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God made you a man {SF trans denied BA at catholic hospital story}

Started by Hazumu, January 11, 2008, 12:36:37 AM

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Bay Area Catholic hospital sued for refusing to facilitate transgender surgery

<no byline>

California Catholic Daily

NOTE: Although this story has already been posted here from other sources, there is a very thoughtful dialogue in the comments section between Zoe Brain and several of the graduates of the school of if-you-were-born-with-a-penis-you-can't-not-be-male.

Excerpted comment;

"Posted Wednesday, January 09, 2008 7:58 PM By Zoe Brain
John L. Sillasen - Matthew 19:12, first line. The bit about "some are born eunuchs from their mothers womb.". We call them Intersexed people now. Then look at Isaiah 56:4-5. Those who are so sure they know what the Almighty wants don't always actually read scripture. You see, the discrimination shown by the good sisters is not new. Intersexed people were forbidden to enter the Temple and worship. Christ specifically and unequivocally welcomed them as being not just as worthy as others of the Kingdom of Heaven, but that a special house of specific honour had been prepared for them, in compensation for the trials and tribulations they were put through by Pharisees."



QuoteGod made you a man
well, if God gave me a hernia, would I have to live with that too?

Yee hawwwwww.  I thought of a comeback!


Love how they refer to her as ' "she" ' once and then on as he... nice understanding reporting... its a nobrainder.... 'charline hastinges.... HE xyz what?
give me a break ><
R :police:

Julie Marie

It's becoming easier and easier to explain why I no longer consider myself Catholic.

When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


I'm shocked that this would happen in a catholic place, after all, for millenia has been on the forefront of bold new ideas, radical revisions of prior knowledge, and putting scientific truth ahead of superstition and accepted myth - oh, wait, that was Galileo, sorry.

The Catholic Church, still tax-free after all these years.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


i knew there were benefits... :P
Its funny, i presume that hospital will perform surgery on gay people ? god apparently didnt make them....
transsexual is the new african american... we are the group that they love to hate, right or wrong. wheres martin luther >-bleeped-<?
R >:D

Shana A

"Transgender Woman Refused Breast Implants, Sues Hospital

January 10, 2008 10:31 p.m. EST

Isabelle Duerme - AHN News Writer

Dali City, CA (AHN) - A transgender woman slapped a Catholic hospital with a lawsuit after she was denied breast-enlargement surgery. She is suing the hospital for charges of discrimination, because of her sex-change operation.

Charlene Hastings, 57, recounted that upon going to Seton Medical Center to inquire about the surgery, she was blatantly told, "God made you a man." She said that the surgical coordinator said that their facilities were not to be used to assist transgender surgeries."
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde
