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Utah governor approves censure of school board member...

Started by Jessica_Rose, February 16, 2024, 05:17:47 AM

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Utah governor approves censure of school board member who questioned a student's gender

Story by By HANNAH SCHOENBAUM (15 Feb 2024)

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Utah Gov. Spencer Cox on Thursday signed legislation censuring a conservative member of the state Board of Education whose social media post questioning the gender of a high school basketball player triggered threats against the girl and led state officials to call for the board member's resignation.

Both legislative chambers had swiftly passed a resolution condemning the actions of Natalie Cline a day after the Utah State Board of Education stripped Cline of her committee assignments and nearly all administrative responsibilities. The board will no longer allow Cline to attend meetings or place items on the agenda, and her colleagues have asked her to resign by Feb. 19.

In a letter published Thursday in The Salt Lake Tribune, the girl's parents, Al and Rachel van der Beek, also urged Cline to resign and called for her impeachment.

"Ms. Cline did the very thing we teach our children not to do — she blasted social media without fact checking, which ultimately led to a barrage of hateful and despicable comments that were directed at our daughter that lasted for more than 16 hours," the letter said. "It was one of the most painful things we've had to endure."


As horrible as this situation was, they should be thankful the attacks only lasted for 'more than 16 hours'. Imagine if they were non-stop, like many of us must endure.

Love always -- Jessica Rose
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