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Started by Vanessa, July 29, 2007, 02:02:26 PM

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Ok so here's something I really didn't think about at the time...  I have several tattoos, and none are really femme, is there anybody else out there that has dealt with this.  I was thinking maybe actors body paint, I've heard of some actors having to cover tattoos for certain roles.  How would I go about getting some?  Is it expensive?  If I used makeup I would go through a lot of it... my whole back in nearly covered and I have more on my arms.  I raise this because if I were to wear a cami or a high cut shirt the didn't cover my whole back they would show.  Even normal T-shirts leave one showing completely and another peeking out.  Right now it's not much of an issue because I'm not planing on dressing in public right away, but eventually I might.  I could probably pass the tattoos at a biker rally but i'm not sure the rest of me would pass with them lol.



Don't get me wrong, I love my tattoos.  I had some great artists do my work, and I payed very well for them to draw all over me.  Maybe I wouldn't have to cover them all, just the really mean scary one and the ones on my arms.  But at this stage of the game they would be a dead give away if someone saw me dressed and then again as a guy.


Not an hour after I post this but my wife finds stuff made for just this purpose if anybody else out there is interested.


not yet... maybe someday.  I have one on my lower left arm, one high up on my upper left arm, and other centered on my upper right arm (that's the one that peeks out of T's) then I have one on each shoulder blade with another inbetween them and then one more in the center of my back.  I want to fill the gaps eventually on my back to turn it into a solid back piece but that is down the road.



I was thinking the same thing, something small and nice.  I love getting tattoos, and I think that one or two girly ones would be nice to have.  What did you have in mind Ashley?  I'm kinda thinking a flower.  Once new a guy that had a tattoo of tinkerbell... i wondered about him, had a carebare poster too.



I had a huge write up done, it was actually a rather nice guide to getting tattoos.  But once again my internet failed me and I don't have the time to write it up again :(  So I will rewrite the highlights.

Look at tattoo mags to get a good idea of good quality work.  Ask Friends where they got there's done if you like the work.  Check for tattooing licenses and health code compliance.  Have them open the sterile package in front of you if you are paranoid about getting diseases.  Small stuff doesn't take that long and after it's done it just feels like a sunburn.  Have an idea of what you want before you go in.  And be brave, there are much more painful things that can happen to you ;)  Oh yea one more thing, most experienced artists have portfolio's or  photo albums you can browse to see the caliber of their work.

If anybody wants more advice or info just let me know and I would be happy to lay out all the "dirty" details :)  I love tattoos and I don't regret any of them.  I'm not good enough at drawing to be a tattoo artist but I have been around it for a few years now and believe I have a fairly accurate grasp on how everything works.  One more thing to go to conventions for :) just need to have my schedule to coincide with one.



What are your thoughts on temporary hena tattoos?

Not as colorful but for the part time CD these are a thought!!

What say you gals?



Quote from: Ashley Michelle on July 29, 2007, 03:18:43 PM
i'd like to get more of a girly one, maybe on my ankle
I just got a butterfly tattoo on my ankle last Saturday.  It's maybe 2"x2".  I had it done by the same guy who did my fairy tattoo before and it only cost me $40 for the butterfly. :)


Hey girls, I was just thinking. Have any of you considered permanent makeup.I was just going by a place yesterday and I went in and inquired and for about $300.00 I can get my eyes lined nicely and never have to worry about lining them again. Should make my life a little easier.

Gina  :icon_dance:


A friend of mine's teacher in high school had permanent makeup done all over her face. She said that she had no intention of ever doing her makeup differently, so why not?

Kind of scary, but a definite plus. Wake up beautiful, look like a model even while swimming!


Wow! That's really going to the extreme with getting her whole face done, but unfortunately she'd have to limit herself to certain things if you know what I mean. Personaly I like the option of alternating colors due to my moods. But like you said Autumn, the only advantage of having your whole face down is that you'll always look beautiful.

Gina  :icon_dance:


I have two tattoos and want more.. however one that I have (a star on the inside of my left wrist) is a tad "girly" I am thinking of getting something around it to butch it up. It was my first tattoo and a sort of "Ill have that one" desision which I dont really regret.

I like tattoos and I am defiently getting more!



Hey Jaston, here's an idea for you. If the star isn't that big, than maybe you could choose a tattoo that you could have done over the star tattoo. A friend had the USMC on his shoulder and he had a big bull dog put right over top of the USMC. Grant it the bull dog does have the USMC logo underneath it, but it does look better than just the standard USMC logo. Just a thought there for you.

Gina  :icon_dance:


Quote from: Gina_Taylor on January 07, 2008, 06:41:03 AM
Hey Jaston, here's an idea for you. If the star isn't that big, than maybe you could choose a tattoo that you could have done over the star tattoo. A friend had the USMC on his shoulder and he had a big bull dog put right over top of the USMC. Grant it the bull dog does have the USMC logo underneath it, but it does look better than just the standard USMC logo. Just a thought there for you.

Gina  :icon_dance:

Thanks Gina I will probably get something added to it instead... not sure yet but thanks for the idea ;D



I hear about this a lot in case anyone is trying to get rid of them.


No problem Jay. (I like the abreviation) You could go for a ring of butterflies around the star, just to soften the star. I've heard of that product Skye, and I had considered ordering it when my ex girlfriend had told me that one of the reasons she didn't want to introduce me to her parents was becasue of my tattoos and earrings, but that was just a lie. She had no intentions of introducing me to them, but that's another story.

Gina  :icon_dance:


Quote from: Gina_Taylor on January 08, 2008, 06:28:47 AM
No problem Jay. (I like the abreviation) You could go for a ring of butterflies around the star, just to soften the star.
Gina  :icon_dance:

I dont think that would help me much with passing and everything. lol

Have you got sleeves then or just quite large tattoos?



Hey Jay,

Sorry that the ring of butterflies wouldn't help. Maybe you'd have to go with Skye's idea.

The largest tattoo I have is on my right thigh, and it's about seven inches long, all my others which are on my left and right biceps are three inches by two inches and they are of a skull with cross bones, a heart with horns and a devils tail  and a butterfly.

Hope this gives you an idea of what I have

Gina  :icon_dance:


Thanks Gina,

I like the sound of your tattoos you will have to upload a pic! he he!




i love tattoos, i have angel wings on the upper and middle of my back, i want these extended down finishing on my waist line and i have a barcode on the back of my neck but this is hidden by hair

i also have a splodge an my finger, a young drunk mistake, i might have it removed someday but it dosent really bother me.

is anybody into piercings? at one point i had my lip done 3 times, both eyebrows, ears, tongue and nose, at the moment i only have my nipples 3 times, tongue, one eyebrow and ears



Hey Jay, sorry for the delay, but one of these days I'll get some pitures done of my tattoos and I'll get them posted.

Sounds like you've had a lot inking done Sarah. I've often wondered why get wings put on your back if no one can ever see them unless you're wearing a bikini or something revealing like that. Now I realize that most people just do tattoos for tehmsleves, but when I did my tattoos I just wasn't doing them for myself, but I wanted others to see them as well. Just my opinion. I've had my belly button pierecd twice, but both times the pirceer went too shallow and they fell out within months. Thinking about getting my nipples done.

Gina  :icon_dance:
