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District 9

Started by noir, September 13, 2009, 10:20:36 PM

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Having watched District 9 recently, I was not surprised by how the "prawns" were treated. I felt it was a very accurate portrayal of how humanity would handle visitation by accident, or intentional by another sentient species. It was a very moving film for me. Seeing how Wikus went from a MNU employee to the state he was in at the end of the movie. I wish there were more movies like this.

How'd you folks like it?


Yeah I heard lots of criticism but I loved the movie. Great story, one of the few movies that caused me some emotion. Plus the cg was so good the aliens looked real. The apartheid all over again, but with more awesome high-tech alien weaponry. It was admittedly funny seeing them trade their iron-man style super suits for cans of cat food.



I think the realism of both the CG and just the situation with the aliens and the slums was awesome. That alone made me enjoy it. The documentary/news viewpoint just pushed the idea of how an encounter with aliens might be like.
Loved the aliens and the whole culture for them I thought that was the most interesting part.


I liked the film it had a lot of politics behind it.

But it was very realisticly done.





District 9 was a poigniant and for those who lived through or even with the years of aparthied in South Africa, the movie could often make you move very uncomfrtably in your seat with the portrayal of the human experince of one race marginalising and disempowering another. We were shown the mechanism of the authoritative group as they rationalised their plan and actions, thsi was delivered witha balck and white force of people then oppressing a thrid race who were then shown to be treated in the matter of fact way in which black citizens were treated during the tiem of aparthied. The alien "prawns" housed in a shanty town, to be bulldoized and its population "rehoused" to "camps". A harrowing sequnce showed the inhumanity that was capbale whan those in power were/are capable of perpetrating the horrific in their journey to corruption. The story also showed be beauty of alturism and sacrifice. Delivered in the same nerve shredding organic imagery of blackhawk down, District 9 will leave you exhanusted and needing to know what happened next. Go and see it!!!! 


I loved District 9 a lot, but I thought that it could have been longer.  There were a lot of ideas that they touched on in the beginning of the film that were forgotten in the later parts.  It's the only movie I've ever thought "Man, that should have been like 3 hours long."


Ditto on all the comments above.  I really enjoyed it and would watch it again.

Enjoy life and be happy.  You won't be back.

WARNING: This body contains nudity, sexuality, and coarse language. Viewer discretion is advised. And I tend to rub folks the wrong way cause I say it as I see it...


Just saw this one last night, and was absolutely astounded at how brilliant it was. I think it's an incredibly accurate portrayal of the human condition, and not only WOULD we be likely to respond to an out-group in this fashion, but we already HAVE, numerous times throughout history. I was also pleasantly surprised at the character of Wikus... he was actually HUMAN, unlike the vast majority of "heroes" in film. For much of the movie, I couldn't stand the guy, but his redemption at the end was incredible, and yet humble.

Fantastic film. Were this the state of the world in reality, I'd rather be a prawn... they had more humanity than the humans.

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Quote from: SilverFang on September 17, 2009, 03:29:12 AMIt was admittedly funny seeing them trade their iron-man style super suits for cans of cat food.

It is interesting, what becomes trade fodder,
when faced with ones own mortality.

"I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you,
I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most of this beautiful day,
Since we're together, we might as well say,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
Won't you be my neighbor?" - Fred Rogers


I await the next part with equal portions of excitement and dread.

That is to say. I loved the movie. I loved the psychological aspects of it.
And I want to know what happens next! I really do!
And every time I see a movie and I love it and "know" that they'll do a sequel... I get so disapplointed! The sequel always ruins it COMPLETELY for me!
And each time I tell myself "not this time".
Not as in "this time they'll do it right" no, but as in "this time I'll just not go see the sequel, I'll ignore it's existence and just pretend it was a one time film"... but no, can't "not" go see the sequel.
.. and then it's all over.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


I liked it, thought it was a good movie. Has some plot holes, but most movies do anyway.

Overall a good watch.

I do, however, think it's over-hyped.
Don't be scared to fly alone, find a path that is your own
Love will open every door it's in your hands, the world is yours
Don't hold back and always know, all the answers will unfold
What are you waiting for, spread your wings and soar