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How to lose weight without losing my "softness?"

Started by mtfbuckeye, November 13, 2008, 05:06:39 PM

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Alright, first my measurements:

250 pounds
42 inch waist
...and yes, unfortunately a gut.

I haven't started HRT yet, so I'm looking to figure out a weight loss/exercise plan that will result in the best "canvas" for hormones to do their work. I should also say that I'm not aiming to be a skinny supermodel.. I have no problem being curvy and voluptuous (in fact, I'd prefer that), as long as my body looks FEMALE.

However, I know that my weight could create health problems down the road, so while I'm not looking to get bony, I know I should be fitter before I start HRT. I also want to lose weight without building much muscle, obviously.

I have access to my school's fitness center for a couple more months, and I also have Wii Fit, which I haven't used in months but could easily dust off.

What do y'all think? :)


I think you should just uncomplicatedly aim to get fit and eat healthy. The hormones will take care of the rest.

Almost any exersise is going to be good. Just avoid using heavy weights. Yoga and palates can help you create a much more leaner form with longer leaner muscles.

I've heard anacdotally that weight does not shift when on hormones so much as new weight will go to more fem places. So it helps to lose what you have, then when you gain it back it will tend to be in more appropriate places. I don't know if this is true or not but it sounds plausable. Anyone have a take on this?


sorry, i really don't know. the girls on E will know.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


unless you blessed with great metablism or really watch your intact your have to exercise alot more.

Welcome to womanhood :P


Ok, you want to lose weight while not building any more muscle. I say any more, because once you start losing weight, the muscles will start to show themselves more.

I don't know why people don't know this already but, there are two steps to losing weight.

1) Diet....and

2) ...Exercise

To lose weight you will have to change your diet so that you are burning more calories than you take in per day. Stop drinking soda if you do. Don't eat sugary foods. Cutting out sugar alone should make a big difference. Oh yea, no more alcohol either.

You want to be doing cardiovascular exercises because they will help you burn more calories, become healthier, and shave off weight without building a lot of muscle. Walking, Running, Swimming, Jumping Jacks, Skip rope, etc. Always stretch your muscles before a work-out.

On a side note, some girls have muscles. It's not a bad thing to have. 


Quote from: Nicky on November 13, 2008, 05:22:04 PM

I've heard anecdotally that weight does not shift when on hormones so much as new weight will go to more fem places. So it helps to lose what you have, then when you gain it back it will tend to be in more appropriate places. I don't know if this is true or not but it sounds plausable. Anyone have a take on this?

It's true. The weight doesn't "shift" at all. The places weight goes in future does shift. But a beer belly doesn't become a bubble-butt. And weight-loss is a devil after a year or so on hormones.

Kristen has made excellent points.
