Hello everyone. My name is Gwen. I am not new to Susan's Place, but it has been a long time since I have been active. I posted earlier today because I am desperate to find a bra that fits, and I just knew that one or more of you here at Susan's Place could help me. Northern Star Girl gave me some great advice, and she also told me about the site's crash. I know I am being long winded, but I thought I should reintroduce myself since I don't know how much of me survived the great crash (this reminds me of the great Chicago fire).
As I said before, my name is Gwen. I will be 70 years old this month, and I started HRT over two years ago. I live in the southeast in coastal Georgia, and it is HOT!!! I am married, and my wife is not particularly supportive of my transition. We are working through it, but I do not know if out marriage will survive at this point.
I am still presenting as a man most of the time, but I did go get a makeover, pedicure and manicure a couple of weekends ago. After that I went shopping. The experience was exciting and liberating and boosted my self-confidence. I can't wait to do it again.
I am also being scheduled for my first mammogram as any woman should, and for that reason, I am excited.
I feel like I have wasted a good bit of my life by not living as my true self, so now that I am taking positive steps forward, I feel more positive and hopeful about life.
Send me a note, I want to get to know you.