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I see a new endo next week

Started by becca.anne, March 06, 2024, 10:07:04 AM

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Well it happened again, my new-ish PCP is no longer 'comfortable' with prescribing E for me. This was the primary reason I changed to her but came to realize that "trans knowledgeable/friendly" actually meant "trans ignorant". All in all I think this is a good thing but I have to go into my "story" once again and find a new PCP.

"To infinity and beyond!"

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I'm saddened to hear about the issues you're having in your search for a PCP. I moved to a deep red state (Arkansas) a few years ago, and for a while continued seeing my PCP in Colorado. I noticed our health insurance carried added an 'inclusive' option on their physician search tool. Very few doctors in my state were on the list, but I was able to find one about 40 miles away. I wish you the best of luck with your search.

Love always -- Jessica Rose
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"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot
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Lori Dee

I am sorry to read of the trouble with finding an accepting PCP.
I have been lucky through the VA, in that everyone is accepting, but every Endo has had their own idea about the prescribing protocol. After two Endos, I am now with a Gynecologist who recently traveled Europe specifically studying transgender medicine. Perhaps you could look into other specialties as well? It doesn't have to be an Endocrinologist. The important part is they are accepting, and understand what you need for transition. They must listen to you. I wish you all the best.

My Life is Based on a True Story

Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything.
Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you,
so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.

2017 - GD Diagnosis / 2020 - HRT / 2022 - FFS & Legal Name Change / 2024 - Voice Training
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My visit with the Endo yesterday was a positive experience and will moving forward.  I had my documentation in hand (test results which were old but I had them, my surgery approval letters, release from the neurosurgeon etc.). This will be through the Mayo Clinic using their system and protocol. None the less it is like starting over. I will also need to talk to more phycologists. So there you go.. two steps forward and seventeen steps backwards.

Lori Dee

Progress is progress. The reason the rear-view mirror on a car is smaller than the windshield is because you aren't going that way! Keep moving forward. There will be setbacks but never lose sight of the progress you make. We are cheering for you!

My Life is Based on a True Story

Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything.
Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you,
so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.

2017 - GD Diagnosis / 2020 - HRT / 2022 - FFS & Legal Name Change / 2024 - Voice Training

Colorado Girl

I have been extremely fortunate that my PCP, even though not an endocrinologist, has been extremely supportive and is extremely knowledgeable about transgender issues, concerns, medicine, etc. I absolutely love her! I hope that you find that wonderfully helpful kind of doctor as your move ahead!

Northern Star Girl

@Colorado Girl
Dear Shawna:

That is terrific news that you reported regarding your supportive PCP/Doctor !!!!
I am very happy for you.
HUGS, Danielle
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    The following users thanked this post: Sarah B