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does a believe system require a defense........

Started by Natasha, January 01, 2008, 10:57:41 PM

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lady amarant

Quote from: cindybc on January 15, 2008, 03:41:49 AM
Hi Beth06, I found what I posted bellow from a search that Wing Walker and I made in the electronic Bible on the web.

Now as far as I know is that eunuchs could have been trans people. they were very highly esteemed servants. They could also be androgen folks.     


"12": For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

Wisdom of Solomon (Apocrypha), chapter 3

"14": And blessed is the eunuch, which with his hands hath wrought no iniquity, nor imagined wicked things against God: for unto him shall be given the special gift of faith, and an inheritance in the temple of the Lord more acceptable to his mind.


Just a bit of additional information here - eunuchs were palace servants assigned to guard female royalty, nobility and the prince/king's harem. They were usually males castrated specifically so that they could not have sex with any of the king or prince's "property". Because of the lack of any hormones in their bodies they became calm and docile, but generally did not live all that long, since our bodies do need those for normal functioning. The priests just made the rule stick by adding religious virtue to it.

Nothing noble about that. Sorry.

The born eunuchs referred to here are probably people born with some sort of intersexed condition. The priesthood would obviously have latched onto those as examples of virtue to promote the agenda they were usually being paid to push.


You do not need a Bible to have morals and ethics.


I was only putting forward a theory and as such it is open for debate. The only other part mentioned in the Bible which I believe is vague in description and that is the one where it says that men shall not wear the garment of a woman and women shall not wear the garments of of a man.

I do not believe that this has anything to do with us since we wear what is appropriate to our inner gender.


Cindi Jones

"By their acts, ye shall know them."

I read that somewhere, some time ago. ;) 

Those who are not Christ like in their behaviours are not followers of Christ regardless of what they profess.

Look up "Lord, Lord" in the Bible.

I'm not defending the fundamentalists in any way.  I have to deal with their disgusting actions daily as many of us do.  I will fight against them so that others may have the rights to believe what they will.  To protect others rights does not mean that I will let someone trample on my own... or anyone else's.


Author of Squirrel Cage


The beauty of science is that if you don't like - say gravity - then you are free to disprove it. 

The trouble with religion is that no matter what proof is offered, they always have some very wonderful reason why you are wrong. 

I just don't get where the onus is all on me.  If Jesus wants me to believe, how come he showed up in some backwash of the Roman Empire, and not on my doorstep.  I'd offer him wine (we have some good stuff in Sonoma County,) much better than that Roman dreg crap.  Or a brew.  He could call me (being Omniscient, he knows the number after all - given that, he even knows when to call when I'll answer the phone, its a given, given that power) or text me, or send me an email. 

So I have to assume that he is a) busy, b) does not care, or c) real mad because he is the only messiah who can whistle through his hands, and if this is the last place in the universe he sure ain't coming back here.

Really, if you were Jesus, is this your first stop, considering how you were treated the first time around?
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


QuoteReally, if you were Jesus, is this your first stop, considering how you were treated the first time around?

I guess spiritualism is just a mind thing and religion uses a lot of metaphors to help people imagine, kind of like a mantra.


ok.. christianity got  real screwed up from the holy roman empire on. the romans took a new religion that was so powerful that people would willing die for it. not in the suicidal bomber style either. but peaceful protest that made the powers that be quite fearful. from the roman takeover onward  christianity has been used for evil. but that is not what christ preached, nor peter nor paul nor john... it took 300 years for government to capture the most powerful force in the world(LOVE) and turn it to hate. 

i agree that there is a lot more to christianity then the sermon on the mount... there is also a lot more then just bigoted christians. there are good people who are christian...

i went to japan in 04.... the people there were kind but really pissed at the US for the war. they considered me a war supporter ( because i am american) and would ask crazy questions as to how i could support such a terrible thing. i never was pro war! i hate death and injury. i told them that not all americans wanted war and they would roll their eyes.  i feel the same way about christ.  christ IS good.  even if some or even most christians are not.  i would tell no one to follow some preacher, paster or priest. follow christ.

Quote from: Cindi Jones on January 15, 2008, 02:13:45 PM
"By their acts, ye shall know them."

I read that somewhere, some time ago. ;) 

Those who are not Christ like in their behaviours are not followers of Christ regardless of what they profess.

Look up "Lord, Lord" in the Bible.


absolutely correct. jesus himself said that you can tell a tree by its fruit. for a good tree bears good fruit and a bad tree bears bad fruit... each after their kind.

Quote from: lisagurl on January 15, 2008, 11:46:43 AM
You do not need a Bible to have morals and ethics.

also correct. i have known some wonderful atheists.... salt of the earth types.  as a matter of fact.... even in my closest circle of friends... people that have known me for the better part of my life... only one is christian, my brother. he knows ALL about me  and is my biggest supporter in all of this. then my BFF for 27 years so far.... he is agnostic. he has been really cool with my coming out. and my cousin who i have known for 33 years, since he was born also BFF. atheist possible satanist.. changed his last name to syn. these are my favorite people of all time. all are wonderful trustworthy friends... also in this group they are all friends amongst themselves.

the real promise of christ takes place after death, but to be truly honest he has made all the difference in my daily life

Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.