The important thing to understand about Executive Orders is that they do not apply to citizens.
Read that again. Executive Orders do not apply to citizens.
Executive Orders are issued by the White House and are used to direct the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government. Executive Orders state mandatory requirements for the Executive Branch and have the effect of law. The courts view them as legally valid unless they violate the Constitution or existing statutes. Executive orders, like other unilateral actions, allow presidents to make policy outside of the regular lawmaking process.
The purpose of an Executive Order is to instruct agencies within the Executive Branch how to behave. The Executive (President or Governor) instructs the heads of Executive agencies to make policies or enforce policies for their department. Those policies dictate how the department will be run.
They will affect citizens who utilize those services or are employees of those departments. However, the President or Governor cannot issue an order directly to a citizen. Citizens are governed by laws passed by Congress, not by executives.