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Allie's Blog IV: Revenge of Allie's Blog

Started by imallie, January 03, 2024, 08:53:54 PM

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A bit of post-mortem on today:

Lunch was great. All three of my sisters were wonderful. They were all fully themselves in every glorious, amazing, awful, weird, infuriating, loving, beautiful and exasperating sense of that word. In short, nothing had changed.

They wanted to hear my story, but not in prurient sort of way... just in a "if you want to share it..." sort of way. I glossed over things. I still think people don't really want to hear other people's life story, they want to know how things impact THEM.

Oh and one of my brothers-in-law came too. My sister texted and asked if he could... said he'd really like to come and offer his support and I said of course. He spent last night reading all sorts of things and he too was really supportive.

One takeaway was my sisters were REALLY appreciative and impressed with my letter.  No fooling around here, being serious for once. Yes, it honestly was very well-written. And so I do think that carried a lot of the water. But beyond that, they were really impressed with the process.

One sister said it just felt "very well-thought out, so deeply attuned to our perspective, and just... a classy way to do things. I am not sure if "classy" is the right word but I keep coming back to it." 

They appreciated being able to read it, process the information, read it again, and then send their lovely responses. They each said they would have responded that same way in the moment, but of course there might have been surprised faces... and just giving them that time, is such a compassionate way to do this.

I told them of my expression that "transition is for other people" — you know, beyond the physical and personal changes... the mechanics of coming out and all that is really for the other people. To make them comfortable. To help them understand that you're still the same person they know and love. And so doing things with an eye towards that just make sense.

To that end, I gave them all a letter to give to their kids as well. I have a whole bunch of nephews/nieces on my side (nine), and I gave my sisters agency to share my letter when they wanted... but I did ask they do it soon and coordinate. They all said they'd do it today (save for one sister who has a son out of the country, and she said she'd send it to him when he returns mid-week).

Well, within an hour I'd actually gotten lovely texts from 4 of the other 8 nephews and nieces as well. Just really wonderful stuff.

Now, there are a few that I haven't heard from that were on our (my wife, son and I's) watch list as potentially having issues with this... but with their mom's being so strongly supportive... well, if they need time, or even if they cannot be supportive, I understand.

As it is, today has really been like a big hug.

Updated the boy, and he was, of course, thrilled. He then asked, for the first time since I came out to him, if it were ok for him to tell his two closest friends. Originally we thought we might want to wait until we told my wife's side, but since he asked — meaning it was on his mind — we told him to go ahead.

We should be telling her family this week (via email letter) and our close friends (via the same methods) the following week — so the ball is rolling now.

Anyway, a wonderful but exhausting day. I'm sure I left out 60% of the good stuff, but that's really all I have the capacity to recall and share right now.

For any who are anticipating this step in their process, all I can say is do your best to make sure your bonds are strong beforehand. And then when you do it, remember that you have had this information for years and/or decades... but you're telling people you care for deeply some shocking news... so do so in the way you'd want to hear such things from someone you love, and will you guarantee anything? Of course not. But you will be doing all you can to increase the odds in your favor. That's literally the very best you can do.


Lori Dee

Truly wonderful news, Allie!
I am so happy for you and sending more hugs.

BTW you are a classy broad.  ;)

My Life is Based on a True Story

Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything.
Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you,
so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.

2017 - GD Diagnosis / 2020 - HRT / 2022 - FFS & Legal Name Change / 2024 - Voice Training
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Thank you, Allie, and hooray, Allie!


Thanks so much Lori & O&C!

I sure appreciate the kind words, but I can tell you that I could never in good conscience accept credit for today's success.This was a team effort, all the way!

I had the original germ of an idea of using a letter for my sisters, but it was my therapist who convinced me that it could/should be the SOP for all buckets of friends/family going forward.

And it was weeks of talking through things with my electrologist which helped me color some thoughts that were previously merely black and white.

Chats with Sara helped me pull off her recent experiences to make sure I always not only had my audience in my mind when writing each version of the letter (which any writer does by instinct) but most importantly realize the overarching PURPOSE of the letters being to make the reader comfortable — not to "tell my story"

Obviously my wife served as a constant sounding board, editor and voice of reason on all things. Our son too.

And you fine folks are forever generous in sharing thoughts, feedback, experiences and suggestions... which are greatly appreciated.

Yeah, I know I always drone on about how much I love teams... well I'm very lucky to have the team I do.

Gina P

Such good new Allie. I'm so glad for you. Family is the hardest to tell because they mean so much to us. It gets easier from here.
Hugs Gina
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Quote from: Gina P on April 21, 2024, 06:30:42 AMSuch good new Allie. I'm so glad for you. Family is the hardest to tell because they mean so much to us. It gets easier from here.
Hugs Gina

Thanks ever so much Gina! And that makes perfect sense! Although I do have a few friends who really are as close and as important to me as any family... those ones will also fall into the "hardest" bucket, at least for me.

But, for example, my wife's family we expect to be easy peesy, lemon squeezy. 😉
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This week should be another busy week - we will tell my wife's side of the family. And if you think my side is large, her's is double in size.

But first I scheduled a session with my therapist for tomorrow morning. Partially post-mortem to get her up to speed (beyond my quick text) but mostly to just make sure I keep my skis under me in all of this. Obviously I haven't done THIS before, but I do know from getting caught up in big events and the endless cycle of it, and it can be very easy to start chasing each moment and forgetting the big picture. I feel like just saying all that I'm doing ok? But it always helps to have a check.

I will never forgot (sports story coming, click away ye of little tolerance) when we hosted our big NCAA basketball regional. Had been working on it for more than a year. Was sleepless for the last week. My mom had a stroke during it... etc. I've told those stories.

Well, when the ribbons fell, when the cake was cut, and the last dance danced... me and my partner in crime (the other staff member who basically did everything with me — heck she did more I'd say) were standing there, stunned. Lots of people came up, shook our weary hands and were telling us what an amazing job we'd done, blah blah blah...

Well after a whole bunch of those, a staff writer from... um.. a national paper of record, let's just say... came up to me. I knew him, but we weren't friends. Even so he extended his hand, and I shook it, almost automatically.

He looked at me quizzically. "Uh.. I was just wondering if you had the final book [statistic package] for the finale? I misplaced mine." 

"Um, sure," I said, blushing... as I walked him back to the the control center and took care of him.

When I returned to my friend, she laughed. "That's already happened to me, twice," she said.

The lesson - the whole world is not spinning because of what you have going on. You need To make sure you keep your eye on the ball at all times and realize that other people are living their story too.

Embarrassing way to learn that, but I did.

So I just want to make sure it has sunk in.


P.S. For example - I was fine with the idea of telling my wife's family as soon as today (even though we are heading down to the beach where we'd see many of them this weekend). But my wife has a crazy week at work. And I realized that in this case, I imagine a few will reach out to me, but MANY will reach out to her. And she literally does not need that too with all she has going on. So we will wait until Friday, because it's best for HER.

Also, we were going to make some plans with a few of her sisters for non-group activities when were down there. And I said last night I really feel we should wait until we've told them, because if we make plans BEFORE... and they're uncomfortable... it puts them in a really awkward situation. That's not very nice.

Will bring all this up at therapy tomorrow.

Courtney G

Gosh, Allie. I haven't been on Susan's in quite a while and I'm trying to get caught up, so I popped in here to see what's happening...

Wow, I'm so proud of you and so glad you've gotten the ball rolling on this. When one of us does this, it helps to empower others. I've been stuck in the mud regarding coming out to people (or even fully understanding myself), but your recent events make me feel a bit stronger. Thank you for that.

Pre-crash post count: >487
Pre-crash reputation: +10/-0


So. Much. Change, Allie. Don't forget to breathe. Smell some roses.


Quote from: Courtney G on April 22, 2024, 03:37:06 PMGosh, Allie. I haven't been on Susan's in quite a while and I'm trying to get caught up, so I popped in here to see what's happening...

Wow, I'm so proud of you and so glad you've gotten the ball rolling on this. When one of us does this, it helps to empower others. I've been stuck in the mud regarding coming out to people (or even fully understanding myself), but your recent events make me feel a bit stronger. Thank you for that.

That's awfully nice of you to say, Courtney! 

But if I were in a negative head space I'd read it as if you were saying "Well, if YOU could do it then I suppose anyone could..." 😂

Seriously though, it's really not that hard.

Step #1 get match
Step #2 light match
Step #3 throw lit match into dumpster
Step #4 try not to light hair on fire
Step #5 watch what happens

It's really just that simple.😉
    The following users thanked this post: Sarah B


a long time coming (out) HRT 12 2017
GRS 2021 5th Nov

Jill of all trades mistress of non
Know a bit about everything but not enough to be clever
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Quote from: davina61 on April 23, 2024, 03:04:59 AMYou forgot the can of gas!


I suppose so, I suppose so.

Or... maybe there is a part of me that likes leaving that little bit of hope alive that it won't turn into a raging fire... 🤔

But let's face it, the contents of any dumpster is gonna light.

And since gas will let you get on with your day a lot faster, I so do like your style... 😘
    The following users thanked this post: Sarah B

Maid Marion

Hi Allie,

That is great news!

My wife was very accepting so I learned a lot about female socializing from her perspective growing up on the West Coast with sisters.



Quote from: Maid Marion on April 23, 2024, 06:43:54 AMHi Allie,

That is great news!

My wife was very accepting so I learned a lot about female socializing from her perspective growing up on the West Coast with sisters.


That is wonderful on all accounts, Marion! I'm so happy for you!!!

Since I grew up with three older sisters, that part I feel ok with... but as you know, having an accepting wife is the whole ball of string.
    The following users thanked this post: Sarah B


Quel matin!

Where to begin? At the beginning, I suppose (ask a stupid question...)

Got a call from my sister (the therapist) this morning, she was VERY excited to share some news with me. She told me about how she broke the news to her daughters (both of whom reached out to me in very lovely ways) and that was nice. And then she told me all the hilarious stories of when she told her friends... and how all she told them was that she had family news, and that it was happy news, nothing bad and to call her... and they were all guessing what it was. And she told me all of their funny, funny guesses...

And she told me how supportive they all are.. how they want to throw me showers, and parties, and... I forget all the other stuff. IT. WAS. A. LOT.

The thing is, obviously, I hadn't told her it was ok to tell her friends. I guess I hadn't told her it WASN'T? But I did specifically tell them they could share the news with their kids via my letter so that the kids would have my words in front of them, so... that seems like a pretty decent indication.

But I didn't say anything.

Here's why.

First, these girlfriends of hers -- there's five of them -- are basically family. I've known them as long as I've been alive basically. I actually referred to them (and my other sisters' friends) at the lunch over the weekend as one of the reasons I chose my name : people like that have been calling me this my whole life anyway. It'll be easy for them.

Plus my sister was just so excited by all this, as were her friends... so I just, I don't know, the people pleaser in me just couldn't say anything.

It should be moot within 10 days anyway, as we tell my wife's family this week, and friends next week.

Therapist seemed to agree with this take, so I'm good.

She also had a really good piece of advice (per usual). I was discussing the letter to my wife's family. I will obviously edit the letter to my sibs and make it focus more on my wife. But she also said it would be a good idea to have it actually be co-written, so there's not just me saying how my wife feels, but a part in there from my wife saying how she feels.

She is monumentally busy this week, so I'm assuming I will be drafting that for her...which I'm good with that. So long as it gets the job done.

I did manage to get in 2 miles on the treadmill, so that's good.

    The following users thanked this post: Sarah B


I'm happy for you, Allie. The reactions you're sharing speak to the quality of your letter, your character, your family, and their friends.

I'm also jealous. I still have a sister who's ashamed of me...after four decades.

However, I look at the content of your character and I understand why they're judging you as they do.


Quote from: Oldandcreaky on April 23, 2024, 12:42:23 PMI'm happy for you, Allie. The reactions you're sharing speak to the quality of your letter, your character, your family, and their friends.

I'm also jealous. I still have a sister who's ashamed of me...after four decades.

However, I look at the content of your character and I understand why you're judging you as they do.

So genuinely sorry about your sister.
I don't have to tell you that speaks to her character and not yours, but I'm also sure knowing that doesn't make it sting any less.   

Lori Dee

I am so happy for you, Allie.
You have a wonderful family! That is so precious.
My Life is Based on a True Story

Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything.
Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you,
so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.

2017 - GD Diagnosis / 2020 - HRT / 2022 - FFS & Legal Name Change / 2024 - Voice Training
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Quote from: LoriDee on April 23, 2024, 02:42:17 PMI am so happy for you, Allie.
You have a wonderful family! That is so precious.

Thanks Lori - I'm very lucky. Although it's definitely not without its issues, just like every other family.

Still not sure about a few brothers-in-law and nephews... and then there's my estranged younger brother, with whom I haven't spoken in nearly a decade (his choice). We didn't even discuss him on Saturday. I see no reason to share this with him. I do know if/when he hears about it, I might get my first contact - a hateful email or letter for which he is famous.

So yeah... we all have issues. I just think, as much as possible, I try to choose happiness on a daily basis. Some days... some days, it's a damn bit harder than other days. I will tell you that.

But my real luck is my wife. The last words from my therapist this morning "By the way, please ask your wife again if I can clone her!" 😂


Can't make this stuff up...

My wife and I agreed, after my one sister called yesterday and told me, excitedly, the funny (and supportive!) stories of telling her friends, that maybe I need to text my sisters ("the circle of trust" as we dubbed them at the lunch 😂) and reconfirm with them that we still haven't told my wife's family or our friends, and the schedule for us doing that.

So I was literally writing that text this morning when the phone rang... and it was ANOTHER sister...

She was so happy to tell me just how supportive HER friends were when she told them! Again, these women (in this case, only two) are pretty close to additional sisters. One of them, however, a real flibberty gibbet if I do say so. 🙄. 

And with this sister I can and was much more direct:

"You DO know that we haven't told the other side of the family yet? Or OUR friends? And do you think the others know that?"

"Oh sure," she said. "You were really clear on that. You're telling family this weekend and your friends next week."

"Right," I said. "So it would be awful if our friends heard it from anyone else, you know? So you all know it's still under close hold?"

"Oh yes of course," she said. "We all 100% do!"

So... I really can't send that text now, and I suppose I just await my third sister calling and telling me, excitedly, what a wonderful reaction she got when she went on the local six o'clock news and discussed it last night... 🤔🙄😂
