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T and acne?

Started by Alex1231, May 31, 2019, 10:08:49 AM

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I started on T about 3 months ago, I'm FTM. Recently, I've developed super acne  :( I did not have acne my first time through puberty so do not know how to handle it this time. Any tips/tricks/recommendations? Thanks!


I had waaaaayyy more acne after starting T as compared to my first puberty.

For me, it was partly riding it out, partly making sure I was keeping my face clean, and changing my pillow case more frequently. My physician also did write me a prescription for an oral antibiotic specifically for acne that I used for about 4-6 months and that did help as well.

After 9-12 months on T, it really did calm down. I do still make sure I change my pillow case weekly and that seems to keep it pretty under control (minimal to nonexistent acne). I do still get a break out from time to time but it seems to be correlated to when I have hair growth. I'm 5.5 years on testosterone at this point and still get additional hair growth. Particularly on my face, upper arms, chest, and back. When I'm about to get new hair on my face, I'll break out in that area and the same for other areas of my body.

So... not a whole lot of great advice for taking care of it completely. But hopefully some combination of the above will help you sorta get it under control.


Thank you! I'll look into getting something for it. Glad to know it'll go away (at least mostly)


Quote from: Alex1231 on May 31, 2019, 01:00:45 PM
Thank you! I'll look into getting something for it. Glad to know it'll go away (at least mostly)

I spent my youth in fear of acne. I was fortunate that it was minimal. Many more treatments available now for severe cases.

Testosterone poisoning is a horrible disease, I can't understand infecting yourself with it on purpose :o
(sorry, I had to *shudder*)

I hope your reaction is easily treated.
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.



It's just a puberty thing. Your body is getting used to the test. Once it's used to it the sides will sub side. You may get random flar ups but nothing as bad as it was in the beginning.

I am male body builder and have used testosterone and other steroids for many years in pursuit of a dream of becoming a pro one day only to finally admit to myself that I've really only been doing all these masculine things to repress the fact, thoughts and feelings that I truly and have always wanted to be a woman. So I have plenty of experience on using testosterone as well as other things commonly used in bodybuilding.