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Enhancement - or not?

Started by Colorado Girl, February 22, 2024, 07:06:49 PM

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Quote from: Gina P on February 25, 2024, 07:55:18 AMI have also thought about BA. After a year and a half on HRT, I have seen a good bit of development, now at a C cup. But on 44" ribs and broad shoulders it doesn't look impressive. I guess it looks average for a woman of 61. My breasts are still growing and still a bit sore, which is affirming things are still happening there. I will probably wait a while to do it but the desire to be a D cup is real. When I go out my bra of choice is a Fall Sweet add a size push up. Adds a little cleavage but it would be nice to not have to make things look bigger than they are, as there is a bit of dysphoria in doing this. To add to that when I was undressing my wife says, "your breasts don't look feminine. They look like when you were working out". Argh.

Not a nice comment about your breasts there.  Ouch.

You do like nice in your avatar picture.

Always stay cheerful, be polite, kind, and understanding. Accepting yourself as the woman you are is very liberating.  Never underestimate the appreciation and respect of authenticity.  Be brave, be strong.  Try a little kindness.  I am a brown eyed brunette. 
    The following users thanked this post: Sarah B


I did fat transfer and I am satisfied with the results - for now. I am a large B to small C cup. I am thinking about going larger to fit my frame but am undecided at this point. The other question would be do fat transfer again or implants? Time will tell...



Quote from: BlueJaye on February 23, 2024, 05:08:51 PMI was a B cup before HRT. I can thank adolescent gynecomastia for that. With HRT, I am 38D or 36DD, depending on the bra. I am satisfied with what is there and have no desire for more.

I had a similar thing. Even when I was confined in my male body and a slim runner I had noticeable breasts. When I began taking hormones they ballooned to DD and are now bigger than that.

Both my sisters are large.

I'm 6ft tall though, so if I had my time again I'd have traded out the large breasts for a little less height :)
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Quote from: becca.anne on March 06, 2024, 10:00:56 AMI did fat transfer and I am satisfied with the results - for now. I am a large B to small C cup. I am thinking about going larger to fit my frame but am undecided at this point. The other question would be do fat transfer again or implants? Time will tell...


I'm seriously thinking about fat transfer, 20+ years on HRT and nothing but small A cups at this point, what was the recovery like?
Born 1963
Knew I should be female 1972
Grew 18" in single year 1978
Resigned to self that I never will pass regardless, and will always and forever just be seen as a giant dude, but will pursue femme self ID anyway.
started HRT 2002 DIY
Prescribed legitimately 2012
Just going to be me.
    The following users thanked this post: Lori Dee


Quote from: Tills on July 13, 2024, 12:37:37 AMI'm 6ft tall though, so if I had my time again I'd have traded out the large breasts for a little less height :)

Why? Tall, Amazonian women are beautiful.

Case in point: Floor Jansen. She is the lead singer of a metal band. She is also six feet tall and literally wears heels on every show. She literally towers over the rest of the band. Her sister, Irene is almost as tall as she is.

Honey, own your height. Make it yours. Believe it or not... not all men, or women, suffer Tom Cruise Syndrome. Tall women are a massive turn on for some people.

I kind of think a lot of trans women care more about their breasts than cis women do. Because it's something of a status symbol. It's a sign of womanhood. Probably like hollywood celebrities care about it in the same way. Because... probably for the same reasons. They have to be perfect. To be the most attractive to people. Orbs that would make Sauron Blush. Attract the Hobbits of the world. ;D.

Ladies... you are beautiful just being yourself. You don't need sacks of whatever shoved in your chest to be beautiful. That's not what beauty is. Beauty is someone embracing themselves. Who they are. Confident in themselves. Knowing they're living their lives true to themselves. Whatever the hormones give you.. the fact that you're self aware enough to go down that road is beauty enough. For you. Which is all that matters.

Just my opinion. Don't fall down the rabbit hole that women tend to fall down and think it's okay because it somehow makes you more of a woman. Be you. Whoever you are. Whatever nature gives you.

THAT is what defines beauty. Accepting yourself.
Natura nihil frustra facit.

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." ~ Buddha.

If you're dealing with self esteem issues, maybe click here. There may be something you find useful. :)
Above all... remember: you are beautiful, you are valuable, and you have a shining spark of magnificence within you. Don't let anyone take that from you. Embrace who you are. <3
    The following users thanked this post: Lori Dee

Maid Marion

I've been wearing crop tops and skirts.  32A-22-34 is a very feminine figure without any BA.
A bonus is not having to wear a bra in hot and humid weather.



Tills, look at this girl. Look how little her height or boob size matters. Trans people make it a much bigger deal than it needs to be because the world around them makes it a much bigger deal than it needs to be. Which is super dumb to me, honestly. It's holding people to far higher standards both from cis and trans people. Just be you.

Natura nihil frustra facit.

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." ~ Buddha.

If you're dealing with self esteem issues, maybe click here. There may be something you find useful. :)
Above all... remember: you are beautiful, you are valuable, and you have a shining spark of magnificence within you. Don't let anyone take that from you. Embrace who you are. <3


The size of one's breasts is often emphasized in media and popular culture, but it doesn't actually matter for several reasons. People have different preferences and levels of comfort with their bodies. What matters most is that you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin. Beauty is subjective, and what one person finds attractive, another may not. True beauty comes from a combination of qualities, including personality, kindness, and confidence. Your self confidence should come from within and not be based on your appearance.

Different cultures have different standards of beauty. What is considered attractive in one culture may not be in another. Our western media often portrays a narrow and unrealistic standard of beauty. It's important to recognize that these portrayals are often not reflective of real life. In genuine, healthy relationships, partners value each other for much more than physical appearance. Qualities like trust, respect, shared values, and emotional connection are far more significant. Ultimately, everyone's body is unique, and appreciating and caring for your body as it is can lead to greater happiness and self-acceptance.

I do get it though.. A few years ago I was literally moaning to my then therapist that not only would I 'Never pass' but my breasts seemed stuck at a C cup..  my female therapist looked at me.. and said .. 'oh, oh, I only have an A cup.. I guess I don't pass then'..  I never noticed, really - but yeah, she was quite small and she is very tall too.. it never stopped her living life or having 3 kids or a relationship that is over 50 years strong and still going.. That is when I realised the futility of 'passing'. it is not an aspiration. Earlier in our conversation she told me how she gets called sir on the phone. We talked about our facial hair problems..

I have a new mantra - 'If you are trying to pass, you are trying too hard'  just be you and enjoy being you. After all that is what transition is all about, or should be.
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough

Please Note: Everything I write is my own opinion - People seem to get confused  over this
  • skype:--seriously who uses Skype anymore?!??call
    The following users thanked this post: Sephirah


Quote from: SoupSarah on July 18, 2024, 10:25:30 PMThe size of one's breasts is often emphasized in media and popular culture, but it doesn't actually matter for several reasons. People have different preferences and levels of comfort with their bodies. What matters most is that you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin. Beauty is subjective, and what one person finds attractive, another may not. True beauty comes from a combination of qualities, including personality, kindness, and confidence. Your self confidence should come from within and not be based on your appearance.

Different cultures have different standards of beauty. What is considered attractive in one culture may not be in another. Our western media often portrays a narrow and unrealistic standard of beauty. It's important to recognize that these portrayals are often not reflective of real life. In genuine, healthy relationships, partners value each other for much more than physical appearance. Qualities like trust, respect, shared values, and emotional connection are far more significant. Ultimately, everyone's body is unique, and appreciating and caring for your body as it is can lead to greater happiness and self-acceptance.

I do get it though.. A few years ago I was literally moaning to my then therapist that not only would I 'Never pass' but my breasts seemed stuck at a C cup..  my female therapist looked at me.. and said .. 'oh, oh, I only have an A cup.. I guess I don't pass then'..  I never noticed, really - but yeah, she was quite small and she is very tall too.. it never stopped her living life or having 3 kids or a relationship that is over 50 years strong and still going.. That is when I realised the futility of 'passing'. it is not an aspiration. Earlier in our conversation she told me how she gets called sir on the phone. We talked about our facial hair problems..

I have a new mantra - 'If you are trying to pass, you are trying too hard'  just be you and enjoy being you. After all that is what transition is all about, or should be.

Truth. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Not the beholdee. As I say... Sarah is shorthand for Wisdom, lol. You are more attractive to people when you're secure in yourself, happy in yourself... accepting of yourself. It comes from within you. You have to own yourself before you even think about renting yourself out to other people.
Natura nihil frustra facit.

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." ~ Buddha.

If you're dealing with self esteem issues, maybe click here. There may be something you find useful. :)
Above all... remember: you are beautiful, you are valuable, and you have a shining spark of magnificence within you. Don't let anyone take that from you. Embrace who you are. <3


Quote from: Colorado Girl on February 23, 2024, 05:51:19 AMThank you, Chrissy! I don't think it's unreasonable for me to think that hormones may bring about the breast development I'd be happy with. This is actually the second time I've began HRT...the first time around I began (according to my doctor) to experience budding and soreness very early on, which was surprising to her. So, being the eternal optimist that I am, I'm excited to see what happens this time around!

I read somewhere, years ago, that stopping and starting HRT 'can increase breast size'. But I've put that in '   ' because I'm blowed if I can go trawling the internet to try and find it so please no one take that as evidence.

As it happens, this is what happened to me. A few years ago I took a pause from HRT for personal reasons and since I went back on my breasts have become enormous. They were DD a year ago but I'm guessing into the EE now. Mine were always prominent even when I was a stick thin male runner. I laughed when Chrissy wrote about handling your breasts because I can very easily, erm, well (blushes) put them in my mouth. Sorry tmi.

I do agree with Devlyn here though. So much of gender expression in the outer world is reduced to body parts and looks. And I fall into that. I may have huge breasts but I'm 6' tall and would have traded some cup size to be more petite. So it's swings and roundabouts?

It's hard this but I long for the day when people of any gender expression are just accepted for who they are, not how they look.

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