Greetings from Salem, MA! The Halloween Capitol of the Universe!
Truthfully, its a pain in the butt. Halloween is early this year, everyone in town already sees it.
My Halloween is a mix - a little champagne with neighbors, while watching tourist follow their phones blindly to the end of my dead end street. We try to stop them, they never listen. I'll float on the crowds a bit. There are a few over-the-top decorated houses. The best ones take all October to get set-- a little more every weekend. I know a lot of people that put up a few phony graves and have a party. I mean "I spent the night over in <friend's> graveyard" is a thing here. I will do a low key witch this year.
Do remember-- shoes make or break your costume. I see a lot of costumes here. It is the little things-- shoes and accessories that make your look or break it. Wednesday Adams can do sneakers. Sanderson sisters do not wear sneakers. Plan accordingly.