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favortism... how has it impacted your life? what is your stance?

Started by Natasha, January 25, 2008, 07:37:17 AM

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favoritism has affected my life in many ways and I have seen shades of it at work, in school, everywhere, so obviously this is an epidemic... i want to know how you all deal with it, and how you think it affects the targets of it... any other comments as well.


Quote from: Natasha on January 25, 2008, 07:37:17 AM
favoritism has affected my life in many ways and I have seen shades of it at work, in school, everywhere, so obviously this is an epidemic... i want to know how you all deal with it, and how you think it affects the targets of it... any other comments as well.

Well what do you mean by favoritism?
Like say at work?

I mean, if someone is your boss, and they get along with me better than say the other person, they are more likely to keep me arround than someone who they don't like.

I think it is helpful in certain areas and not in others.

Like politics. I don't think it is helpful to put in say supreme court judges on the basis of whether they are ones buddies or business partners.

I do think it is helpful when one is forming a business to choose people one likes and not who one doesn't as working toghether depends a lot on personality type compatibiltiy.

The other person may be just as qualified by resume, but if thier personality type does not mesh well with the types of the rest of those who are already there, then it is bound to not work out.

However, I also don't think someone should not be promoted because they are a woman or trans or whatever.

So it depends.
that's what I think.


I'm kind of all in favor of it.  First of all, what looks like a special deal to some, is often special skills, or things that fit better.  And yeah sure, in a perfect world it would be all skills, but that does lead to a problem of what skills.  Many people have the technical stuff down pat, but lack qualities that endure them to other humans.  And, in a lot of positions, the second is often more important than the first.  As are, on occasion, looks, presentation, communication, or even grace under pressure.

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