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Private care in UK post returning to UK

Started by Carla68, February 19, 2024, 10:25:23 AM

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Hi All,

I was referred to the Laurels NHS GIC and as yet haven't had my induction appointment, I did however successfully complete my transition by starting my hormones privately and living in another country with better Gender healthcare than UK for nearly 5 years.

My UK GP has quite happily been prescribing my patches for over 2 years now without any consultation with a private or NHS gender service but rightly so they are now get a bit concerned as they know we can't just stop the patches but need to make sure dose is ok.

I have just started working full time with a company and get health insurance with a company called Healix (Mayfair) it looks like I get Gender Dysphoria covered on my insurance so I am thinking of finding a private gender clinic preferably in southwest near Bristol does anyone know of any?

Also maybe a new speech therapist



Orchiectomy 28th July 2020
GRS 22nd June 2021
FFS 22nd June 2021
  • skype:carla68?call