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Big Movies You Hated!

Started by Alexandra, February 28, 2006, 12:40:06 AM

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Since we're in a movie mood I thought we could list the BIG Hollywood productions we hated!

Lord of the Rings (all of them)
Harry Potter (yep, all of them)
Star Wars (4, 5 and 6th or parts 1, 2 and & 3)
Indepencence Day
Pearl Harbor
Deep Impact
Big Smash!
Big Monster!
Big Slasher!
Big Action Figure Hero!


I don't care for any of these action-type big productions from Hollywood.

Whats on your PLEASE NO MORE list?


Independence Day says it all - a triumph of form over substance. All those really good special effects only served to show up how totally crap the movie was.
I hate to say this but Independence Day is a good example of the standard of BIG Hollywood productions

Posted at: February 28, 2006, 04:53:40 AM


The "Australian Wheat Board Scandel"  this total beat up dominates all our news for some unaccountable reason.  Obviously the AWB supplied billions of $ to Saddam and enabled him to do all sorts of evil.

Why wont they shut up :(   I dont know of anybody who cares or is even remotely interested




ALL THE STAR WARS MOVIES!! It is my dream that one day we will stop talking about Star Wars! Others that come to mind are:

The Matrix movies: They stole so much from a better but little know movie called Dark City.
The Scary movies: Stupid, dumb, stoner comdey.
Troy: Just read the post I made in the PMS zone for my reasoning on that one.
Kill Bill 1: This is a great of example of a movie that was all action and NO STORY which I just hate! I heard that the 2nd one had more story in it, but if I didn't like the first one why would I see the 2nd?

There are some many others but those are the ones that come to mind.


The Blair Witch Project---  What a joke! A few years ago a former neighbor rented it & I went over to watch it with him.  He kept on saying how it was a scary movie, yada, yada, yada....  and the whole time I watched it I kept thinking to myself, "OK, when's the scary part gonna' start?" 

Though i am not particularly a fan of scary movies.....


Every movie Charlton Heston stared in :)



Barbara Streisand's YENTL!

I actually paid money for that dog and I still regret it!

All those BIG movies?  Mediocrity served on a colorful platter designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

I do like the Lord of the Rings movies in that I've always loved the books (I even got to take a lit course in college about them and Tolkien's other works!) and I can see they did too even if the effects were a bit too much at times.  It annoyed me when their visions of what Tolkien wrote looked better than the ones I imagined!  And too much was cut!

And CHICAGO was not worth a Best Picture Oscar, by a loooooong shot.  Even if Richard Gere is still a hottie!

well, you did ask!
FKA: Emelye

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Quote from: HelenW on February 28, 2006, 09:07:02 PM
well, you did ask!

That's right, I did! 

Fire away people . . . its your chance to vent!



Lord of the Rings
Hunt for Red October

both of these put me to sleep really quickly.

Waterworld (a big movie in regards to production cost)
Something About Mary

these just totally bored me to death. well, almost death since I'm still here.

btw, I loved Chicago!


Every single Lord of the Ring movies (all of the dwarf tossing jokes made me want to toss the screenwriters right off the edge of a cliff)
Star Wars 1 and 2.  After those two disasters I did not watch part 3.
Last Action Hero or whatever with Arnold
Underworld:  Evolution
Big Fat Greek Wedding
Four Weddings and a Funeral
Mission Impossible movies
The Net
It's a Wonderful Life
Fight Club
The Kevin Costner Robin Hood
Spinal Tap


Highlander 2 and 3 Did the writers even look at the first Highlander Movie? And don't get me started on the TV show.

Starship Pooper, I mean Trooper.
Battlefield Earth

Do any of these writers ever read the fricken book?

Tess of The Durbervilles (yawn)

I'm sure there are plenty more but I try to forget bad things.



Quote from: CassieStarship Pooper, I mean Trooper.

A great book...

On the hop!



Starship Trooper - great book!

The movie ... inhales greatly! :D



Ok I have come up with some more.

-A Series of Unfortunet Events: Altough after I saw this moive I did want to read the books and after reading them I HATED THE MOVIE!
-I'm not sure if it was considered a "big" movie but The Relic: This is based off of a book by my two favortie authors and the movie didn't even involve the main character from the book!
-Romeo & Juliet (the leonardo de caperio version): This movie is an insult to Shakespeare!


Quote from: Lessa on March 01, 2006, 09:40:39 PM
I'm not sure if it was considered a "big" movie

Generally, a "big hollywood movie" is a production that wasn't hampered by a lack of $$$ -- the production team had the dough and made turkey instead. I'd say this amount is about $25 million by now.

A bare bones Hollywood production is about $5 million these days and the script better be good because there won't be money left to show higher production values on the screen. Films made for between 5 to 25 million is kind of a balancing act -- containing cost vs spending extra for higher production values.

Bad films made for under $5 million are sometimes difficult to judge . . . did they run out of money or is it bad because they couldn't hire the people they really wanted or was it botched filmmaking?  With big Hollywood productions, there should be NO EXCUSES!   So when a turkey is made, we should jump all over it.

Crazy budgets for "blockbusters" really chaps my hide. You can take that same $300 million used for an idiotic blockbuster and make 12 really good $25 million dollar films instead.


Ok....lets see....other than the fact i would die to look like jessica simpson..... the dukes of hazzard wns hands down..... the only reason i put it on the tv was cause of her.

get shorty... if the lights in the theater were a little brighter... i would have got a book

mermaids..... good song... movie sucked... ill think of more



Ok I have more:

-Resident Evil (I never really liked the games, and this movie really didn't have anything to do with them anyway. I just thought it was stupid)
-Jay and Silent Bob Strick Back (As much as I like Kevin Smiths movies, I just thought this one was dumb and not all that funny)
-Land of the Dead (Nothing at all like the orignal dead movies)
-Walking Tall (As much as I think The Rock is HOT, I was really disappointed with this movie. It was way to short)

I'll come up with more.



"Titanic" springs to took nearly as long for the ship to sink in the movie as it did in real life, LOL!  An unconvincing portrayal of a world-wise, heterosexual artist by Leonardo DiCaprio.  Frankly, he couldn't sink to the ocean floor quickly enough for me!


Saving Private Ryan just popped into my head here.

In a movie that was touted as being realistic, there was no reason to make the Americans look good by making the Germans looks stupid, especially when that was not the case at all. 

I think that movies that set out to have a basis in fact - should try to be based on fact as much as possible.

armchair critic


I can now add to my list:
White Noise

Keaton is a decent actor, why does he sign up for this crap?