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Alabama bans DEI in schools... bathrooms must be designated by ‘biological sex’

Started by Jessica_Rose, March 21, 2024, 09:51:37 AM

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Alabama bans DEI in schools and says bathrooms must be designated by 'biological sex'

Story by Léonie Chao-Fong (20 March 2024)

Alabama governor Kay Ivey has signed a bill into law in effect banning diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs across public schools, universities and state agencies, the latest move in a wave of a Republican-led legislation that aims to restrict diversity efforts across the country.

The law, known as SB129, imposes restrictions around what it calls eight "divisive concepts", including assigning "fault, blame or bias" to any race, religion, gender or color, or discussions of whether "slavery and racism are aligned with the founding principles of the United States". It authorizes state agencies to "discipline or terminate employees or contractors who violate this act".

It also requires higher education institutions to designate bathrooms "for use based on biological sex", essentially barring trans people from using public bathrooms that align with their gender identity.

The governor signed the bill after the Republican-led state legislature gave final approval on Tuesday. The law will take effect on 1 October.
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Since the law violates numerous federal anti-discrimination statutes, they should lose all federal funding immediately.
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