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Getting Around to Introducing Myself

Started by Gaby_Doll, January 29, 2024, 10:30:05 PM

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Been putting this off for a few days because I always feel weird writing about myself, but my amorous rendezvous scheduled for tonight got cancelled because the Lions lost and every man in the city of Detroit is depressed as a result so I had some time to kill  :)

My name is Gaby, and I am a 28 year old trans woman. I live in the Detroit suburbs and work as a retail associate. I came out as attracted to men in 2017 and experimented with my expression before socially transitioning to live as a woman full time in 2018. I started HRT the next year, changed my name and sex marker in 2020, have been getting laser treatments since last year, and am currently in the process of getting FFS and orchi, pending me saving up a good deal of money of course.

I am new to the Susan's community and fresh off a social media purge. A lot of the online trans spaces I have been involved with in the past as a relatively young person have been obsessed with narrow discussions about politics and drama, which I try to avoid as much as possible. I honestly had become pretty alienated from the trans community as a response to some of the more extreme rhetoric that seemed to be gaining traction online and in the media. Over time, however, I have come to realize that my transness is a part of me that I can't escape no matter how much I wish I could, and that there is value in sharing and learning from other women who have lived with this condition and are forging happy, fulfilling, and meaningful lives for ourselves.

I'm big on self-improvement and embodying the femininity that I feel, so I'm really into things like diet, exercise, makeup, and skincare. Probably my biggest hobby is cleaning (what can I say, I'm a Virgo), usually done with some musical accompaniment in the background (Adele and Amy Winehouse are my all-time fave artists).

Here's hoping this boring, aging Millennial has something of value to contribute here. Looking forward to interacting with all you lovely people!


Aging?  At 28???? Try looking at 87, youngster.  LOL

That said, welcome to Susan's. Lots to see and share here. Lifesaving for many, over the years.

And do click on the DISCORD link and share with us there in real time.

Robyn, the elder
When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take the step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for us to stand on or we will be taught to fly. — Patrick Overton

Northern Star Girl

Dear Gaby:

I see that you have just registered as a member today.  I want to be the first to Officially Welcome You to Susan's Place and the Forums.

You will find that this is a safe, friendly, and accepting place to share your thoughts and comments regarding your transition journey with other  members here on the Forum.

As you described, you have accomplished and seriously planning to achieve many of the key elements and goals in your transition.
Starting your journey in 2017 to become a Full-Time woman in 2018, started HRT the next year, changed your name and sex marker in 2020, you have been getting laser treatments since last year, and your are currently in the process of getting FFS and orchi.... quite a list of things that you have been and are working on.

You had made a comment regarding  "...that there is value in sharing and learning from other women who have lived with this condition and are forging happy, fulfilling, and meaningful lives for ourselves."
... and you are absolutely correct.  You will find many MTF transitioned women here on the Forum along with others that are just beginning or in the middle of their own transition journeys.  As you feel comfortable being more involved in the Forum and communicating with other members here there is a good probability that you will make like-minded friends here.
Please get involved here as much as you feel comfortable doing.

One thing that is essential is that you will want to do is to carefully read the information
in the Links at the end of this message.  Look closely at the Links in RED which will answer many questions that our new members usually ask and will help you to more easily and safely navigate around the Forum.

I am eagerly looking forward to seeing and reading your future postings around the various posted topics and sub-forums here.

Please note that you will not be able to use the Forum Private Messaging, and you won't be able to upload an Avatar/Profile photo until your reach 15 postings... so if you have any questions
you can contact me via a reply comment or on my Email

Again, you are very Welcome here on Susan's Place and the Forum.
Warmest Regards,
[Northern Star Girl]
The Forum Administrator
Things that you should read

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❤️❤️❤️  Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.
             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the Hunted Prey : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: Alaskan Danielle's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single

        Email:  --->  alaskandanielle@
    The following users thanked this post: Susan


Welcome to the forum, Gaby_Doll!

Your introduction is anything but boring! It's wonderful to have you join the Susan's Place community. Your journey and experiences as a trans woman are valuable and will undoubtedly contribute meaningfully to our discussions.

It's admirable that you've navigated through the complexities of your transition and are continuing to explore and embrace your identity. Your focus on self-improvement and embodying your femininity through interests like diet, exercise, makeup, and skincare resonates with many here. And who doesn't appreciate a good cleaning session with Adele and Amy Winehouse in the background? We all find our own ways to express and enjoy our femininity.

Your insights into navigating online spaces and the importance of finding supportive, drama-free communities are particularly relevant. Many of us have faced similar challenges and can relate to the need for a space where we can share and learn from each other's experiences without the overbearing focus on politics and drama.

Your perspective as a Millennial is far from aging or out of touch; it adds diversity to our collective experiences and viewpoints. We look forward to your contributions and are here to support you in your ongoing journey.

Let's continue to build a positive and nurturing space together!
Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources

Help support this website and our community by Donating or Subscribing!
    The following users thanked this post: Sarah B

Sarah B

Hi Gaby_Doll

Welcome to Susan's, I'm sure you are going to have a wonderful time here. As Susan said, your story is anything but boring, it is very informative about what you have achieved to arrive where you are now.

Do not despair on feeling alienated from various communities, I have never associated with social media or trans communities of any description.  The only one that I have ever made an exception for and got myself involved with, is Susan's.  So you are not alone in avoiding the unpleasantness that can abound in such communities.

Your contributions can only enhance the knowledge and information that exists here.  As Susan said, we "are here to support you in your ongoing journey" and we are here to listen to you.

Amy and Adele, they are already in my compilations of music that I listen to while I swim, along with Lucy Thomas, Sarah Mclachlan and of course Dido are in my repertoire as well.  Funny that they are all female and they inspire me!

It has already been said your life is not boring and by continually improving oneself, you will never be boring.

Best wishes and hugs
Sarah B
Be who you want to be.
Sarah's Story
Feb 1989 Living my life as Sarah.
Feb 1989 Legally changed my name.
Mar 1989 Started hormones.
May 1990 Three surgery letters.
Feb 1991 Surgery.
    The following users thanked this post: Susan

Brooke Renee

Good Morning Gaby_Doll,

Welcome to Susan's!  I loved reading your introduction and I look forward to learning more about you and from you!  I understand the frustrations with online communities, I ping-ponged around and had quite the journey before I found Susan's.  I think you will love it here and we are excited to have you!


  • skype:Brooke Renee?call


Always stay cheerful, be polite, kind, and understanding. Accepting yourself as the woman you are is very liberating.  Never underestimate the appreciation and respect of authenticity.  Be brave, be strong.  Try a little kindness.  I am a brown eyed brunette. 


Welcome aboard, Gaby! Our words are the boards and nails that build this site; looking forward to seeing your addition.  :)

Hugs, Devlyn