Hello LisaMy name is
Sarah B and I would like to formally, Welcome you back to Susan's Place!
I noticed that you registered in 10-02-2019 and from that time until the beginning of the year Susan's suffered a crash which resulted in the intervening years all files were lost. I do not know if that has affected your account in any way.
Danielle our Administrator might be able to help you in this area and I will notify her.
In regards to your post, I did a search and I was able to go to the website, but it was not a website dealing with transgender support. It went to an Asian website. Your computer system may have protected you from accessing this particular website. I have not attempted to send an Email to the indicated Email address.
I would suggest that you use the following search term "transgender support group pensacola florida" to help you find the support you need.
Once you feel comfortable here, it would be appreciated if you add a little bit more about yourself in the
Introductions Forum, of course. I would appreciate it very much as, I'm always interested in learning something new about new members
In addition members of Susan's will more than likely will discuss problems or issues that are similar to yours as most have experienced these as well.
Please review the links at the end of this message, especially the
red links, they include information which will help you navigate the site and use the available features. When you reach 15 posts, you will be able to send and reply to private messages and you will also be able to add an avatar to your profile, until then if you have any questions about the Susan's Place site and the Forums, please feel free to contact, the Forum Admin Danielle Northern Star Girl
alaskandanielle@yahoo.comTake care and all the best for the future.
Once again, Welcome to Susan's Place!Best Wishes AlwaysSarah BGlobal Moderator@Lori Dee @Northern Star Girl @LisaJenn
Things that you should read