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Allie's Blog IV: Revenge of Allie's Blog

Started by imallie, January 03, 2024, 08:53:54 PM

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Ok well first three replies came in and I'm in tears... so... yeah.

Oh damn - good tears, sorry.  I buried the lede on that a bit.



Actually it was 4-for-4... I should have known my one friend (a doctor) who 100% should know better that I cannot talk because of my migraines in the evening ALWAYS tries to call me in the evening would, in fact, call me immediately upon getting the note. I just saw I had a voice mail from him.  It was equally lovely.

By the way, in case people are interested or it helps anyone in the future as a suggestion — the way I approached these letters was different than family.

So far the versions of the letter:

1. For my sisters
2. For the nephews/nieces on my side (to be delivered by my sisters)
3. For my wife's family (written from both of us) — with a note empowering them to share the same note with their children.
4. And now the friend notes - but each of the six were personalized. They were 80-90% the same, but in each there were slight changes in tone based on their relationship with my sisters, or how long they've known me, or a whole bunch of different factors.

The whole thing is to keep in mind that these letters are for the READER so I'm always customizing it with that in mind.

The next "bucket" of friends will, likely, get a more generic friend letter. As that will be a bigger bucket. That's the prevailing thought, anyway.

Ok, I'm literally spent. I could use a cluster-free night... but need to go get ready.

'Night all,