giving me that look.  Also I'm finding that my hips are getting wider as the fat moves to them.  But on HRT my hair also seems to be growing faster, and every time that I get a haircut, my stylist can't believe how fast my hair has grown or even how thick it's become.  This last time she even commented on how the texture of my hair has changed, even with getting highlights in my hair.  Of course I started HRT when I was 38, so compared to those in their 60's, HRT is having more effect because I was not on my natural testosterone as long as those who didn't start until their late-50's or 60's.  Also, when I was starting I had the choice between Spiro or Cypro since I'm in Canada, and I went with Cypro because it is a progestin, and I wanted to have that as part of my HRT (in a few weeks I'll be asking my doctor's to put me on actual progesterone, besides being on just Cypro and Estradial---I had asked them to put me on when I had only been on HRT for six months, but they didn't want to do it at that time, they wanted to wait for the year, but then I forgot to ask about it last year, but from what I hear progesterone will help even more at 2 years or more).  So I think that, even though Cypro is a progestin (not natural progesterone), that progestin has helped with the feminization that I have undergone over these last two years, even though I have been taking it at a very low level.   